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Thought Catalog
If Twitter Bios Told The Truth
“I work in marketing and it’s taking over my life, I don’t know how turn it off, seriously, someone send help.”
Why You Must Follow Your Dreams
You need to pretend that you know what you’re doing until you actually do. The only way anyone learns anything is by pretending that they knew how to do it…
32 Embarrassing Things You’ll Do When You Live Alone
Grabbing things with your toes and transferring them to your hands instead of bending down to pick them up.
Top 10 Signs You’re An Adult
You don’t give a monkey what people think about your tastes. You have no idea what the hot new bands are and you just don’t care.
On Being Sodomized
The sodomy was clinical in nature, and thus concede to using the word with liberty.
25 Social Rules I Learned The Hard Way
When you tell somebody that they “look good today,” it’s important to realize that the more astonished you appear, the less of a compliment it becomes.
The Kinds Of People You Really Need To Stop Dating
You need to stop handing out your heart like it’s free candy at the movies. It’s not. Your heart is the price of a Chanel store or, at the very…
Honest Facebook Photo Captions
“Of course I didn’t notice that you resemble the Elephant Man in my profile picture; I was distracted by how thin I look.”
6 Things That Are Not Worth Your Jealousy
Let’s talk about life here for a second. Spoiler alert: tons of people are going to have more money than you.
30 Awesome Songs That Feature Numbers In Their Title
If you don’t like Bob Marley & The Wailers, or this song, then I don’t like you. That is all.
Kind Of, Sort Of Dating, Maybe?
Are we supposed to be dating? Or are we more like good friends? Special buddies? No, not special buddies, that just sounds awkward. Hmm, maybe this is just about hooking…
I Will Always Care Too Much
There is a deep cultural premium put on the “cool” of indifference in my generation, and it’s a persona that I doubt I could ever even fake. Because I do…
10 First Date Deal Breakers
I know we met on Grindr and all, but can you at least wait until the date is over before you open it back up? Sheesh.
I’ll Never Be Good Enough For You
I will never be the person you want. Not really. I can be a shadow of that person, striving really hard to actually get there. But I never will.
How Do You Handle A Long Distance Relationship?
You can visit each other, you can Skype, you can do small things that make you feel connected to each other’s lives, but even those can sometimes seem like paltry…
Inner Monologue Of A Person Giving A Blow Job
Seriously, I hope he’s prepared to offer me workers’ comp because if he doesn’t come soon, I’m gonna have to take medical leave from penis-related activity.
5 Sex Moves Every 20-Something Should Know About
If you’re going to take a stranger home for sex, you must know how to get them out of your apartment the morning after. No one likes a one night…
20 People You Will Meet In Your 20s
Whatever this person is doing with their life, you no longer have the balls to do it. They’re quitting their job on a whim to go backpack through Asia. They’re…
19 Things To Do When You Stay Up Until 5 A.M.
Sign up for a free trial of something that you’ll forget to cancel, thus earning yourself a full-blown membership.
5 Things Only You Are Judging About Yourself
When I have nasty acne, I tell myself that the people that love me would rather have me around than not have me around because I’m hiding out over a…
32 Mistakes Not To Make While Drunk
Blogging without making the requisite announcement/tag that you are now “drunk blogging.” Everything written while drunk blogging is acceptable.
6 Things We Have To Stop Doing During Sex
Dirty talk is a privilege, not a right. I’ve had some AMAZING dirty talk moments but I’ve also had some that made my penis become suicidal. If you want to…
21 Truths About Being An Only Child
Famous only children include: FDR, Frank Sinatra, Lance Armstrong, and Elvis. Oh yeah, and some dude you may have heard of, goes by the name Jesus. You might remember him…
Just Because She Is Polite Does Not Mean She Is Flirting
Feeling the discomfort of even mild politeness being received as an open invitation to follow you down the street or insist on continuing a clearly-unwanted conversation is something you don’t…
Yeah Trick, I AM Wearing Leggings As Pants. Wanna Fight About It?
Does the shirt cover four inches of crotch/thigh area, AT LEAST? Are the leggings somehow embellished to make them more “pant-like”?
What It Feels Like To Get A Rim Job
My face was buried deep in the pillow and I remember praising the lord and clinching the sheets, which of course only made him go at it even more. When…
The 10 Best Fictional Boyfriends
Whether you like him in his clean-shaven, hopeful early days, or his scruffy, overgrown, widow-boning, depressed days, Noah is inarguably one of the greatest fictional boyfriends to ever not exist…
Short Men, Eww, They’re Genetically Deformed
Height signifies, if not biological strength, then a glow of social supremacy.
I Really Hate Alcohol
Whenever I’m in a drinking situation and somebody new finds out that I generally stay away from alcohol, the first thing they do is tilt their head, furrow their brows…
32 Ways To Make Me Fall In Love With You
Lend me your sweater with the vague-and-absolutely-correct notion that I will be keeping it.
I’m Not In Love With You Anymore
I don’t not-love you in a way that deserves a song. I just don’t. It is the most anti-climatic thing in the world, falling out of love.
How To Shop At Target In 20 Simple Steps
Come across something that you don’t need, need — but you’re convinced that you could really use (e.g. new bath towels, a Frappuccino maker, etc.). Place all of them in…
I Have Herpes And It’s Not The End Of The World
The “accepted” reason that herpes is not part of a standard screening is that unless you have an outbreak, herpes is generally harmless and it doesn’t affect your quality of…
I Am Tired Of Competing With Other Women
I know, if I am being honest with myself, that my harshest judgments and strictest standards are almost always reserved for other women, by reflex that I often cannot realize…
A Playlist Of Songs To Freak Out To
Andrew WK makes freak out songs. (He pretty much built his career off of them.) So does Japandroids. So does Titus Andronicus.
34 Ways To Get Over Someone
Don’t worry about ‘winning’ the breakup. You’re not going to become the first ballerina president astronaut unicorn by the next time they look at your Facebook, so don’t waste time…
12 Reasons You Should Never Meet Your Hero
It may be hard to believe, but “I’m your biggest fan,” is about the least impressive thing you can say to someone who hears it almost constantly — in fact,…
5 Awesome Books For People Who Hate To Read Books
The kind of books I like to read are the ones that snap, crackle, and pop off the page. They’re exciting, they’re funny, and they usually involve heroin addiction. I…
A Guide To Dating Someone Who Hates Themselves
Never take their mother’s side. Never.
16 Tips For Being Cool At Parties
If it’s BYOB, bring your own beer. If it’s a toga party, wear a toga. If it’s a search party, bring a flash light and tempered expectations.
Stop Telling That Pathetically In-Love Dude To “Just Get Over It”
Boy meets Girl. Boy likes Girl. Girl sort of likes Boy, but conceals that she’s not quite as interested because, who knows? She might be more into it one day,…
and i miss you
i cannot keep my room clean, can’t keep my headphones from tangling and my music from blasting and the pen from bleeding through the page, and the stairs from leading…
21 Questions I Have For People In Long-Term Relationships
Is it possible to be 100 percent honest all the time and not hurt the other person’s feelings?
15 Facebook Status Updates That Make Me Lose Faith In Humanity
“Sweet potato fries at Burger King they’re not that great!! Love sweet potato fries what a big disappointment!!!! Guess that’s what you get with food….”
11 Things You Should Know About Living In Boston
They’ll literally be in the middle of talking about puppies or rainbows and then they’ll turn, vitriol spewing from their gnarled mouths, yell “Yankees suck!” with a vengeance and then…
What Love Shouldn’t Feel Like
Love shouldn’t make someone feel like a bother. We shouldn’t be able to empathize with a pesky gnat at a picnic, being shooed away.
32 Things You Should Stop Caring About
What the people you don’t like post on their Facebook status (why are you even still friends with them?).
Things People Say After A Break Up
“I’m already over it.” Like “I’m an adult,” that’s one of those statements that saying out loud makes not true.
I Want To Be Your Fat Boyfriend
Look at me: I am making pancakes. I am inserting strawberry cheesecake so they will be strawberry cheesecake pancakes. I am stacking the strawberry cheesecake pancakes and covering them in…
30 Things You Should Do Right Now
Stop blaming your parents for telling you you’re special. You now know it’s a lie, but you can only blame yourself for continuing to pretend it’s true.