Maddison Jensen

Articles by
Maddison Jensen
Every Visionary Started With A Dream
See this posh scarf and these sunglasses? They come from the future as well.
23 Quotes From Authors That Will Persuade You To Love Again
I fell in love with you again; While you were away.
This Is My Love Letter
In your most beautiful moments, in between the minutes of dawn, when the sun rises over you and illuminates the curves of your skin in soft gold hues and glimmers.
30 Quotes From The Hunger Games: Catching Fire That Will Make You Think
Primrose Everdeen: Since the last games, something is different. I can see it. Katniss Everdeen: What can you see? Primrose Everdeen: Hope. You know, you could live a thousand lifetimes and not deserve him.
What A Girl Wants You To Think (In Case You Were Wondering About The Infrastructure Of The Female Mind)
A girl wants what she wants when she wants it.
6 Irritating Things Insecure People Do
To put others down in an attempt to gain attention, validation, or happiness shows how jealous you are of what they have.
40 Dating Tips I Gathered After Reading Ellen Fein’s The Rules
8. End call first after 15 minutes ALWAYS. (even though it sucks. He will call you more.)