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Thought Catalog
26.2 Reasons Why You Should Run A Marathon
You will never know the power of a person cheering you on quite like they do in a marathon. In your weakest moments, a complete stranger will catch you running…
Why I Will Never Get Married
I see my friends getting engaged on Facebook almost every weekend now, and I always do the right thing. I say congratulations, I ‘like’ their pictures of the ring and…
The Differences Between Acquaintances, Friends, Best Friends & Soul Mates
Friend language = Laidback sarcasm.
30 Things Long Distance Feels Like
12. Long distance feels like forgotten birthdays and unread text messages.
40 J.D. Salinger Quotes That Prove He Was The Original Thought Catalog Contributor
Listen, if you’re not gonna be a nun or something, you might as well laugh.
20 Reasons Why Being Short Is The WORST
You will have to take at least 7 inches off the hem/legs of every dress, skirt and pair of pants you buy.
40 Twitter Accounts You Need In Your Life in 2014
There is no other company that has more fun with their social media account than DiGiorno.
33 Servers Spill Their Unbelievable Customer Horror Stories (Here’s Why They Deserve Good Tips)
He then took a nickel, spit on it, told me that was my tip and threw it on the ground under the table.
Your Plan Before Entering Target Vs. Your Shopping Cart After Leaving
We can dig deeper and try to get to the bottom of why we lose self-control upon entering a Target, or we can just accept the red & khaki wizard…
23 Reasons Why Everyone Should Live Abroad At Least Once
You might fall in love with a local.
17 Best Things About Having A Big Sister
She taught you about the strange and confusing world of girls. Her seemingly random melodramatic outbursts might have been super annoying, but at least you gained more of a grasp…
16 Life Lessons From Beyoncé’s New Album
There I was, cozy in bed late the other night, yet unable to sleep. HGTV was on for background noise (shut up, it’s soothing), Tindr refreshed on a loop, and…
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do
Mentally strong people have healthy habits. They manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that set them up for success in life. Check out these things that mentally strong…
Top 7 Worst Types Of Hangovers
1. The “Oh Shit” Hangover Waking up and realizing you need to be in class or the office way too soon.
15 Honest Reasons I Haven’t Responded To Your Text Yet
1. I’m focused on having sex with someone I actually like.
I Could Fall In Love With You
We couldn’t let everything fall to fate, and hope that infatuation alone would keep us afloat. I would have to learn how to be patient, and there would be things…
5 Reasons Why We Should Leave Our Smartphones Alone
Relationships are much simpler than our generation makes them out to be. It’s now common to hear people saying things like, “Well, he was kind of rude to me on…
Uncovered: 17 Married People Disclose How Often They Really Have Sex
Just sitting here…. judging you from my singleness.
30 Things I Am Thankful For
I am thankful I carry with me the pieces of a broken heart, recognizing these pieces are not only a part of who I am today, but are valuable pieces…
10 Deep Thoughts That’ll Make Your Head Spin
We are made of stardust and tiny little atoms and molecules and one day all of that will disintegrate and become a part of the Earth.
Successful Women Do Not Fall In Love
Being single is kind of an armor guarding against whatever cultural or biological intuitions are telling me, as a woman, to be self-sacrificial.
30 Truths You Learn Working At Mall Of America
You have a crew of “mall friends” and you hook each other up when you can.
7 Reasons Why Relationships Are Hard For Millennials
With arguments and breakups happening over text so often, it also makes it easier for people to escape. You no longer have to see your SO’s tears or hear the…
Why Men Keep Putting You In The Girlfriend Zone
Oh God! How could this possibly be?! Why on Earth would a guy – after getting to know a woman really well through friendship – end up liking her?
10 Things To Do When You’re Alone In Your Apartment That Will Make Life Better
Utilize the alone time and watch every sad movie on Netflix you can think of, because no one is around to see you cry.
23 Creepers Tell The Most WTF Thing They’ve Seen Through Someone’s Window
I saw an older couple ballroom dancing in their living room. It was one of the most optimistic things I’ve ever seen.
85 Wise Jack Kerouac Quotes For Millennials Who Are Trying To Find Themselves
“My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them.”
6 Possible Reasons You Can’t Find A Nice Guy
I’ve heard plenty of girls bitch and complain about not being able to find a nice guy, whining about how all the good ones are taken or gay.
17 Reasons Why Food Is Not The Enemy
You want to know how you earn food? You breathe. You live. You deserve calories just by virtue of the fact that you exist. Not for any other reason.
15 Reasons Why Wyoming Is The Best State. Period.
5. People are SO nice. Everywhere. Period. Even if it is 11pm and they’re trying to close the bar, they’re still happy to see you.
8 Secrets To Mastering The Art Of Seducing A Woman
1. Haunt her periphery Begin your seduction at an indirect angle. If she learns your true intentions too soon, the chances are good her barriers will shoot up.
21 Favors You’ll Only Do For Your BFF
2. Take the blame for farting.
A Thank You, For My Grandmother
Thank you for telling me that a drawing I did was beautiful, even though it wasn’t.
12 Things I Learned From Home Alone
1. If your child suggests that everyone in his family hates him, don’t reassure him of your love. Instead tell him to wish for a new family.
23 Ways You Know Your New Friend Is A Friend For Life
You share cabs and don’t ask them to split the difference, but they make a point to pay you back anyway.
How To Survive A Party Alone
Sometimes one of the bravest things you can do is go to a party alone. That, and playing dead around a bear. It’s a toss-up.
11 Ways To Find Your Purpose In Life
Do not rule out the possibility that your life’s intention is simply to be happy.
10 Tips For Single Ladies Who Want A Boyfriend
Avoid getting stuck in a foggy place. If you’re involved with a dude, don’t allow yourself to take part in a label-less, casual, uncommitted connection if that’s not what you…
50 Predictable Pictures On Your Instagram Feed Right Now
I dare you to get on your Instagram right now and see how many of these are currently on your feed.
How To Be A Woman
Experiment so you know exactly what you want, but keep your number low.
I Told My Crush I Wanted Her, And This Is What Happened
“EPIC FAIL”…that’s what the Facebook message read that I had scattered across my iPhone after revealing my two year crush on this girl that has consumed my mind since the…