Michael Solana

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Articles by
Michael Solana
5 Paradoxes That Will Fuck Your Shit UP
All writers for Thought Catalog are liars.
The 7 Most Probable Reasons He Isn’t Texting You
There is no way this guy doesn’t like you. Look at you. You’re a babe.
5 Things That Will Happen When You Date A Marxist
How many among us have met a Marxist and wondered, with no real sense of how to approach this very important question, ‘should I date this Marxist?’
This Is How You Win Your 20s
If you want to win your 20s, you must never fool yourself into believing that the world owes you something. You must decide what you want and hustle for it.
Stop Telling That Pathetically In-Love Dude To “Just Get Over It”
Boy meets Girl. Boy likes Girl. Girl sort of likes Boy, but conceals that she’s not quite as interested because, who knows? She might be more into it one day, right? And life is complicated, and crazier things have happened, right?