Noah Cicero

Articles by
Noah Cicero

I Got Rid Of Almost All Of My Psoriasis — Here’s How You Can, Too

I have something that will never go away. IT WON’T GO AWAY!!! No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, no matter how many creams I put on it, no matter how much weird shit I do to it, it will never go away. It might leave one part of my body, but it just goes to another part of my body, moving around, completely impossible to catch, I will basically be playing wack-a-mole for the rest of my life with my own skin.

10 Weird Facts About Buddhism

In Western culture we love to hate or point out all the weird things about Christianity, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Bill Maher have made life-long careers pointing out the contradictions and absurdities of Christianity.