10 Reasons You Should Move To Cleveland. Right Now.

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Ask any random bystander on the street and you’ll get a variety of answers about what they think of Cleveland. Some are good, and some are bad. We get it, we have a history. But in Cleveland, we think we have a lot to offer, and our city is on the rise in a lot of ways. Even Ronald Berkman, the president of one of Cleveland’s most prominent institutions of higher education (see #2 on our list) Cleveland State University, said so. “Even the most ardent Cleveland naysayers no longer deny that there’s a renaissance emanating from downtown,” said Berkman in a recent Huffington Post article. “This is a city that is reinventing and re-imaging for the future.”

We sure like the sound of that! But what makes all this talk of a renaissance possible? It comes from people like you who have the opportunity to help us grow while reinventing yourself in the process. Does that sound good to you? We thought so. Here are the top ten reasons why you should probably consider giving our city a fair chance. It could very well just change your life!

1. We’ve got some of the most affordable housing around.

The median housing cost in Cleveland is 249% less than in NYC, 226% less than in Washington DC, and 66% less than Chicago. Our average commute time from home to work is 23 minutes.

2. School is cool in Cleveland

We know that getting an education is important to success. Thankfully, living in Cleveland can help you to be as successful as possible. There are 28 institutions of Higher Education in the area, including both public and private four-year universities and five public two-year institutions with transition programs that help you get more bang for your buck. Forbes also recently mentioned that Cleveland’s youthful and educated workforce (i.e., having a bachelor’s or master’s degree) has been increasing at an impressive rate since 2000.

3. We’re diverse

In the Greater Cleveland Area, 117 different nationalities call this area home. And it shows! From Slavic Village to Little Italy and many more little ethnic pockets in between, Cleveland is where people from all walks of life work, play, and rest their head each night. Some of our greatest schools offer Mandarin and other foreign languages to students as young as 5. Don’t believe us? Come out to Feast of the Assumption in August, the Irish Cultural Festival in July, or Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage.

4. We’re hiring!

A very recent statistic shows that Cleveland has an average of 50,000 job openings. With booming Biotechnology, Advanced Manufacturing, and IT fields, we can’t imagine why you wouldn’t look for a job here. Due to the increase in those with college degrees moving to Cleveland (See #2), our per capita income has increased from $33,359 in 2003 to $44,775 in 2012, a gain of 34%.

5. We’re cultured

Not to brag, but we’ve got some pretty great cultural stops around town, one of which is bound to be a fit for you. The Cleveland Orchestra is among the top five best orchestras in the world, and performs annually outdoors at Blossom Music Center for the Fourth of July. The Cleveland Museum of Art holds over 900 exhibits, ranging from art from ancient civilizations to modern day abstract pieces. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a sight to behold with more rock and roll memorabilia than any other city in the world. We also have the second largest theater district in the world behind Broadway at Playhouse Square. Are you blown away yet? We haven’t even scratched the surface of the cultural opportunities that await you.

6. In terms of being hipster, we like to think we’re the next Portland.

Do you like craft beer? We’ve got it. Do you like public transportation? We’ve got that too. Do you bike around town? We’re improving our already convenient bike lanes. Are you into farmers markets and eating fresh food? Many of our suburbs have community gardens and farmers markets that sell fresh produce every weekend. Like to shop the old school way? Head over to the West Side Market in Ohio City. There are plenty of dive bars, cafés, and tucked away galleries of local artists to keep you exploring all the nooks and crannies of our city.

7. We play ball.

Say what you will about our sports teams, but can you name another city where there is a football, baseball, and basketball stadium all within a downtown footprint? All three of our major league sports teams are located within walking distance to lots of great restaurants and night life spots to keep your team spirit going long after the game is over. It major league sports aren’t your thing, we’ve got plenty of minor league sports around town, too. Check out our AHL team, the Lake Erie Monsters, or our AFL team the Gladiators, both at Quicken Loans Arena. The Lake County Captains throw major pitches at a minor league park just outside the city limits.

8. The heart of the entrepreneur thrives here.

As you may have heard, Cleveland doesn’t follow the rules. We like to forge our own paths, which is why entrepreneurial spirit does so well here. Not only do we offer many educational opportunities for our entrepreneurs at our local universities, but we offer assistance to those looking to start their businesses here. FlashstartsLaunchHouse Accelerator, and Bizdom Cleveland are just a few of the great companies here that want to help you grow.

9. We like to move.

Have you ever heard of an indoor mountain bike park? Do you like to rock climb? Are you a marathon runner? The good news is that we have a place for you in Cleveland. Do you row? Are you a hiker? With miles of parks, beaches, and plenty of other recreational facilities, you can be active 24/7, 365.

10. Our Young Professionals thrive here.

With more than 70 young professional organizations in the Greater Cleveland area, we are sure that you will find a niche where you can learn, be social, network, and succeed and fall in love with the city while you do it. From the Downtown Cleveland Alliance (DCA) City Advocates to the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of Cleveland (YNPN) or Cleveland Clinic’s Group Of Aspiring Leaders (GOAL), you’re sure to find a place to thrive.

Still not convinced? We can help with that. Global Cleveland, a nonprofit organization focused on regional economic development through actively attracting newcomers (defined as foreign-born and native-born individuals) and welcoming and connecting them economically and socially to the many opportunities throughout Greater Cleveland. Armed with tools like virtual job fairs, online chats to help answer your questions about Cleveland, or roadshow Talent Attraction Parties traveling to large metropolitan cities that introduce our city to new people, Global Cleveland is only making the love of this great city more widely known.

Check out this video to see why so many are loving Cleveland (and why you will, too!) Thought Catalog Logo Mark

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWtgJuOyArE&w=781&h=410%5D

About the author

Jessica Newell

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