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Thought Catalog
13 Things You Can Do Instead Of Missing Someone
Well, if you’re not going to get that gym membership (a perennial list marker), you might as well actually read those 10,000 books you always say you’re going to get…
6 Things You Learn From A Summer Fling
Somehow we can convince ourselves, at the beginning of June, that we’ll be fine when the end of August rolls around and it’s time to put things behind us. And…
21 More Things I’ve Learned In My 20s
Club Monaco dresses and Chanel makeup are not good reasons to be broke. But plane tickets, traveling, and new experiences are.
A 225+ Song 90s Alternative Playlist
I got emotional compiling this week’s playlist (I know, right? Me, emotional? What are the odds?)
A Short, Non-Comprehensive List of #BisexualAdvantages
Struggling with same sex attraction sucked. Coming out probably sucked. But now this is your advantage: you are strong and you know you are strong.
Why Porn Sucks (Pun Intended)
But like I said before: who cares about the story or the “reality” of the story? It’s about the sex, right? But here’s where I say that’s it’s not about…
10 Ways To Be Less Awkward
An awkward person with a cell phone in a social environment is the equivalent to MacGyver having a Swiss Army knife while in a bind.
A Foreigner’s Guide To Living In China
Also, there are thousands of different dishes to try, and eating out is exponentially cheaper than trying to cook at home (if your apartment even had a kitchen, which it…
12 Lessons You Need To Learn Before Settling Down
I know we all want to skip to the ending — the parts where you host game nights together and do the Sunday crossword in bed — but don’t forget…
Party Girl’s Guide To Being Sober
Sometimes you just need to get completely obliterated, but that’s not the real, inherent motive behind drinking. It’s the possibility of meeting someone new, doing something crazy, and letting loose. We…
What It’s Like To Be Manic
The thing no one wants you to know is that mania is fun. It’s great. It’s how a lot of us function. It’s how a lot of us succeed.
41 Everyday Things That Are Incredibly Sexy
When they know what size you wear.
Growing Apart From Your Best Friend
They live in a different state and aren’t involved in the day-to-day of your life which makes things difficult. You begin to dread these catch up sessions because not only…
What You Deserve
You deserve to look for love, if that’s what you want, and be ready to accept it when it comes your way.
A Letter To Your Ex
When I say that I want you to be happy, I mean it. We’re used to thinking that no one can just move on from a lost love and genuinely…
The Modern Dating Struggle
As embarrassing and preposterous as this is, people consider Facebook’s ‘In a relationship’ label to be the equivalent of an online wedding band.
Ways You Should Expect To Be Treated In A Relationship
Expect trust. Without trust, you have nothing. Your partner should trust you completely until you give them a reason otherwise. If they don’t trust you, if they’re already paranoid in…
A 175+ Song Dance Party Playlist For The Weekend
Specifically, it contains a ton of 80s new wave and that 90s dance music we interchangeably refer to as trance, techno, club, and house because it seems impossible to discern what the difference…
8 Mistakes People Make When They Fall In Love
Love can be a giant short bus, y’all! It can cause otherwise smart, capable people to become deaf and blind to any and flaws. I can’t tell you how many…
Kate Upton Is “Fat”: Why I’m Tired Of Competing With Other Women
I know that, personally speaking, I am guilty on countless occasions of passing judgment about another woman’s looks, of putting her into a category of some kind or making assumptions…
11 Books You Should Read If You’re A Woman In Your 20s
According to Love Twenty, women in their twenties are supposed to read diet books and novels about shopping. I disagree. Here are my suggestions for novels you should read if…
37 Things You Don’t Need To Be Sorry About
Dating someone your ex kind of dated, but never got serious with. Wanting to love someone, and being scared to tell them. Having brunch on Sunday and then going to…
10 Ways Having A Full-Time Job Changes Your Life
You will live for getting drinks at happy hour. In college, I was #NotClearOn the concept of happy hour. I thought it was for weird yuppies in LL Bean who…
5 Text Messages That Are The Worst
i judst looive yyou n muiss u soo mucjh. Pls txct bacck PLEEASE!!1, is not the type of thing we want waking us in the middle of the night, or…
I Want To Talk To Your Ex
Is that weird? I feel like your ex has all the information I need, all the spoilers, everything that would save me grief and time and pain.
10 Steps To Falling In Love With An Older Married Woman
Never touch her. Even when meetings end and she hugs everyone, pretend to have difficulty tying your shoes or looking for your lighter. Notice the way everything you do to…
A 160+ Cover Song Playlist
Of course, there are multiple covers of the same song. There’s like six “Hallelujahs” up in there (okay — there are three, and the one by Brandi Carlisle is really…
40 Things You Should Never Say On A First Date
“Who’s Martin Scorsese?”
I’m Here For You
Sometimes, when people say “I’m here for you,” they mean “I’m here for a while, for an hour or an evening. You’re a generally good person and I enjoy your…
15 Ways 20-Somethings Ruin Their Twenties
Be certain that you’re not rushing into things. It’s not as simple as sharing a shower, owning his and hers robes, and having sex frequently.
10 Things You Learn From A Broken Heart
Take extra time in hot showers, try on lots of great new clothes, discover your body again, watch whatever cheesy movie your heart desires. And don’t apologize. Loving yourself, making…
How To Be The Best Version Of Yourself
Wear clothes that actually fit your body and make you feel good. Don’t buy the t-shirt you feel sort of fat in because guess what? You will always feel sort…
100 Simpsons Quotes, In Order Of Importance
“Lisa, if I’ve learned anything, it’s that life is just one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.”
10 Best Things About Being Single
Have you ever just had a “single” night where you get drunk by yourself and watch movies, play around online, eat junk food, and remain entirely unconcerned with what you…
You Should Talk About Going To Therapy
You see a therapist? You must be Woody Allen. You must be a navel-gazing lunatic. You must be an unbearable human being.
19 Pieces Of Advice You’ll Need To Make It Through Your 20s
The only good reason to go into debt is for traveling. Not Isabel Marant boots or expensive groceries.
The Hottest Male Anime Characters: As Compiled By You
The aloof noble guy you always lust after from a distance. Like Prince Harry — only animated.
10 Mistakes You Make When You’re Drunk
“Hey Mom, I freaking love you, Mom. Mom, mom, mom, I wish you were here right now so you could rub my back and massage my scalp. No, I’m not…
We’re Not Allowed To Be Lonely Anymore
Look at all these names in your phone. You are so popular. You know people. Why are you coming up short? Why is there such a gap between the people…
5 Conversations I Don’t Want To Have Anymore
What the hell am I supposed to say to a story about someone I don’t know? “Ooh, Karen is moving to Chicago? That’s so… Karen of her!”
The Weird Sexual Lives Of Young Girls
I’ve talked to friends who have confessed to similar stories. So what happens? Why do the perverted games stop as girls get older?
How To Say Goodbye To Someone You Love
Say goodbye by turning your cheek in bed. Say goodbye when you accidentally tell someone you’re single. Say goodbye when you start to think of your grocery list during sex.
8 Modern Day Double Standards
When we’re in public and we spot a fit dude with chiseled abs, a pec-tacular chest and no shirt, it’s easy to say, “What a tool/douche/showoff/shmuck, etc.” But what if…
What To Say When Your Significant Other Asks How Many People You’ve Slept With
One of you may have been the turtle — adding two or three to the bed post every year for the past 10 and the other the hare — wilding…
The Hottest Male Animated Characters Ever
So inaccessible. So dark. So…guitar-playing. Break my heart, Trent Lane. Break all our hearts.
On How Teaching Has Corrupted Me
If I had the answers I’d be writing self help books and giving motivational speeches across the world. I wouldn’t be an utterly clueless 20-something. I would be someone else,…
10 Moments That Make A Best Friendship
At some point, best friendships just become a giant amalgam of inside jokes, moments that have passed between the two of you and have flowered into their own language, a…
The Prettiest Songs Of All Time
A pretty song is one that you play in your kitchen, stirring onions that are just starting to crack in the heat of bubbling oil, the sun setting through the…
19 Things You Should Do Before You Get Married
Why this person, why right now? Don’t get married because there’s a child on the way or because it makes sense financially or because all of your friends are wifed…
A 50+ Song Playlist For A Woman Scorned
Getting burned by the person you’re dating sucks, but your consolation prize is free license to OD on angry chick music for the next 6-8… years.