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Thought Catalog
50 Ways To Love Someone
Never stop asking questions. They should be a fascinating entity that you’re always getting to know at an even deeper level.
7 Questions About Dating You Wish You Could Ask
Now, it’s all some kind of Smash Brothers Melee where God only knows what everyone else is looking for, and who else they’re seeing, and how they feel about you.
16 Reasons You Should Spend Less Time On Facebook
Because wouldn’t you rather be living your life than posting about it?
40 Hilariously Mean Roger Ebert Reviews
Today Roger Ebert passed after a long battle with cancer, a shock to those of us who have loved and admired his work for so long.
The 50 Greatest Tweets Of All Time
Includes @Horse_ebooks, Lil B The Based God, and Justin Bieber.
25 Things You Can Forgive Yourself For
18. Being broke. Someone has to be, right? Hooray, capitalism!
Reasons April Birthdays Are The Best Birthdays
Here are some reasons April is the best month to have your birthday.
What She Means When She Says “I’m Fine”
We all believe that we are going to find some secret decoder ring which will allow us to understand these mysterious words, and skip out that nasty middle business of…
5 Signs You Definitely Don’t Have Your Shit Together
My euphoria was short-lived, however, when I realized that I would actually have to put the duvet cover on my new comforter. This is probably the least favorite chore for…
8 Alternatives To College
Whenever I suggest “Don’t send your kids to college,” a lot of very smart people invariably respond: “Well, what else should they do?” And this amazes me. I guess it’s…
I Want To Run Away With You
I want to walk out and pretend not to hear the calls behind me of “Where are you going?” “When are you coming back?” I don’t know when I am…
10 Gym Problems That Make Being Out Of Shape And Unhealthy Seem Like Better Options
Couples showing affection during the workout. Yes, we get it, your babe is doing a good job and that’s fantastic, but you don’t have to let him/her know that with…
9 Things Everyone Should Know About Sex
I know 90s email chain letters and sex ed taught us otherwise, but chlamydia doesn’t always look like a molded piece of broccoli vomiting up blood clots.
5 Things “Loving Yourself” Actually Means
Loving yourself means knowing that you will never have the love, praise and approval of absolutely everybody you meet, but that doesn’t reflect anything about who you are.
7 Things I Miss About College
I was busy in college, like super-obnoxiously busy, but somehow I still had free time.
You Can’t Please All The People All The Time, Unless You’re Tina Fey
Parents like her. Kids like her. Hipsters, weirdos, Democrats, Republicans, even my cat can’t stop talking about Date Night, and I thought it was pretty mediocre.
19 Signs You Should Break Up With Them
It has been so long since you last had sex that neither of you are really willing to bring up the subject because you both know the discussion is going…
Andrea And Michonne: The Only Female Friendship On TV You Need To Care About Right Now
Not all female friendships are founded on malicious competitiveness, jealousy and resentment. Some of us actually really care about each other.
How To Be A B*tch
When a guy hits on you at a bar, tell him directly but not unkindly, that you’re not interested.
An Open Letter To Guys Who Are Going Bald
If you are going bald, and are past the point of creating a reasonable facsimile of hair with a few good products and swishes of the comb, you just have…
24 Signs You’re A Hopeless Romantic
When you were a little kid, all of your dolls/stuffed animals were in long-term, committed relationships with one another. Two of your teddy bears would be soon nearing their silver…
25 Reasons Kristen Bell Is The World’s Most Adorable Human
3. Her dogs are named Lola, Sadie and Mr. Shakes.
How To Have Sex Without Developing Any Feelings Whatsoever
Under no circumstances should you let them spoon you. When it comes to feelings spooning is basically asking for it.
This Is How You Win Your 20s
If you want to win your 20s, you must never fool yourself into believing that the world owes you something. You must decide what you want and hustle for it.
What Happens When You Make Yourself Vulnerable
When you’re vulnerable, your heart is wide open, you put your trust in somebody in the form of giving them the most precious thing you have – your heart.
Boys, Please Shave Your Body Hair!
I obviously appreciate a good head of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. I
How You Know Someone Cares
Someone who cares will listen. Now, there are times when they won’t listen well. We all do that sometimes: we’re distracted, or so excited we talk over each other. But…
Jon Hamm Needs To Stop Dressing Like a Total Slut
Wearing a clingy, form-fitting pair of slacks gives the impression that a man is DTBP (Down To Be Photographed). If Jon Hamm didn’t want this type of attention, he shouldn’t…
The 25 Greatest Quotes About Love
“Love is a friendship set to music.” – Joseph Campbell
We Can’t Get Lost Anymore
We can’t jump off bridges anymore because our iPhones will get ruined. We can’t take skinny dip in the ocean, because there’s no service on the beach and and adventures…
I Haven’t Had Sex In Forever
Take Rivers Cuomo. He took a vow of celibacy and then he swears his music and his voice improved. So maybe I have secret talents and superpowers that will burst…
24 Painful Things You Must Do To Grow Up
Realizing that some people are making the transition from “crazy kid who parties a little too much” to “person who has a serious problem with drinking/drug use,” and that there…
10 Reasons Why You Have To Quit Your Job This Year
You can’t make money without selling something real. You can’t make something real without first imagination manifesting itself in your head. You can’t have imagination without surrendering yourself to an…
Why Vegeta Is Better Than Goku
In childhood, while Goku was toying with Bulma in a capsule house, Vegeta was undergoing constant training on his home planet.
If You Identify Yourself As Straight While Advocating For Gay Rights, You’re Doing It Wrong
Know this, Straight Ally: whenever I see, “I’m a straight person who just supports LOVE!!!” I read, “Well, my friends are gay, but I don’t want people to think I’m…
Which Stuff From Your Ex Should You Keep?
So even though we don’t really talk anymore and are completely over each other, I’m keeping the letters.
How To Not Take Things Personally
So how does one go about it? How does one attempt to remove notions of a personal attack when that is what one perceives?
11 Ways To Be A Decent Person
Nice doesn’t equal kind, there are kind people who aren’t nice.
6 People You Become On Fridays
4. The I Can’t Wait To Get Home, Put On My Softest Pants And Do Nothing Person
7 Reasons Why Dating Is The Absolute Worst
Finding out if someone is going to love you or not takes time and lots of cash. Just to power through some awkward dates, I’ve had to gulp down four…
15 Things We Should All Admit
You always click on those headline-grabby articles on Yahoo! or People about “Taylor Swift’s Latest Break Up” or “You’ll Never Guess What Selena Said!”
26 Things I Learned During My First Year Of Real Employment
Exactly which holidays are federal holidays and which are just the stupid ones.
15 Things I Don’t Understand About Myself
I don’t ever dress the way I envision myself dressing. I see all these cute outfits on fashion blogs but then I just pull on a sweatshirt and jeans.
Things You Have To Learn On Your Own
You have to learn to be happy. Happiness is not something you can buy or earn, it is something you are and have; it is a state of mind.
The 7 Most Unappealing Qualities In People
Competitive people are the worst for so many reasons but one of the major ones is that they’re always trying to one-up their friends. “Oh, you got a boyfriend? Well,…
Physical Appearance Should Not Be The Most Attractive Thing About You
Yo, dudes, we’re not looking for supermen (or women). We’re looking for real, loving, genuine, kick-butt people who lift us up and make us happy.
20 Songs That Perfectly Encapsulate Being In Your 20s
They only want you when you’re seventeen. When you’re twenty one, you’re no fun.