6 Reasons Why Getting Married Isn’t Really That Important Anymore

1.Couples Are Moving In Together

It used to be #forbidden move. But now, couples left and right are moving in with each other before getting the ring–thus, implying that moving in isn’t necessarily even an implication that the ring is a-comin. And moving in together–AKA living with another person you are intimate with–is arguably a bigger step than marriage; you’re implying that no matter what happens, you’re in this for the long haul.

2. The Rise Of Monogamy Haterz

As humans have progressed, they’ve employed their critical thinking skills in a fashion that challenges things people used to never question. Religion mostly, but also monogamy. Which, in addition to being voiced through countless articles on the internet, can be somewhat backed up statistically; as of August over 7.8 million people were paid subscribers to AshleyMadison.com, a website for spouses who wish to cheat on their husbands.

3. It’s No Longer A Necessity

Carrie Bradshaw and general progressivism have made single womanhood significantly more socially acceptable. Being 35 and not needing no man is a lot more OK than it once was. This is a good thing.


4. Openness About Divorce

Again, this is more a function of the statistic than anything else. According to the google search I just conducted, the divorce rate for first marriages in the United States is 41%. People have no choice but to be real about divorce, because the person they’re talking to probably got divorced.

5. The Endless Flood Of Social Media Updates

There’s an old adage that says “because we now have Facebook, nothing is sacred.” Maybe it’s just me, but–when wedding photos become predicated on how many likes they get, the whole thing a feels a little less meaningful.

6. Abraham Maslow

Abraham Maslow is a psychology dude who talks about the hierarchy of needs. It is a pyramid that connotes in order to achieve the item above, you need to have a strong sense of the level you’re currently on. For example, only when you satisfy your basic needs (survival) can you satisfy your safety needs (comfort).

The top item of the period is self-actualization, which translates into the realization of one’s full potential. Maslow notes that autonomy, comfortable acceptance of self, and comfort with solitude are all crucial components of self-actualization. Marriage can sometimes connote dependance on another human, which prohibits one from reach this self-actualized state. A marriage then, can be severely limiting. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Derek Marshall

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