James Altucher

James Altucher is the author of the bestselling book Choose Yourself, editor at The Altucher Report and host of the popular podcast, The James Altucher Show, which takes you beyond business and entrepreneurship by exploring what it means to be human and achieve well-being in a world that is increasingly complicated.
Articles by
James Altucher
The #1 Factor To Being Happy In 2025 (And For The Rest Of Your Life)
“One day you will realize that happiness is not what your house looks like, but how you love the people within its walls.” ― Brianna Wiest, The Pivot Year The other day I woke up angry.
Everything You Need To Know About Cyber-Hacking And The Russian Election Hacks
The reality is: we were hacked more than will ever be revealed. And the hacking will cause damage.
Regrets Of The Living And Regrets Of The Dying
If I had a time machine would I go back in time? I’m not sure. It’s ok to feel regret sometimes.
Do You Make Fear Decisions Or Growth Decisions?
A growth-based decision becomes the story of your life later. A fear-based decision turns into regret.
The Best Way To Start Writing A Book
Because it’s hard to sit there and write a book. Really really hard. Someone should write a book how hard it is.
What To Read When Life Gets Tough And A Self-Help Book Just Won’t Do
All self-help is bullsh*t. It’s hard to choose yourself when an iceberg hits the Titanic.
If You Don’t Love What You’re Doing, Do Something Else
“I really wasn’t happy with myself,” he said. “I believe it was because I wasn’t my authentic self doing what I really wanted to do in my life.”
15 Essential Skills They Don’t Teach You In College
Do exactly what I tell you to do for a year and don’t go to college. And, by the way, this will be cheaper than you going to college.
A Concise List Of Things That Do Not Matter In Life
Opinions. None of your opinions matter. And all of your facts are wrong. I know a lot of things. But in any one topic there are people who know 1000x more than I do.
Do You Have Your Own Internal ‘Code’?
People have values. Geniuses and other advanced forms of life have “code.”
How To Have An Ex-Wife
Nobody in my life is more important than my children. #1 and #2. Which means my ex-wife is #3 in my life no matter what.
I Dare You To Try And Be An Extrovert Today
She said, I am an introvert but had to develop tricks to fake being an extrovert because of where I worked.
My Top Seven Rules For Life
Tony Robbins — How To Be Fulfilled: Just Ask Yourself These 2 Questions
Learn how to deal with stress. That’s the path to freedom. Not the other way around.
The Sick Truth About Gratitude Porn
Gratitude keeps him happy with the nothing he became.
10 New Reasons You Have To Quit Your Job In 2017
Jobs are not so great. And they cause a lot of suffering. And you don’t really need them. Bear with me.
Why You Should Make Time For Some Fun In Your Life
Depression, anxiety, and obesity are now at all-time highs. By rejecting our genetic calling for games.
How To Be The Stupidest Person In The Room
Walt Disney was the stupidest person in the room. He had to stand next to the smartest person in the room. A guy named Kay Kamen.