16 Things We Forget To Thank Our College Friends For

1. For the time they gave us a place to sleep when we couldn’t stand our psychotic roommate for one more minute.
2. For befriending us at freshman orientation when we were petrified and lost, and actually sticking around for the next four years. (Not everybody gets that.)
3. For travelling insane distances just to come see us for a few days over the breaks, because you both knew they’d be unbearable otherwise.
4. Not just for the “wild party nights,” but for the days you sat out and did nothing at all. For afternoons drinking on the grass and talking over lunch.
5. For remaining friends with us through semesters abroad and time taken off and total meltdowns that one semester that everybody just lost it (you know which one I’m talking about too.)
6. For all the times they went out of their way to eat lunch twice so you’d have someone to sit with.
7. For being your party wing-person, peer pong and dance partner who was there from the first shots of the night to the slightly warm beer and fast food of 2 a.m. (Also for actually going to get you fast food at 2 a.m.)
8. For being the breakup buddy that hung around and helped you avoid your ex like the plague, because there are few miseries more painful than having to live in the same vicinity as someone you still love.
9. For all the meal swipes when you ran out, and for stealing food and bringing it back when you were sick.
10. For being there during the hardest weeks, to review assignments and hang out in the library and get nothing done together.
11. For not judging us about that one hook up (*everybody instantly has one person come to mind.)
12. … For not judging us about a lot of things, come to think of it.
13. For all the late night food runs, drunk and not.
14. For getting equally as addicted as we are to some show and setting aside every week to sit and watch it together.
15. For all the times their parents came and brought us out for dinner too.
16. For making school feel like home.