Charlie Shaw

Articles by
Charlie Shaw
18 People Share The One Crushing Secret They’re Keeping From Their Significant Other
“I don’t plan on asking my girlfriend to marry me. I know she wants it, but I like how we are right now.”
31 Police Officers Reveal The Most Unbelievable Arrest They’ve Ever Had To Make
“Working the night shift when a job came up that there was a woman, naked, riding a horse while directing traffic at an intersection.”
38 People Share The Biggest “WTF?!” Moment In Their Dating History
“I once went on a date with a guy who told me, while being seated at a restaurant, that there is nothing more disgusting than seeing a woman put food into her mouth.”
31 Reality TV Show Contestants And Producers Answer: “How Much Of The Show Is Actually Scripted?”
A girl in my school was on Super Sweet 16. Someone got paid by a cameraman to knock over the cake.
35 People Reveal Their True Life Stories That No One Will Believe
I was in a plane crash, into the ocean. I swam more than 20 miles, to shore, alone in the dark to get help for the other survivors in the plane.
41 People Share Their “Crazy Ex” Stories That Will Blow Your Mind
“Had an ex cut the brake lines on my truck. Was on my way home from school when all the sudden the pedal sank to the floor.”
36 Guys Share Their Biggest Turn-Offs In A Single Girl’s Apartment
iPod on shuffle and 1 out of every 3 songs is a track from a Dane Cook stand up CD.
36 Ex-Cons And Prison Guards Share Their Craziest, Most Unbelievable Stories From Prison
The story that sticks out in my mind was one about an HIV positive prisoner who put his blood on arrows that were shot at the guards. The bow and arrows were made out of newspapers that were petrified with toilet water.
30 Hiring Managers Share Some Words Of Advice About Your Resume And Cover Letter When Applying To A Job
Don’t add your photo to your resume. I go through 1000’s of resumes and you’d be surprised how many people do this.
30 People Share Their One Secret That, If Let Out, Would Ruin Their Lives Forever
I’m a gigolo for grandmas. Some as old as 90, none younger than 65. I’ve got $2 million in a bank from grandmas leaving me money in their wills.
34 People Share Their Painfully Awkward Student-Teacher Encounters
Had and erection in 9th grade biology. Teach thought it was my phone and grabbed it.
33 Men Share The One Question They’ve Always Wanted To Ask A Lady, But Were Too Afraid To Ask
“When you look at me a bunch of times but never when I look back, what does that mean exactly?”
33 Guys Answer: “What Can You Tell Women To Help Them Better Understand You?”
“No matter how hard you try, you will never be ‘one of the guys,’ so don’t take it personally if you don’t get invited to some things.”
28 People Share Their Harrowing Experiences With A Cult
I joined one when I was a teen. I raised a large family in it. It was one of those traps that once you’re in you just can’t get out without chewing your leg off. After a lifetime in it, as in most cults, my family began to be attacked. As a mother I couldn’t stand by and watch.
32 Airport Workers Reveal The Weirdest Thing They’ve Witnessed Someone Try To Take Through Security
Cremated cat inside a leather satchel, inside the vagina of an extremely obese woman. Cremated in her fireplace, still had some fur and bones. Kid you not.
32 Managers Share The Most Ridiculous-Sounding Excuses Employees Gave That Turned Out To Be True
“I can’t come in because my dad hasn’t washed my uniform.”
He came in the next day with a note from his dad. He was 21. Then fired.
30 Construction Workers Of Reddit Share Their Stories Of Building Secret Rooms And Hidden Compartments For Clients
Never built one, but I did find one in a house I was doing some plumbing work in once. This was an expensive condo, and they had a secret office that had a secret one-way mirror looking into the GUEST SHOWER.
30 People Share Their Childhood Teacher Horror Stories
My second grade teacher told me I was adopted. I was and did not know it up until then.