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Thought Catalog
Not Every Girl Is A Princess And That’s Fine
The sad truth is that even if we were to invest all of our time and resources into making ourselves look like somebody else, most of us would not succeed…
The 41 Greatest Andy Warhol Quotes
Don’t pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.
How Do You Make Life-Changing Decisions?
Think about where you want to go, back out your decisions from there.
12 Dating Behaviors I’m Done With
3. Pretending to be “normal.”
Nobody Likes You When You’re 23, But That’s Probably How It Should Be
“Real Life,” despite being the name of a recent facebook album, is decidedly a thing.
9 Kinds Of Sex And What They Mean
There’s the kind you have in the morning with sleep in your eyes and lust in your veins.
7 Things You Think In A Long-Term Relationship
Will we eventually sink into the molasses of romantic stability?
When You Kill In The Name Of Love
Satanic compulsions, you say? If that’s what you call loving someone, what do you call killing?
The Flaws Of New York City
A walk home from work is a walk through the parade of Nations during the Olympics.
Why You Should End Up With Your Best Friend
But nothing could be less ordinary than someone who cares about us when it’s least convenient.
I’m Still In Love With You
I love you for a lot of reasons but I love you the most because of how insecure you are, because you don’t see all the good stuff that’s inside…
How To Be In Love With A Friend Who Doesn’t Feel The Same Way
5. Inadvertently ruin every relationship with everyone else because of him.
How To Deal With Burnout
It’s the body’s way of saying, “Whoops! Time is up. You need to make a change.”
How To Start Your Own Religion
The best thing about being a young adult right now is that you, more than any previous generation, have the freedom and the resources to create your own religion. So,…
Nobody Else Can Heal You
If your peace and acceptance is contingent on someone else, and if your hope is external, you do not really have any of those things.
25 Facts About Turning 25 That Will Make You Feel Weird
Stephen Hawking published A Brief History of Time, which means your entire lifetime is excluded from his history of time.
Being Alone Is Powerful, And Other Truths
The more you don’t wear makeup, the better you look without it.
7 Stupid Things People Will Say To You When You’re Unemployed
“Why don’t you just take an internship?”
Things Girls Say To Each Other In the Bathroom
Do I look fat? I feel large and in charge.
7 Things Every Woman Should Accomplish In Her 20s
But being able to say “No, I deserve better than this,” and moving on to actually find something that is, is crucial to finding out what it is you really…
Why I Am Not A Christian
It wasn’t till sophomore year, after a conference over Christmas break, that I started to truly give my life to God.
How I Know I Am Getting Older
But mostly, I’m content. I’m just…feeling really OK with myself, and if that’s what getting older is all about, then bring it on.
‘Game Of Thrones’ Women, Ranked By Hotness (This Time With GIFs)
Presented, again, without comment, but this time with GIFs.
25 Things You Didn’t Know About ‘The Great Gatsby’
At the time of his death in 1940, Fitzgerald claimed to have made just $4,000 off the novel.
Things I’m Learning About Being In A Relationship For The First Time
Here I am, trying out the couple thing, which I can only compare to learning a foreign language as an adult: when you’re young, the knowledge seems to seep in…
Ranting About My Problems With ‘The Great Gatsby’ On The Train: It’s All Jay-Z’s Fault
Who approved of Fergie?
8 Signs You Are Actually A Cat
It’s magical. You are radiating your usual stink lines of reservation and judgment, when all of a sudden someone even passingly mention something that sounds like a food, and you…
The 25 Things That Will Make You Happy At 25
10. Being young enough to still experience things for the first time.
Abercrombie & Fitch, Cool Kids, And The Homeless
Unfortunately, while our culture claims to not like bullies, our consumer practices show otherwise.
20 Little, Beautiful Things
9. Running to greet someone you love at the train station.
30 Quotes About Love, For People With Too Many Feelings
“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.”
All The Straight Guys I’ve Ever Slept With
Everyone thinks gay guys pursue straight guys, trying to “make” them gay. But let me tell you, I don’t pursue straight guys like that. Sometimes, it’s the straight guys who…
8 Signs You’re A Book Person
You’re only reading this post because you left your current book at home, or you’re in between books and haven’t yet decided what to dive into next.
The 6 Best Places To Meet Hot Guys
The Morning Commute Hottie is a quiet one, categorized only by his choice of newspaper for his daily read. Is he more of a Wall Street Journal bro, or a…
7 Things We Shouldn’t Be Ashamed Of Anymore
People have cellulite, they have stretch marks, they have birthmarks, they have rolls and bumps and dimples and wrinkles. And those are all perfect bodies, because they do their job…
The 10 Different Types Of Exes There Are
They come in all shapes and sizes, colors and heights, mental and physical states. When the arguments have ceased and the harsh words have settled, your once coveted significant other…
Date A Boy Who Travels
Date a boy who travels. Date a boy who treasures experience over toys, a hand-woven bracelet over a Rolex.
5 Facebook Photos That Have Got To Stop
Whenever I use Facebook on my phone I’m always so terrified of “the wrong” photos getting uploaded and basically ruining my life from there.
How to Deal With Crappy People
Most people are pretty crappy. But not all. And even the ones who are no good and not worthy of your time need a system for you to use so…
6 Rules For Turning 25
Make sure that you understand that love cannot be willed into existence.
When Someone Tells You They Aren’t Attracted To You
However, being young and immature it wasn’t good enough for me to have a mutually not very fun experience. I texted him after the date and asked what had happened,…
Things To Consider Before You Leave Them
Love is not difficult, it’s the other crap that gets in the way that is. You have to be able to identify the difference if you want to figure out…
50 Greatest Quotes About New York City
Practically everybody in New York has half a mind to write a book — and does. – Groucho Marx
16 Reasons He’s Not Asking You Out
9. Sometimes you run away when you see him because that just seems like the most natural response to being in the same room as someone you like.
How To Date Emotionally Stable And Amazing Women
The fact remains, if all of your relationships end in psychological ruin, then that says more about you and less about the entire female population. Your sample size sucks. And your ability…
11 Pick-Up Lines You Can Use On Your Crush Today
7. You’re single. I’m single. Coincidence? I think not.
20 Things Single People Shouldn’t Have To Justify To Anyone
4. How often you date.