This woman, Lisa Wiltson, is apparently having a sexual affair with her 9-year-old son. As per her Twitter:
This is my baby, idc if hes 9 and im 22! AGE IS JUST A FUCKING NUMBER. Besides his dick game is like hes 25 dayum!!
— Lisa Wiltson (@lisawiltson) January 1, 2014
It looks like she started on Twitter this year.
Hi, so this is twitter? Hehe looks fun :)
— Lisa Wiltson (@lisawiltson) January 1, 2014
It only gets weird from there.
Whats wrong with true love? Homosensuals can have sex but i cant have sex with my son? FOH where is the equality ? !
— Lisa Wiltson (@lisawiltson) January 2, 2014
Stop bullying me u faggots
— Lisa Wiltson (@lisawiltson) January 2, 2014
People clearly feel that this is messed up for two reasons. She is claiming that she is having sex with her son. And that he’s 9-years-old.
@SorryNotSoorry @lisawiltson THAT IS RAPE
— ✨allison✨ (@AllisonVallaire) January 2, 2014
@SorryNotSoorry @lisawiltson KILL YOURSELF
— Chiinah❥ (@Chiinah__Doll) January 2, 2014
“@Illustrate317: @lisawiltson @SSTRYDE @___ShayMac OH MY GOD WHAT IS THIS I CANNOT #STOPWHITEPEOPLE2015 SMH” nigga why not 2014????
— hi (@SSTRYDE) January 2, 2014
@lisawiltson @Joeltoosaauucyy then tell your nine year old son to fuck off
— kevin H. (Hingushu) (@hingushu) January 2, 2014
And Ms. Wiltson belives she looks like Beyonce.
People tell me i look like a white beyonce, not even kidding they actually do hehe
— Lisa Wiltson (@lisawiltson) January 1, 2014
(This is Beyonce, if you didn’t know.)
I look better than beyonce tbfh
— Lisa Wiltson (@lisawiltson) January 2, 2014
My son so lucky he get to hit DIS, i love the way he puts me in my place 💖
— Lisa Wiltson (@lisawiltson) January 2, 2014
Apparently her son broke up with her, but in a matter of hours they’re back together because, y’know:
Me and my son got back together. I GUESS MY PU$$Y TOO BOMB.
— Lisa Wiltson (@lisawiltson) January 2, 2014
The Twitter feed is rife with racial slurs and some misspelled Tweets. I can’t tell if this is reality or fiction. That’s how blurred the lines have become in the age of social media. Remember Manti Te’o and catfishing? Everyone makes fun of him, but honestly, we’re all prone to something like this — like falling for fake Will Smith accounts. Has parody become so corrupt that we can’t tell if it’s parody or not? Isn’t knowing that the parody is a parody (the absurdity of parody) a parody? Maybe this is a parody, exemplifying how absurd life is and how many people will fall victim to this irreality.
I’ll leave you with this:
Turn up
— Lisa Wiltson (@lisawiltson) January 2, 2014
Although, not gonna lie, I think this is definitely a fake account.