Ascher Robbins

Articles by
Ascher Robbins
Guys, Let’s Talk About ‘Playing Hard To Get’
Now, playing hard to get can certainly work and can make women want you that much more. However, this strategy really only works if you’re looking for casual sex or short-term flings.
10 Unexplainable, Creepy Deaths That Will Shake You To Your Very Core
With the advent of advanced forensic sciences, and with news being constantly disseminated via television and Internet, very few crimes produce more questions than answers. This is why we are still mystified and intrigued by crimes that seem unsolvable, even in the age of surveillance cameras and DNA databases.
10 Reasons You Should Ditch Your Woman
I’ve been in my share of long-term relationships, short-term relationships, and FWB situations.
10 Sad Songs For You To Relive Your Summertime Sadness
Lana Del Rey, even with her melancholy vocals and brooding melodies, is far from epitomizing what being sad really is.