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Thought Catalog
5 Things You Can Do To Make A Quiet Person Feel Bad
By introducing a quiet person to a group as a “quiet person,” the quiet person is instantly a) categorized without having input, perhaps ruining any chance of making their own…
Notes On Living With My Ex-Boyfriend For Eight Months
This was not how it was supposed to work. I never set out to be half of that couple you hear about. The ones that because of high rents or…
The Human Papillomavirus
When I finally broke, it was very difficult to un-break. I cried a lot. I didn’t understand why this was happening to me. I’d only had a handful of sexual…
10 Books For Depressed People
And it’s not just that the characters find themselves in depressing situation after depressing situation (well, they kind of do), it’s the fact that the scope of the novel makes…
The Curious Case Of Amanda Bynes’ Twitter
If a celebrity’s Twitter is entertaining enough, it can make them relevant again. It’s possibly one of the most powerful tools in the industry today. If you’re not starring in…
That Awkward Moment When You Realize It’s Been 2 Years And You’re Still Not Completely Over Your Ex
When I got home I threw myself across my bed, pizza still in hand. I continued to cry, louder now, and reveled momentarily in my hideous self-indulgence. I fell asleep…
10 Terrible Songs That I Love
I have really good taste in book and movies, and then when it comes to music, I just sort of give up. When I start making a mix CD for…
An Open Letter To Pimples
So here I am, an almost-26-year-old-woman sitting alone in half darkness, writing this to you with Colgate Total all over my face. I’ve been Googling and self-diagnosing, and the internet…
10 Things You Should Never Do In Front Of Your Lover While Naked
There’s nothing worse than wearing pants—nudity is a wonderful thing. But you’re at your most vulnerable when you’re naked, at the mercy of emotions and the elements, which are both…
Ten Reasons Why Someone Should Have Sex With You
You’re so bored. It’s six p.m. and there is nothing good on T.V. so you want to have sex with someone. Depending on your situation, you will either have to…
5 Things That Will Make You Miss Your Ex
Thanks to the internet, there are a myriad of different ways you can miss your ex. You can go on Facebook and lurk their life without you. Oh look, there’s…
The Unspoken Rules Of Drinking After College
After college, you’re thrusted into the real world to Find A Job and Be Self Sufficient, and in turn, you become aware that the people in this world think binge…