Maggie Meyers

Articles by
Maggie Meyers
I’ve Always Known There Was Something Wrong With My Sister’s Children… And Now I Know What It Is
When my sister announced her pregnancy, my mother was disgusted and my father was horrified. After the pregnancy was announced, I would sit in my bedroom for hours and hear the whispers on the other side of my bedroom door, wondering if Autumn could hear it, too.
My Grandfather Was A Psychologist And I Found The Transcripts From A Session With His Most Twisted Patient
When they found Arthur Tremhold, he was sobbing wildly beside his delivery van, covered in blood. He was questioned profusely and kept in captivity for some time, where he was then transferred out of his holding cell and put directly in my care for a time period of one day. In one day’s time, I feel like Arthur and I made many revelations.
My Relationship With My Mother Was Never Good, But After Dad Left It Only Got Worse
“Are… you hungry?” she continues to ask, a small smile forming on the creases of her face. “Is that what it is? You’re hungry?”
My Daughter Was In A Terrible Car Accident And I’m Afraid Something Even Worse Is Wrong With Her
The lady introduced herself as somebody who worked at a hospital that was a halfway point between our home and Samantha’s university. Apparently, Samantha had gotten into an accident two days prior to us receiving the phone call.
I Found Cassette Tapes From An Alzheimer’s Patient And You Won’t Believe The Terrifying Things I Heard
There were dozens and dozens of tapes inside each of the drawers, each labeled with a corresponding number in an order that was easy to pick up on. Mindy had a tape recorder, but all these tapes? When did she find the time?
My “Doctor” Gave Me Prenatal Vitamins. They Weren’t Prenatal Vitamins.
But the problem was, ignoring the problem didn’t make it go away like other problems might.
This Is The Terrible Secret That Drove My Fiancee Away
One Saturday morning only a month after the break-up, my routine was cracked wide open when a police officer knocked at my door.
Some Memories Are Precious (But I Wish I’d Never Recovered This One)
They told me that memories are a good thing, seeing as I just began to lose mine. It’s a mean old trick that age plays on you as it corrupts other parts of your body along the way.
My Story Should Terrify You: I Will NEVER Answer A Craigslist Ad Again
You’ve probably heard the story before: (Cue the reporter voice) Who wants to pick this lovely fresh-out-of-college ex-degenerate who finally got her life together for a real world, actual, working job??! Yeah…didn’t think so.
What I Remember First About Fighting My First Big Fire Was What I Discovered In The Burning Home’s Basement
There, as if peeking out of the blackness, were four to five sets of blinking, terrified eyes.
I Thought My Father Died A Long Time Ago, Until I Went Through Some Old Boxes In The Basement
My father was a man of rough edges, not like I remember most of those edges when all I can remember in my child’s mind is being read bedtime stories at night, eating snacks together, and watching the news while…
At First I Was Horrified When My Girlfriend Killed Herself (And Then I Found Her Photo Collection)
It was obvious, from the start, that my poetic, writer-of-a-future-wife had placed notes for me.
I Grew Up With A Psychic Ability, It Was Okay Until Something Terrible Happened To My Mom
Things are not always what they seem, and people are not always who they appear to be. The first time I can remember it happening, I was in kindergarten.
My Daughter’s Father Has Never Been In Her Life, So Why Is She Suddenly Telling Me Stories About Him Being In Our House?
She never knew she had a father, and never asked about one.
I Backed Out Of A Suicide Pact With My Best Friend, This Is How I Know She Hasn’t Forgiven Me
My name is Kyle and I almost committed suicide when I was seventeen – but instead, I killed another human being.
Everyone Was Tired Of Our School’s Bully, So Someone Took Justice Into Their Own Hands
I’m sure a lot of people were getting tired of his actions. I know I was.
My Twin Sister Seemed To Have The Perfect Life, But When We Switched Places I Was Living A Terrifying Nightmare
Sometimes you don’t know how lucky you are.