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Thought Catalog
10 Lies Disney Told Me
In order to bag a Princess/live happily ever after/be a hero, princes have to be: ripped, two weeks away from coming into their inheritance, live in a castle, and have…
How To Go Vegan Without Wanting To Kill Yourself
Clearly, your parents have been telling you to eat your vegetables your entire life — there is no way a (well-thought out) plant-based diet can be bad for you. But…
I Have ASMR, Do You?
But let’s be honest — it’s kind of weird. Most ASMR-ers are in the closet about this, because how in the world would you interject it into a conversation?
Why You Should Start Smoking
People romanticize the past all out of proportion, but the past can still be our lives. Taking up smoking will help teach you this: for smoking is an attempt to…
Why Lipstick Lesbians Have To Keep Coming Out Of The Closet
I’m where I’m meant to be now, but I hate that I believed I had to present myself differently in order for others to believe that I’m queer. I hate…
A Thank You To Real Friends
Getting a beer with someone after work hours is something you propose because it seems appropriate, because it’s simply what you do. So what if the conversation’s tedious? So what…
5 Ways To Reduce Your Self-Loathing
Wouldn’t it be totally annoying to have a conversation with someone who would rather bellyache for hours than devote the same amount of time to addressing these issues? Yeah. That…
The Thinking Woman’s Guide To Threesomes
Threesomes are so magical based on the fact that they’re simultaneously in a completely different league than one-on-one sex (all those extra body parts are a real game-changer), and they’re…
I Want To Know You
People with kind hearts make me feel dirty. Like I need to give my personality a bath or something. Rub it clean of my neuroses and judgments. But that’s a…
Some Notes On Testing Positive
I mean, I’m pretty much the picture of sexual health unless, I dunno, maybe I get drunk or kind of high and she has good eye makeup and it’s a…
50 Special Skills And Talents Omitted From My Resumé
1. Hardly sounds like he’s from Boston at all. 2. Willing to be big spoon or little spoon. 3. Has a terrific family recipe for brownies.
Why Being In Your 20s Is Awesome
I want to remember the fear, I want to remember the promise, I want to remember the nights I wanted to curl up in a ball, I want to remember…
Things You Learn After Your First Heartbreak
You learn that the person who once protected you from all harm could one day become the harm. They could become the thing they spent so much time shielding you…
Why Name-Calling Is Despicable
Calling someone a name is a lazy person’s resource. It takes away all of their collected knowledge, their education and their manners, putting them in the same class as barbarian…
What To Do When An Indian Answers Your Tech Support Call
It’s weird — even foreign people who work their asses off 12-14 hours a day to help support their families (and extended families) expect some modicum of respect and decency…
8 Things That Will Ruin Your Day
There are few things worse than realizing, the second it’s too late to go back and change, that your outfit looks like something your grandmother would have dressed you in…
How To Have The Best Weekend Of Your Young Adult Life
Sleep over at your friend’s house. Normally you hate sleeping in someone else’s bed but it feels right this time. You wake up next to your best friend feeling so…
The 8 Gayest Songs To Ever Exist
When I first heard this song, I thought to myself “This is so dumb. WTF?” Then I began to involuntarily move my body back and forth and before I knew…
Things You Have To Stop Doing Once You Get Into A Relationship
You can’t fart when you’re dating someone. Sometimes the relationship will actually just feel like one long held in fart since that’s all you’ll ever be doing. We spend 95%…
How Do People Afford To Be Hipsters?
I mean, let’s be honest, out of a hundred hipsters that refer to themselves as “photographers” and have Tumblrs full of pictures of homeless peoples’ shoes, a maximum of three…
MTV Shows That Didn't Suck
Before Teen Mom, before My Super Sweet 16, there was Engaged and Underage: the perfect program to watch with your parents when you needed to convince them that cutting school…
Agatha Christie's Top 10 Racist Moments
Recently, I have worked my way back through my (embarrassingly complete) Christie collection, and Ohmygod guess what? Agatha Christie was a huge racist!
A Few Ways To Say "I Love You"
Show it by taking action, by picking up the phone and calling someone when texting or e-mailing or ignoring them altogether is easiest. Call your friend when you hear of…
How To Tell If Somebody Has A Crush On You
Someone really likes you if they sleep with your best friend. Don’t you know it just means they’re trying to get closer to you? I would suggest going up to…
I Went On A Three Day Juice Fast And Failed Miserably!
I’m not gonna lie. The first day was a damn nightmare. I felt woozy and had a headache. Most importantly, I WAS STARVING. I looked at all of Ritual Cleanse’s…
How To Be Single
You’re bored. All of the pieces of your life puzzle have come together except for That One. The most important one. Or maybe it just seems like the most important…
Things You Won't Do With Your Next Boyfriend
You will not call him ‘snooks’ or ‘snuggles’ or ‘scruffs’ or ‘stinky,’ you will not call him ‘bear’ or ‘boo’ because these names belonged to his predecessor, these names belonged…
Common Pitfalls To Avoid On Craigslist Personals
Some of us are here looking for love. Some of us are here looking for sex. Some of us are here looking for a simple date, a way to pass…
The Various Degrees Of Being "Over" Your Ex
You don’t love the idea of them moving on, but you’ve started talking about how miserable their next significant other will be as opposed to thinking you’re going to get…
The 10 Worst Rap Lyrics Of All Time
Here, in no particular order, the wordsmiths and their craft that should probably not get their rapper license renewed this year.
Why You Can't Make Your Ex Fall In Love With You Again
You learn a lot about people and their ability to disengage when you get your heartbroken. But I would venture to say that you learn even more when you break…
The Terrifying Reality Of Asthma
As Shadid was about to meet his end via a seizure of the breathing passages, I was rummaging through various bar couches and lost-and-found bins, hoping someone, somewhere, had found…
How To Ruin Your Life In 14 Minutes
In today’s world, thanks to YouTube and Internet search engines, their remarks will be remembered by thousands if not millions of people for the rest of their lives — and…
The First Time You See Your Ex After The Breakup
Wow, oh wow, isn’t it weird when someone is your everything and then becomes a nothing? Shocker. Electrocuted. To be fair, you knew what you were getting yourself into when…
Getting Screwed Over By Someone You Love
I don’t mean to paint a bleak picture of humanity. Just because someone screws you over doesn’t mean the whole world is out to get you. Adopting a hard shell…
Losing A Best Friend
It’s a specific kind of loneliness that hits you like a wave of nausea. When the two of you are having a beer and you realize that you have both…
No Wonder The Kids Today Are So Anxious
The social web is a kind of always on camera, ceaselessly capturing text and image — capturing imprints of ourselves — our likes and dislikes, the pages we view and…
Good Sex Versus Bad Sex
Bad sex doesn’t become Bad Sex until you’ve actually had good sex. In fact, you could live your entire life thinking you were having the most mind-blowing sex until you…
Things I Learned When I Was Taking A Lot Of Drugs
Roxicodone (Roxy, for short) comes in tiny blue pills. So tiny, in fact, that I would often lose them in my room and not find it until weeks later. Misplacing…
104 Ways To Break The Ice
So I’ve never once had a relationship begin with something grand and romantic, like I came to expect from the movies, and I figured the same was true for most…
Do Not Send This Text
Listen, I want you to truly appreciate my sustained effort to pretend to be a reasonable human being. I’ve gone days without texting you, multiple days without texting you, three…
The 5 Most Important Pieces Of Relationship Advice
Don’t ever forget that the relationship you’re in is one you’ve chosen to be in, one that defines part of your life, for a week or a month, ten years,…
Happy Valentine's Day To My Best Friend
What we have — what we have always had — that is love.
14 Reasons I Know It's Not Going To Work Out With Him
He has really nice abs. But I only know because he’s shirtless in four of his seven profile pictures.
10 Reasons Not To Go Out This Weekend
This weekend, when one of your friends texts you with promises of glory, of true love, and the possibility of dollar domestics — you say no. You say no, you…
5 Embarrassing Social Blunders You Have Maybe Made
Sometimes, when in situations like these, you find yourself in a conversation where the rules are that you have to keep making up these clever little witticisms to stay in…
My Stint Working At A Massage Parlor
The listing didn’t have an exorbitant number of exclamation points or asterisks, which was a pretty good sign. I mean, it wasn’t my first choice. But when you have no…
The Joy Of Thinking (Differently)
The universe becomes uncanny at its core, always shifting and realigning depending on how you look at it.
6 Ways To Win Over Your Muslim Mother-In-Law
As confident and crisp as this how-to title sounds, what I impart below is not boastful advice based on personal success, but rather lessons learned from a less than stellar…
Slut-Shaming In Advertising (But Not Really)
The art director didn’t invent a negative connotation for this ad, your brain did. Take responsibility for that, if you’re upset about what you’re seeing.