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Thought Catalog
Overcoming Gender Inequality In The Workplace As A Woman
Immediately after graduation, I dove headfirst into the 9 to 5 beast, knowing very little about what to expect from co-workers and office life outside of my university incubation chamber.
Hi, I Am Amy Glass
Will you insist that reality is nuanced, or demand that it is black and white?
I Fell In Love With A Married Guy And I’m Not Really Into Apologizing For It
He was married at the time, but in our moment nuptials didn’t matter. Nothing did.
The 20 Rules Of Being A Modern Gentleman
You are kind but straightforward about your intentions– you don’t leave people questioning or hanging, and you certainly don’t use people for your own selfish desires.
18 Perfect Things About The First Weeks Of Dating Someone You’re Really Into
The excruciating period of time between when you realize you’re in love with them and when you actually get the nerve to say it.
101 Things That Are More Important Than What Your Body Looks Like
It’s hard to feel like physical appearance doesn’t take precedence when it’s our chief focus.
The 9 Most Stressful Things About Grad School
The only way to escape the constant nagging of “agenda anxiety” is to have a glass of wine, or two, or three.
My Medical School Classmate Stole Human Brains From The Library, But That Wasn’t Even The Creepiest Thing He Did
It’s not every day you get to meet someone famous…
28 Signs You Were Raised In A Catholic Household
You’re still unclear on the idea of the Holy Spirit and why he has to be present at every middle school dance.
15 Reasons Cousins Make The Best Friends
Family parties are infinitely more entertaining when you have a group of you that can retreat from the holiday madness and just hang out and/or observe your hilarious relatives who…
29 People Share Their Close Encounters With Murderers
I talked to a kid from my school that got caught planning to bomb us during an assembly. It’s sad because he was a nice and smart kid.
I Always Thought Something Was Off About My Basement, But I Had No Idea How Terrifying The Truth Was
My life was perfect. Then it began.
13 Short, Creepy Stories That Will Scare The Crap Out Of You
“She developed her disposable camera film to find a roll of film with numerous pictures of her sleeping at night, on different nights.”
The Silver Lining In Failure: At Least You Had The Courage To Try
Because most people quit. Most people let the silence press them down, dim their screaming passion to a dull drone. We mustn’t let it.
20 Reasons Why Bugs Bunny Cartoons Make Life Way More Awesome
This Saturday morning cartoon marathon will throw you back to childhood so fast you just might taste cereal.
Revolutionize Your Love Life: Tell People You Like Them
Get your feelings hurt. Get your egos bruised. Get called a “creep” or whatever else people will say.
I’m Competing With An iPhone 5 For My Wife’s Attention
Before my wife acquired her iPhone 5, she and I shared a lot of moments together.
The 13 Wittiest Literary Lines You’ll Ever Read
“And she’s got brains enough for two, which is the exact quantity the girl who marries you will need.”
Information Vs. Knowledge Vs. Experience
The perfect opportunity you keep picturing in your head? That’s your ego protecting you from change — the feeling of pain and failure that is deliberate practice and experimentation.
27 Hilarious Spelling Mistakes That People On Twitter Can’t Stop Making
18 Heartbreaking Signs You Are In An Unrequited Friendship
You often use the term “bff” to describe them. They have never used those words to describe you.
10 Things You’ll Inevitably Do After Your Relationship Ends
3. Break into tears over absolutely nothing
21 Pieces Of Relationship “Advice” You Should Always Ignore
“You should settle down by [insert age here], it’s all downhill from there.”
12 Funniest Whose Line Is It Anyway? Skits Of All Time
I hope that these clips leave you laughing and nostalgic for the times you spent laughing with the family.
This Anti-Skipping School Ad Is The Most Disturbing Thing I’ve Ever Seen
Okay, a few words of warning: This “Stay In School” PSA from Australia is graphic. It is not safe for work. It is awesome.
21 Things You Didn’t Know About World War II
Coco Chanel was an active Nazi collaborator, and was even dating a high-ranking SS officer.
36 People On The Best Mistake They’ve Ever Made
On one of our first dates, my wife and I decided to go to a park in Chicago just to walk around. After we left, we realized that we were…
23 Life Lessons You Get From Having An Italian Mother
“When are you getting married?” is not a question, it is a way of life.
31 Truck Drivers Reveal Their Crazy, Bizarre And Wild Experiences On The Road
People might think it’s an easy job, but imagine being on the road for 18 hours, hauling 10 tons of whatever-it-is, without anyone to talk to, but the drone of…
7 Reasons Soccer Is More Than Just A Sport
It’s not just a ball that is kicked up and down the field.
Please Respect My Phobia
A child suffering of fear of the dark is not subject for ridicule or torment. Her parents do not follow her around the house, switching off lights. She is not…
8 Unexpected Things You Do In Your 20s That Will Make You A Good Parent One Day
We hold our friends’ hair when they throw up. We bring them food and watch Netflix with them when they’re sick. We console them when they’re disappointed. We nurture.
10 Life-Changing Things You Can Learn From Californians
If ever there was a type of human being that deserved the “Don’t worry, they’ll tell you!” punch line, a Californian would be it.
37 People Share The Worst Date They’ve Ever Been On
I went on a date once with a guy who intended to study mortuary science. He asked me how I’d feel about taking a cold bath before sex, and then…
100+ Of The Best Creepypasta Stories On The Internet
I just want to start off by saying if you want an answer at the end, prepare to be disappointed. There just isn’t one.
The Actual Signs Someone Is Being Unfaithful, From A Former Serial Cheater
If you inquire as to where they were on a certain night, why they are texting so-and-so, or any other obvious indicators that something could be happening, and they immediately…
Don’t Say That You Love Your Job, Because It’s Not The Job You Love
Even when you consider apex positions in glamor industries, a lot of the people there don’t even really love what they do.
Every Visionary Started With A Dream
See this posh scarf and these sunglasses? They come from the future as well.
27 Things Only Girls Who Are Obsessed With Their Nails Know
Snapchat was totally made for the moments when you do something new with your nails and have to show your friends like, right now right now.
10 Reasons Why Texting Is Awful For Society And Ruining It Too
Something awful has happened to teenagers and young adults everywhere.
37 Things Only Swimmers Know
8. The scent of chlorine never completely leaves your skin.
10 Signs You Should’ve Already Broken Up
5. Back when you were young and naïve (that is, seven months ago), you thought that dating someone would make you feel less lonely. Now, you’ve realized that this particular…
18 Confessions Of A Former Starbucks Barista
2. Good managers would actually be on the floor making drinks with the staff, but bad managers would hide in the back, doing what they do, and not build team…
The 9 Things You Must Eat When You’re In Maryland
Do you dream of a cake that is perfectly layered, that stays moist as hell and provides a satisfying cake-to-frosting ratio with each bite? Of course you do, that is…
6 Pieces Of Tough Love That Will Make Your Life Infinitely Better
Ask anyone who’s ever succeeded: chances are their pasts are swarming with failures. Fail, and fail often. It’s proof that you’re learning.
13 Complaints I Have About Having Big Breasts
3. They actually get in the way of you trying to do stuff, like carrying things, sleeping on your tummy and sometimes even in pilates.
UPDATED: Unbelievable Photos Of What 2 Inches Of Snow Is Doing To Atlanta Right Now
What happens when 2-inches of snow fall in the middle of the day in a city with a tragically ineffectual public transit system?
38 People Share Their Weirdest And Most Awkward Encounter With A Celebrity
A friend of mine always tells the story of his encounter with Bill Murray. Whilst walking home from a near-by Dominoes pizza back to the house, Bill Murray comes up…