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Thought Catalog
7 Things To Do Before You Turn 23
1. Get your first full-time forever job. There’s a certain sense of satisfaction in earning a salary, buying dishes at HomeSense and owning furniture that isn’t from IKEA. 2. Learn…
I Am A Home-Wrecking Sex Addict
I never set out to break the girl code, but my habits won over my morals and with every drink, my inhibitions loosened.
14 Steps To Being The Best Pedophile You Can Be
10. Make sure your lips are always chapped by constantly licking them and never applying chap stick.
The 27 Most Adorable Things People In Relationships Do For Each Other
Pull them closer in their sleep.
19 Anti-Feminist Thoughts Every Woman Has Had At Least Once
“Cooking and re-organizing knick knacks all day seems like it actually might be pretty sweet.”
10 Ways To Keep The Butterflies Alive In A Long Distance Relationship
3. Flirt All The Time
11 Tricks For Staying In Control Without Obsessing Over It, From Former NBA Coach Phil Jackson
Obsessing about winning is a loser’s game: The most we can hope for is to create the best possible conditions for success, then let go of the outcome. The ride…
27 Simple Things That Every Woman Needs
A pair of boots that keep your feet warm and comfortable in the winter without giving you that upside-down corn dog look of Uggs.
28 Little Ways To Convince Yourself To Workout
22. Take a friend’s dog for a walk. Who said working out had to be heart-poundingly difficult?
When You Fall In Love With A Stranger
In the brief amount of time it takes to reach your train station, hit the front of the lunch line, or collect your latte, you’ve somehow managed to project an…
39 Things That Only People With Glasses Understand
21. When somebody compares your looks to another person, that other person always has glasses—no matter how little they actually look like you.
What Men Want In A Woman
One should never look like they’re trying too hard, especially not when they’re in the midst of trying so hard they’re giving themselves an ulcer.
9 Tips For Jay-Z And Beyonce’s New Vegan Diet
Deep-fry cauliflower, slather in barbecue sauce. It’s so simplistic, but so, so good.
21 Pretentious Things That Only Single People Do
Regularly discussing all the things they want to do before they get with someone, such as travel or write a novel, because — as we all know — the freedom…
50 Funny And Uplifting Quotes For Your Inner Holiday Cheermeister
“Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.”
44 Things Only Identical Twins Will Understand
11. The spot-the-difference game grew old quickly didn’t it?
35 Doctors And Patients Share Their Worst Misdiagnoses And Doctor Horror Stories
In 2005 my father went to the doctor complaining of chest pain. The doctor assured him it was heartburn and sent him home with Tums and no further testing. My…
21 Pretentious Things That Only People In Relationships Do
Employing the word “soulmate” in casual conversation, as if that wasn’t the linguistic equivalent of coughing up glitter on someone in the middle of a sentence.
How I Became An Orgasm Donor
Perched atop an exam table at Rutgers’ Imaging Center, twitching bare feet, I glance from the standard medical gown keeping me cold to drab linoleum floor to unforgiving fluorescent ceiling…
85 Jack Kerouac Quotes For The Traveler Inside You
The beauty of things must be that they end.
10 Old Fashioned Dating Habits We Should Make Cool Again
Straightforwardly asking someone out and not calling it “hanging out.”
Are “Child Brides” The New Hotness? Apparently So/Not.
It seems to come down to this. If you’re going to rape teenage girls then you damn well better be famous and good looking in a harmless sort of way.…
9 Rules For Surviving Minnesota Winters
Tip: in a pinch you can scrape ice off your windows with a credit card and an empty fast food beverage cup can shovel up snow near your tires.
6 Cool Boats
Can you imagine if you had the money to buy this boat? What would you do with it?
15 Signs You Grew Up In A Korean Family
I have successfully branded my childhood memories with Thought Catalog.
23 Things That Only Sisters Understand
The disturbing ways they start to resemble your mother, in habits and appearance.
19 Seriously Questionable Things People Have Done In The Name Of Love
Here’s a list of 19 people that did some regrettable things for love. Found on Quora’s “What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done for love?” thread.
5 Of The Worst Possible Things That Could Ever Happen To You
1. Making eye contact while on the toilet, or with someone who’s on the toilet Someone I know, let’s call him my “uncle,” once scored a hot date, and took…
22 College Seniors On Their Advice To College Freshmen
Get some real advice from a college senior who’s been there. From interviews with seniors at my college.
12 Insane Things That Happened On My Night Out With Bill Murray
He had this smug look like he was the most important guy in the room, which he probably was. No one was talking to him. I had to try.
9 Ancient Torture Methods That Will Have You Jumping Out Of Your Skin
It could be so much worse.
Maybe One Day I Will Meet You
And maybe one day I’ll be reading a book at the Laundromat. Some movement will catch my eye and then I’ll see you taking your clothes out of the dryer.
It’s Not Just Women, Guys Get Hurt Too
I remember tears streaming down her face as she shook her head from side to side hysterically and in a mixture of words and uncontrollable sobbing I remember her saying,…
28 Things I Learned While Working For Lululemon Athletica
If you are a size 6, then you’ll be given free clothes to wear, termed “promotions”.
The 50 Greatest Hip Hop Songs Of The 90s
The 90s were such an amazing time for hip-hop. The styles and sounds shifted tremendously from that of the 80s and some of the biggest names in the genre emerged…
10 Weird Facts About Buddhism
In Western culture we love to hate or point out all the weird things about Christianity, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Bill Maher have made life-long careers pointing out the…
7 Dudes Who Definitely Have Chlamydia, But Whom I Would Still Totally Hit
This veteran chlamydia hottie, who splits his time between follicle replacement therapy and banging his domestic help, is always a perennial choice for the STD hit.
I Voluntarily Signed Myself Into A Psych Unit
My little book that I’ve been working on for the last few months, My Heart Is An Autumn Garage, came out last week. It’s a short memoir about the breakdown I had in…
Confessions Of An Old Virgin
I’m a 23 year old male virgin. Well, I was a 23 year old male virgin. Once upon a time, I was a 23-year-old virgin.
How You Know It’s Over Before It Ends
You can’t go beyond your saturation point. You can’t let yourself regress. If your paths are diverging, let them.
31 Albert Camus Quotes That Show The Beautiful Paradoxes And Complexities Of Life
“Should I kill myself, or have a cup of coffee?”
5 Weird Things The Internet Does When Famous People Die
Complaining that a dead movie star isn’t worthy of a massive response from fans and comparing it to the death of a starving child or a soldier is beyond pointless.
19 Signs Your Mom Is Your Best Friend
1. You call her every day or multiple times a day just to tell her about little things going on in your life and to find out what’s going in…
21 Disney Employees Tell The Craziest Thing They’ve Ever Seen At The Park
About half way through the dinner the husband politely stands up and taps his glass for attention. He announced that his wife of 15 years has been cheating in him…
10 Little-Known Facts About ‘How I Met Your Mother’
Wait, Bob Saget isn’t the father. What the hell is going on?
This Is What’s Wrong With The Education System
Education is knowledge – not the thoughtless accumulation of knowledge, but knowing what to make of what you see.
3 Ways To Handle Your Breakup With Maturity And Grace (And Pizza)
Don’t Get Wrapped Up in the Blame-Game/Self-Hate/Regret Tornado.
6 Ways to Use Your Penis Properly
I want to address some basics here mostly for the benefit of the 20 something young men who grew up watching and very possibly imitating porn. This won’t be a…
30 People On The First Moment They Officially Felt Like An Adult
When my father and grandfather both approached me for help in family affairs.