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Thought Catalog
The Time I Worked At Abercrombie & Fitch
Back in the earlier 2000s, in my local town, getting offered a job at Abercrombie & Fitch was essentially like winning the retail nomination for prom queen.
23 Ways To Feel Better Instantly
Go through your phone and delete anyone you no longer talk to or anyone who sucks and makes your life worse.
What Does It Mean To Be A Woman?
I want to be married and have many children, all the while maintaining my identities as child of God, a daughter, a sister, and a good friend.
28 Celebrity Pairs That Are Practically Identical Looking
Justin Bieber and Ellen Degeneres
What To Expect When Trying To Live Your Life In The Woods
A cabin in the woods is a dream. Artists I know have described their forest fantasies at length.
The 10 Perfect Songs
This song put Kanyeezy on the map and is indirectly the cause of the Kanye/Kardashian offspring (not shocking that a song called “Lucifer” would lead to the creation of a…
You Can’t Fight Change
I was so fixated on having roots, of being tied to somewhere, that I prevented myself from accomplishing the one thing I actually wanted, which was having a home.
15 Signs They’re Not Over You (Hooray?)
Their next partner looks pretty much exactly like you.
The 10 Best YouTube Channels To Procrastinate Your Day Away On
Because if you’re going to procrastinate, you might as well do it on YouTube.
Don’t Be The Other Woman
Something truly ugly happens in people when we feel that we’re losing something we love, something that we put in the work for and cared for, such as our significant…
Sometimes You Just Want To Get Drunk
When these nights come along, you can’t fight them. I mean, technically you can stay home and sulk on the internet, but you know that you will end up hating…
If We Talked About Men Like We Talk About Women
“Did you hear that Ashton Kutcher cheated on his wife? What a slut.”
15 Reasons Non-Morning People Hate Mornings So Much
2. The alarm goes off and is basically the equivalent of having Judge Judy, Gilbert Gottfried, Fran Drescher, Samuel L. Jackson, and Nancy Grace leaning next to your head and,…
11 Cool Things That Aren’t Actually Cool
4. Telling people you don’t watch TV So you’ve somehow managed to subsist wholly on Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go, and the entirety of the Internet? We’re so impressed!
9 Things Everyone Should Try Alone
Shopping can be a relaxing experience especially when you’re not on a time crunch or have to be considerate of someone else’s whims. You get to decide how long you’re…
You Don’t Have To Be A Hot Mess In Your 20s
We look at this time in our lives as this point where we are infinitely uncertain and are still figuring ourselves out, where we are expected to try everything and…
Why I’d Hate To Be Asian
Last night, a YouTube video of a young man named Samuel H. went Facebook and Twitter viral. In it, Samuel makes a string of negative, racial remarks against Asians.
How To Find A Cute Boy To Love You Forever
Work relentlessly on your sexual technique, but don’t be all slutty and gross about it. Practice on a banana or something. A banana with a condom on it.
How We Let People Go
Perhaps in a very distant future, you will be able to pick and choose the memories you want to keep, but for a very long time, one memory will always…
22 Signs You’re Kind Of, Sort Of Becoming A Grown Up
5. You have “favorite” things that it’s depressing to have a favorite one of. THIS brand of paper towels, THAT specific detergent.
I Miss You Already
I miss you when I can’t see your funny toes. I miss you when your hair is in a knit cap. I miss you when you say you miss cigarettes…
How To Have A Mental Illness In 11 Easy Steps
Spend years after your diagnosis experimenting with different combinations of antipsychotic medication until you can feel at the very least, like you can get out of bed in the morning,…
8 Things That No One Warned Us About
It provides no closure, gives you nothing tangible to work on, and doesn’t even make for good bouts of self-loathing. You just have to kind of absorb the blow and…
Girl Leads Boyfriend Around The Globe In Stunning Pics
It’s so romantic, and I am so jealous, I could die.
23 Things That Only You Can Change
The amount of time you spend obsessing over your outfits in the mirror before you leave the door, and how many times you tell yourself that you look ugly/lumpy in…
The First Time You See Someone Naked
Now you’re just sweat and pubes on my sheets and I wish I could freeze you in time so I could get familiar with all your crevices and poke and…
If Vaginas Are Weird, So Are Penises
I don’t care if he’s bringing home the foreskin. I don’t care about any of this because we are not obsessed as a culture with making sure men’s bits look…
Things I’ve Learned From Writing Under A Gender-Neutral Name
When someone wants to tear apart my writing — because I had the gall to suggest that society is racist or sexist — they often bring up my presumed gender…
4 Marilyn Monroe Quotes You’re Taking The Wrong Way
Okay, but what’s your definition of being absolutely ridiculous, girl living in 2013?
Pubes Or No Pubes? Bring The Bush Back!
I can appreciate the worry some people have that young girls are putting themselves through pain and suffering simply because they are ashamed of their vaginas and want to make…
Breaking Up With A Friend Is Harder Than Breaking Up With A Significant Other
People fall out of love with each other for a variety of reasons, many of which often have nothing to do with you. We know our hearts are fickle. We…
Top 5 Most Condescending Things You Can Say To Someone
“It’s gonna be okay.” Oh, is it? Is it, future wizard? Of course you can say it’s okay, you’re not the one sobbing in a bar singing “Drops of Jupiter” at…
Love Is When…
I won’t cuddle you when you come and sit on the edge of the bed, even though all I really want to do is crawl inside you and wear your…
How To Be Happy Being Single In Your 20s
If you are single, learn to see it as a blessing because it is for many reasons, but especially because if a relationship is what you want, you’ve done the…
The Boys Who Will Lie To You
They will be angry. You will confront them, and they will hate it.
19 Things That Will Always Make You Feel Fat
Overhearing incredibly thin girls talk about how fat they feel, even though you are clearly twice their size and within earshot.
9 Extremely Unattractive Dating Behaviors
When you’re on a date, just pretend you’re the only two people in the world. It’s more romantic that way.
How To Be A Sister
It means defending someone, even as you slap them upside the head for being an idiot.
An Orgasm A Day: For A Better Tomorrow
The real question is: Why are we all so sexually uncomfortable — why do we act like adolescents who want sex but are equally afraid of it?
Want To Look Forward To Opening Your Inbox From Now On? Here’s How.
A fun and funny email spotlighting the latest crazy obstacle courses, local beers and bar games, workouts that don’t feel like work and the sweetest new gear we all crave.
How To Fall In Love With The Wrong Person
Be humiliated by them. Be out one night and get asked by a mutual acquaintance how long you have been together, only to be pre-empted by your lover saying, “Oh,…
Is A Relationship Supposed To Be Hard Work?
We were always at each other’s throats, able to magically tear each other apart and push each other’s buttons epically.
If You Love Someone, Never Touch Them
You will evoke no negative, complicated feelings in them. They will never need to “get away” from you. You will never frustrate them or stress them out.
3 Reasons Why Being In A Relationship In Your 20s Is Hard
I know this sounds ridiculous, but like I’m 26 and whenever I meet someone who’s 22 or 23—even if I love them—I’m just like, “Go back into the oven because…
Tea People Vs Coffee People
Few things are more overrated for you than having an active social life. You see all the people who are constantly going out to these parties and bars and Roman…
8 Essential Qualities For A Best Friend
If you’re not making a lot of money, if you have a terrible breakup, if you get kicked out of your apartment for unforeseen circumstances — they still treat you…
Procrastination Is Not Laziness
I want to write down what I’m going to do the next day, and actually do it.
How To Sleep In A Stranger’s Bed
I wanted to be someone else. “I have no idea what I am doing with my life any more,” I thought, under the weight of a stranger.
Here’s A Personal Bluetooth Boombox That’ll Fit In Your Pocket
his beautifully designed speaker, while small enough to fit in your pocket, carries enough sonic strength to blast your favorite album loudly at a party with all your friends.