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Thought Catalog
A Playlist Of Songs To Freak Out To
Andrew WK makes freak out songs. (He pretty much built his career off of them.) So does Japandroids. So does Titus Andronicus.
34 Ways To Get Over Someone
Don’t worry about ‘winning’ the breakup. You’re not going to become the first ballerina president astronaut unicorn by the next time they look at your Facebook, so don’t waste time…
12 Reasons You Should Never Meet Your Hero
It may be hard to believe, but “I’m your biggest fan,” is about the least impressive thing you can say to someone who hears it almost constantly — in fact,…
5 Awesome Books For People Who Hate To Read Books
The kind of books I like to read are the ones that snap, crackle, and pop off the page. They’re exciting, they’re funny, and they usually involve heroin addiction. I…
A Guide To Dating Someone Who Hates Themselves
Never take their mother’s side. Never.
16 Tips For Being Cool At Parties
If it’s BYOB, bring your own beer. If it’s a toga party, wear a toga. If it’s a search party, bring a flash light and tempered expectations.
Stop Telling That Pathetically In-Love Dude To “Just Get Over It”
Boy meets Girl. Boy likes Girl. Girl sort of likes Boy, but conceals that she’s not quite as interested because, who knows? She might be more into it one day,…
and i miss you
i cannot keep my room clean, can’t keep my headphones from tangling and my music from blasting and the pen from bleeding through the page, and the stairs from leading…
21 Questions I Have For People In Long-Term Relationships
Is it possible to be 100 percent honest all the time and not hurt the other person’s feelings?
15 Facebook Status Updates That Make Me Lose Faith In Humanity
“Sweet potato fries at Burger King they’re not that great!! Love sweet potato fries what a big disappointment!!!! Guess that’s what you get with food….”
11 Things You Should Know About Living In Boston
They’ll literally be in the middle of talking about puppies or rainbows and then they’ll turn, vitriol spewing from their gnarled mouths, yell “Yankees suck!” with a vengeance and then…
What Love Shouldn’t Feel Like
Love shouldn’t make someone feel like a bother. We shouldn’t be able to empathize with a pesky gnat at a picnic, being shooed away.
32 Things You Should Stop Caring About
What the people you don’t like post on their Facebook status (why are you even still friends with them?).
Things People Say After A Break Up
“I’m already over it.” Like “I’m an adult,” that’s one of those statements that saying out loud makes not true.
I Want To Be Your Fat Boyfriend
Look at me: I am making pancakes. I am inserting strawberry cheesecake so they will be strawberry cheesecake pancakes. I am stacking the strawberry cheesecake pancakes and covering them in…
30 Things You Should Do Right Now
Stop blaming your parents for telling you you’re special. You now know it’s a lie, but you can only blame yourself for continuing to pretend it’s true.
The 6 Kinkiest U.S. Presidents
John Tyler did some serious work in the White House — and I’m not talking about the 1844 Treaty of Wanghia — he fathered 15 children with two different women…
5 Texts I Will Over-Analyze
You were just that overcome with emotion that instead of saying anything, your slovenly self decided to just type a colon and half a parentheses in response to some of…
It’s Over, Stop Texting Me
Who allows ten messages to go unanswered — a month of silence to stretch on — and still be excited when the other person finally decides to respond? I did.
Winnie The Pooh And The Shotgun
It had been during that 11-hour car ride, Pooh thought to himself as he spied the river off in the distance, when he realized he had to kill Piglet.
When To Keep Fighting And When To Walk Away
As for extremely jealous, controlling situations — those typically aren’t going to end well, so walking (or even briskly jogging) away isn’t necessarily a bad idea.
5 Things Fake People Do
The thing about gossip is, no matter how much you enjoy it in the moment (and we all kind of have our ugly moments of saying something nasty about someone…
40 Things To Teach Kids These Days
Will Smith is not just the father of Willow and The Karate Kid.
VH1’s 100 Greatest Artists Of All Time
LL Cool J — I liked how he kept licking his lips in “Going Back to Cali”; seemed like obsessive compulsive disorder, but since he’s a stud no one called…
‘Once In A Blue Moon’ Happens Tonight
Obviously, if you’re a werewolf, it’s time to lock yourself in cage in a library and have a friend stand by with a tranquilizer gun. (Buffy reference!)
27 Songs For Your Broken Heart: A Playlist
These are songs to cry to, drink to, feel weak to; songs to feel wounded to and feel the tight swell in your chest to.
Things My Boyfriend’s Female Best Friend Should Know
Aside from his parents, you’re the one I need to impress the most. Don’t make it hard on me. I’m already bugging.
What It Means To Be A Best Friend
You were there through different relationships the way a people weathers different administrations, learning intimately what it is they are looking for and the mistakes they are making — mistakes…
13 Songs For Your Nervous Breakdown
Are you depressed? You may want to just buy Elliott Smith’s entire discography and save yourself the trouble.
What Happens When You Want Someone You Can’t Have
When you’re starving for their time and attention, this is an opportunity for sustenance. The scraps and crumbs of their busy schedule will serve as nourishment. Very little, but that’s…
19 Ways To Know You’re Loved
They come to your art show. They encourage you to practice with your band. They don’t get jealous or upset when you have to work late. They genuinely want you…
6 Ways To Tell Someone You Like Them
If your’e telling a story, have no concept of what you’re actually saying, and realize far too late that you’ve been talking for seven straight minutes about that time you…
25 Of The Quickest Turnoffs
Horrifying spelling. A text riddled with basic errors can be a deal breaker. Not abbreviations — but messages that look like the Zodiac-killer wrote them and take forever to decode.
10 Lasting Effects Of Growing Up In The 90s
Unsolved Mysteries is the reason why I watch my garage door go all the way down – because if I don’t, a killer will most definitely slide under at the…
9 Reasons To Quit Your Job And Travel The World
Stop wasting money renting a studio apartment that more accurately resembles a closet or buying expensive gym class fads/designer clothes/beauty products that’ll make you skinnier/trendier/prettier/whatever.
19 Things You Should Do Before Going Back To School This Fall
See all of your friends from home one last time and remind yourself of how much you love them, how big a part of you they are, and how you…
I’m Sorry For Staring At You, Interracial Couple
I know you must get that a lot, and on good days you probably let it slide. You think, “We’re happy and that’s all that matters,” you think, “Some people…
My Drinking Resume
Endured the company of terrible people without throwing my drink on them.
11 Reasons It’s Hard Being Intelligent
But now that every person with a smart phone has instant access to every bit of human knowledge, not only do you have to be right 100% of the time,…
How I Know I Love You
I know I love you because I want to listen, I really do. I don’t have anywhere to be that can’t wait for a while and I’m not checking my…
6 Reasons Not To Get Back With Your Ex
We all know that tragic couple who is constantly having some Maury-esque fight, vowing never to speak to each other again, sleeping together a week later, and putting that relationship…
15 Things I Haven’t Done Yet (That Many Others My Age Have)
I’ve shot airsoft guns, paintball guns, water guns, Nerf guns, staple guns – every type of gun that isn’t actual bullets.
5 Things To Remember Before Coming Out To Your Parents
It means just because they’ve often declared their admiration and respect for Neil Patrick Harris and Ellen DeGeneres, it can mean diddly-squat when it comes to their own flesh and…
A 200+ Song 90s R&B Playlist
Even though Spotify was straight player hating this week (Five Total songs? One Aaliyah album? RLY?), I think you’ll enjoy it just the same.
5 Reasons I Hate My Birthday
Am I supposed to smile while everybody sings? Or do I modestly laugh? Do I make eye contact with people individually, or glance by all of them? Would it be…
Where Is The Pee Hole?
But as I’ve discovered recently, most women have never seen their pee hole.
It Sucks Being Guarded And Difficult To Love
I’ve mastered the art of changing topics, deflecting and using sarcasm to escape the grasps of any intimate or layered question thrown my way. It’s not a purposeful, focused defensive…
13 Things You Can Do Instead Of Missing Someone
Well, if you’re not going to get that gym membership (a perennial list marker), you might as well actually read those 10,000 books you always say you’re going to get…
6 Things You Learn From A Summer Fling
Somehow we can convince ourselves, at the beginning of June, that we’ll be fine when the end of August rolls around and it’s time to put things behind us. And…
21 More Things I’ve Learned In My 20s
Club Monaco dresses and Chanel makeup are not good reasons to be broke. But plane tickets, traveling, and new experiences are.