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Thought Catalog
This Commercial Will Change The Way You Look At Yourself
This commercial speaks for itself.
How I Learned To Stop Being Superficial
I stopped comparing myself with others, because I finally realized that I was already the only person that I could be.
Adorable Girl Feels Rain For The First Time And Her Reaction Is Incredible
The weather is cloudy, but the grey is pierced by the giggles of this adorable babe.
Watch These Adorable, Hilarious Ladies Who’ve Been BFFs For Almost 100 Years
Two of the most desired, wonderful things most people want are a reliable, loyal best friend and a long, happy life. These two ladies seem to have found both.
Happiness, Gaining Confidence & 20-Something Life Lessons With Mike Posner
I didn’t think it could happen to me – and it wasn’t happening to me. Then Big Sean got his record deal and suddenly these things didn’t seem so farfetched.…
How Do You Tell Your Best Friend You’re In Love With Them?
There are times when you look at your friend and realize they’ve been much more all along. So what do you do?
It’s Not Fun Being The Other Woman, Either
I found myself feeling even worse than I once had when I was cheated on. I had to deal with the negativity of society and my own heartache.
5 Reasons Men Suffer Lovesickness More Than Women
A recent survey by matchmaking website Elite Singles found that men may in fact suffer lovesickness more easily and more frequently than women.
Here’s The Amazingness That Happens When You Respond To Scam, Junk Emails
You know those idiotic emails that fill your spam folder informing you of an inheritance or a business opportunity from a Nigerian Prince or a Russian Diplomat? Does anyone actually…
The Best Nights Of The Week To Go Out Drinking, Ranked
Tuesday is very much the “Angels and Airwaves” of nights out; it has a feel, you sorta get it, but not as close to what you know a night out…
16 New Rules For Tipping At Restaurants
Ask yourself “Do I think that the person taking care of me through my meal and making my experience a positive one deserves to earn a living wage?” Examine that…
The 17 And Only Reasons Why You’re Still Single
13. You constantly talk about your ex.
8 Tinder Profile Tips From A Woman
All you fine gents on Tinder, listen up! According to men, it’s more difficult to swipe a match than it is for women.
20 Signs You Were A Church Kid In The 90s
15. You had a WWJD bracelet in almost every color.
What It Feels Like To Fall Out Of Love
When you fall out of love, you take back the quiet confidence that said, I am here, I will be here, I am listening and I am with you.
Getting Fat In LA
This was not the plan. I had imagined LA to be the place where I went on daily hikes, drank cold-pressed juices and told strangers named Moonshadow that I was…
Why Do We Love The People We Can’t Have?
Love is putting your heart into something that you are uncertain about. Someone that you find rare, maybe someone you wish you were more like.
The Only 8 Professors You Have In College
The real reason anyone becomes a professor is to see how many hot tamales they can collect on Rate My Professors.
6 Signs You’re A New Jerseyan At College
Your friends call you out on your accent at least once a day.
Here’s A Fun Way To Make Some Extra Money
The way things are today, when people say they do not have the money to do something they want to do it really surprises me because there is always a…
Why It’s So Hard To Unfollow Your Ex On Social Media — And How To Do It
I suspect it wouldn’t be such an issue if Instagram actually showcased the truth; if it showed your ex vomiting over a toilet seat or lying, bloated, in the feverish…
New Study Shows That Humans Express Four Basic Emotions. Can You Guess Which?
Can you imagine what it would be like if you could only use FOUR emoticons?
8 Things The Girls That Get Ignored By Guys Don’t Know (That Other Girls Do)
1. All girls look better without makeup.
You Should Fall In Love With Someone Who Inspires You
Sometimes we need a person running alongside us, telling us we can keep going, that we can cross that finish line.
24 Signs You Went To College In NYC
Things don’t close. You are never wanting for a place to give your inebriated or starving self food at 5am.
7 Reasons Why Ron And Hermione SHOULD Have Ended Up Together
I’m not going to go so far as to venture that hormones are Dark magic — though, I mean, have you been to high school? Maybe it’s like, #dark magic — but…
Just Shut Up And Love Someone
Too often, we think of love as a bad thing – as something that kills us inside – when in reality, it’s what makes us alive.
32 People On Their Worst Online Dating Experience
A friend of mine got a message from a guy on Facebook saying he was looking for a high school friend with the same name as hers. He says he…
23 Women On The Most Important Things They Learned After A Breakup
It’ll take more than a few mornings of waking up and feeling like you’re over it; it might actually take waking up without realizing there’s something to ‘get over.’
6 Reasons To Stay Single In Your Early 20s
How am I supposed to love someone else fully when I don’t even know what my favorite burrito toppings are? I need to know myself before I try to know…
30 Random Reasons I Knew You Were The One
8. You have a Harry Potter wand that doubles as a T.V. remote. That might have been the moment I knew I loved you.
6 Manipulative Things Every Girl Should Do When Dating
Fake a crisis to see how reliable he is.
From The Guy Waiting For Your Text
I am waiting for your text. I texted you first (as is the case always) and I am now waiting for your reply.
Stop Complaining About Getting Friendzoned
Don’t expect her to hook up with you because you talk to her on Facebook late at night.
21 Men On The One Thing Their Girlfriends Always Got Wrong About Them
“My girlfriends always get really mad at me when I don’t text back right away. Most of the time I’m just sleeping.”
5 Practical Steps To Take If You Are Struggling To Choose A Career Path
You are probably the 3,024,124th person who has struggled to work out what career path to follow. (Really. You’re not alone.)
I’m Spending My Life Longing For My Other Half
I feel so disconnected from my friends, my family, the world around me.
17 Things Single People Can Do To Survive Valentine’s Day
Alone with pizza is better than alone alone.
Keeping It Casual: 9 Ways To Ensure Things Don’t Get Too Serious
They might not be for everyone, but the somewhat-string-attached relationship can really be a boon to one’s everyday existence, if done in a responsible and mature manner
Dear Women, Please Stop. Just Really, Stop.
What is it with this competition among women now?
21 Things You Should Never Be Embarrassed About
How many likes and comments you get on social media. I don’t know when it became a contest to have every status about what you ate for lunch harvest 20…
19 Women Share The Weirdest, Grossest, Craziest Things They’ve Done For Their Best Friend
Helped her find a condom that had slipped off during sex and became stuck way up inside her.
9 Myths About Young Parents – And The Reality Behind Them
Assuming all young parents are like Teem Mom is like assuming that all 40+ women are about that Real Housewife life.
The Difference Between Loneliness And Being Alone
It’s walking to the wine shop while listening to that song you love and buying the second-cheapest bottle of wine — because even though you have no money, you deserve…
7 Reasons You Absolutely Shouldn’t Snoop In Your S.O.’s Facebook
1. It turns out that if you feel like you can’t trust them but you snoop through their messages, you’re the untrustworthy one.
Don’t Tell Me That You Miss Me
Don’t add in “I miss you” as the reason you suggest we grab coffee and catch up sometime. When we both know we’ll never make good on that promise.
7 Ways To Travel Outside Your Comfort Zone
Does travel always equal going outside your comfort zone?
The Lost Art Of Being Okay
Humans are, after all, connected by mutual experiences of hurt and triumph. We resist it because we’ve lost sight of the beauty in simply being.