Madison Moore

Author of How To Be A Pop Star.
Articles by
Madison Moore
8 Lies We Learned From Movies
1. You Will Meet Hot People In A Bar. This, for me, is the biggest myth/lie ever told by society. Expectation: a guy/girl rolls into the bar and meets the hottest person in the room within seconds.
Frank Ocean Has Some Excellent Advice For Your Next Relationship
If this doesn’t dig into the troubles of the modern day relationship, I don’t know what does.
7 Reasons Introverts Make The Best Boyfriends
You know how you get roped into going to some house party or magazine launch or art opening or whatever but don’t really want to stay too long? Your introverted boyfriend can help!
26 People On How To Tell A Relationship Is Nearing The End
Booking tickets to see a concert 6 months from now? Nope!
10 Warning Signs You’re Settling For Less In Love
He keeps you waiting. The only reason you’re waiting is because he ain’t thinking about you. So there you sit, waiting for him to respond to a message, waiting for him to change. Waiting.
5 Reasons You Should Keep A “Sex Menu”
The guessing game of what you’re into in bed goes out the window. You can share it with people and they can either opt in or out.
11 Relationship Mistakes All Men Make
Getting bored with the routine, getting bored with the sex, feeling like your partner is just plum BORING.
20 Hilarious Gay Sex Memes That’ll Make You Laugh Your Ass Off
Gay sex is so cool, but sometimes it’s really freaking funny!
21 Signs You’re Obviously A Serial Monogamist
The sex peters out in your relationships way, waaaaay sooner than it should.
What ‘I Love You’ Really Means
He told you he loved you and then he broke your heart. But after he broke your heart he still said he loved you. What does that mean?
You Need To Stop Overthinking Everything
You know you’re an over-thinker if you read into text messages/text message intervals from crushes.
Grindr: 10 Easy Rules All Gay Guys Should Follow
Play to win!
14 Signs Your Gay Boyfriend Is A Keeper
A keeper boyfriend never takes you for granted, not because he’s afraid of losing you but because he choses you every day.
If You Want Him, Give Him A Mixtape
Sharing your musical taste really is autobiographical, and if anything, giving a guy you like a carefully curated mixtape shows how music can bring us together.
5 Things You Learn From A Good First Kiss
When there’s great chemistry you don’t even notice what you’re doing because you’re transported to this special make out place with little unicorns and where all of your dreams come true.
5 Beaches That Will Make You Want To Drop Everything
I think it’s time to take a vacation.
59 Things Everyone Has Experienced While Dating Online In 2015
When it ends — if it does — repeat 1-59. It’s back to the notification screen.
14 Struggles Only Introverts Will Understand
Feeling absent minded and just generally being “in your head” so much that often you forget to do the most basic life things.