50 Snow Puns That Will Melt Your Cold Heart

What did the snowman order at Wendy’s? A Frosty.


There is’snow reason to wait to read these snow puns.

It doesn’t matter if the sun is beaming down on you and sweat is pouring from your back. You don’t have to wait until winter to enjoy these snow puns:

1. What time is it when little white flakes fall past the classroom window?

Snow and Tell.

2. What is a mountains favorite type of candy?

Snow caps.

3. What is it called when a snowman has a temper tantrum?

A meltdown!

4. What do you call a snowman with a six pack?

An abdominal snowman.

5. What do you call a snowman that tells tall tales?

A snow-fake!

6. What do you call a snowman party?

A snowball.

7. What did the snowman eat?

Icebergs with chilli sauce.

8. What did the snowman and his wife put over their baby’s crib?

A snowmobile!

9. What do Snowmen call their offspring?


10. How do you find Will Smith in the snow?

You look for Fresh Prints!

11. Today isn’t the day to be making jokes about the weather.

It’s snow joke.

12. Why didn’t Guns N Roses turn up for the gig when it was snowing?

Axel Froze.

13. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?

Frost bite.

14. What do you call an old snowman?


15. What sort of cakes do snowmen like?

The ones with thick icing!

16. What do you call a snowman on rollerblades?

A snowmobile.

17. What is the favorite Mexican food of snowman?

Brrrr – itos.

18. What kind of money snowmen use in the North Pole?

Cold cash!

19. What did the snowman order at Wendy’s?

A Frosty.

20. What happened when the snowgirl had a fight with the snowboy?

She gave him the cold shoulder.

21. What sort of ball doesn’t bounce?

A snowball!

22. What do you call an Eskimo cow?

An Eskimoo!

23. How do Eskimos make their beds?

With sheets of ice and blankets of snow.

24. What do you call a slow skier?

A slopepoke!

25. What type of diet did the snowman go on?

The Meltdown Diet.

26. What did the snowman order at the fast food restaurant?

An ice burger extra cheese.

27. What’s a good winter tip?

Never catch snowflakes on your tongue until all the birds have flown south for the winter.

28. What can you catch in the winter with your eyes closed?

A cold.

29. What do snowmen do on Christmas?

Play with the snow angels.

30. How does a penguin build a house?

Igloos it together.

31. What did one snowman say to the other snowman?

Do you smell carrots?

32. Why did the boy keep his trumpet in the freezer?

Because he liked cool music.

33. If the sun shines while it’s snowing, what should you look for?


34. Why are we only concerned about snowmen not snowwomen?

Because only men are stupid enough to stand out in the snow without a coat.

35. How would you scare a snowman?

Get a hairdryer!

36. What do you get from sitting on the snow too long?


37. How does a Snowman get to work?

By icicle.

38. How one snowman greets the other one?

Ice to meet you.

39. What do snowmen eat for breakfast?

Frosted Flakes.

40. What do snowmen wear on their heads?

Ice caps

41. What do you call a snowman in the summer?

A Puddle

42. What do you call ten Arctic hares hopping backwards through the snow together?

A receding hare line.

43. Where does a snowman keep his money?

In a snow bank.

44. What do you call a gangsta snowman?


45. What’s an ig?

A snow house without a loo!

46. How do you know if there’s a snowman in your bed?

You wake up wet!

47. How do you keep the snow from giving you cold feet?

Don’t go around BRRfooted!

48. Why did Frosty the snowman want a divorce?

Because he thought his wife was a flake.

49. If you live in an igloo made of snow, what’s the worst thing about global warming?

No privacy!

50. What do snowmen eat for lunch?


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