

Streaming Guide

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Thought Catalog Books


8+ Rom Com Unlikely Couples Who Won Our Hearts

These unlikely rom com couples shouldn’t have worked, and yet… There are the beautiful couples that you see on screen and think, “Of course.” They go together like peanut butter and chocolate, like tortilla chips and seven-layer dip.

30 Years Later, This Is Where ‘The Crow’ Cast Are Now

It’s time to appreciate everything that made the original The Crow so special, especially its stellar cast. Where are they now? In May 1994, The Crow soared into theaters and the hearts of the audience around the world.

5 Movies Where The Main Character Was The Villian

“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” Protagonist versus antagonist. Hero versus villain. It’s a tale as old as time, and the basic schematic of every story.

7 Canceled Shows That Deserve Another Chance

Every year, a new crop of TV shows shuffles off this mortal coil and slips away into streaming heaven, doomed to buffer forever. Sometimes we prepare for their deaths; other times, the shows die in shocking fashion.

The 10 Best David Cronenberg Horror Films, Ranked

Blood-sucking armpit tentacles, oozing flesh, gnarly orifices, head bursting, psychokinetic powers, sexual urges, and bubbling pus—ranked on this list are David Cronenberg’s 10 best horror films.

TC Writers


Issue 10

Summer 2024

Issue 09

Spring 2024

Issue 08

Winter 2024

Issue 07

December 2023

Issue 06

November 2023
