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Thought Catalog
How To Lose Weight Without Hating Your Body
We know that if we eat whole, clean, nutritionally dense foods, we will feel better.
The 43 Greatest Quotes About Being In College
“If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.” — Frank Zappa.
The Millennial Coloring Book
I wrote a novel about the Olsen twins and You’ve Got Mail and Peter Gallagher.
25 Things To Remind Yourself To Do At 25
6. Don’t mistake comfort for happiness. Comfort can sometimes just be a more pleasant word for fear.
7 Ways You Know It’s Time To Get Back In The Dating Game
The relationships we thought would never end did. All the hopes we had of spending forever with someone were crushed and so were we. We had a period of rejection-induced-loathing-filled-misery.…
19 Ways To Deal With Regrets
Everyone has regrets. Historical is hysterical. It’s easy to look back at the past now and see the road signs we missed. The forks in the road we could’ve taken.…
We Are People We Could Have Loved
It is hard to pick out scenes for this story. How to discern what’s important. How do you compartmentalize the brittle histories between two people?
50 Great Rory-Lorelai Exchanges From ‘Gilmore Girls’
Hey, let’s look into each other’s eyes and say “I wish I were you” at exactly the same time — maybe we’ll pull a ‘Freaky Friday.’
The Key To Success Is Learning How To Get Yelled At
Getting yelled at is terrible. But, like most terrible things, it is also an inescapable part of life — especially a life that involves healthy risks.
17 Things You Are Not Entitled To
4) Unprotected sex with someone who doesn’t want to do it.
Pretty Boys Are The Worst
Pretty boys aren’t the worst because they care about how they look — we should all care about that — but because that’s all they care about.
Break Up With Your Boyfriend Now Please
As our friendship escalates in intensity, I feel that I, being your borderline platonic/romantic companion, am obligated to advise you to terminate your relationship with the Anonymous Nobody Male.
What You Lose When You Lose A Dog
They always love us, even when we don’t deserve it. Their hearts know no limit to the amount of attention or affection someone should get, and they are made almost…
The Boyfriend Test
Will he, come September, watch ‘Homeland’ with me on a weekly basis, or at least not prevent me from doing so?
22 Reasons You’re Still Not Over Your Ex
You have absolutely no energy to start getting to know someone all over again, you just want to be with someone you already know perfectly well.
Why You Can’t Let Go
You can’t let go because you’re worried that if you do, what you’re so desperately hoping for will fall apart. I have news for you. You’re tearing it down yourself.…
Your 20s Are Not A Cliché
I broke up with people I loved. I fell in love again. I moved. I was unemployed. I was homeless. I cut my hair short.
A Field Guide To Flirting For The Socially Awkward
All my ladies I want to see you happy, bubbly and smiling without ceasing! Dance and sing loudly at every possible moment to prove you are fun-loving and carefree!
10 Style Lessons As Taught By Kelly Kapowski
Kelly Kapowski was fabulous, and these 10 looks prove it.
GIF Guide To A 20-Something’s Night Out
It feels so crazy to go out on a week night, but you read somewhere that weekday parties are the new “thing.”
23 Mistakes You Shouldn’t Be Making Anymore
Not specifying to the waiter that you just want regular tap water and then having to pay for this absurd bottle of precious mineral water harvested from the morning dew…
8 Zen Master Stories That Illustrate Important Truths
Just as an empty boat that rams into us isn’t targeting us, so too people who act unkindly are driven along by the unconscious force of their own wounding and…
24 Wonderfully Bonkers Werner Herzog Quotes
20. “I can tell those apart who can milk a cow, I mean with their bare hands. Sometimes people can tell by looking at someone, ‘Aha! This must be a…
19 Ways Your First Love Changes You
You become part of a team and can understand disagreeing about something even though, at the end of the day, you both just want what the other one wants.
A Collection Of My Favorite One-Liners From Thought Catalog Writers
1. There are no safe investments, but we invest anyway. Because heartbreak is transient but regret is eternal.” – Donna Schute Provencher, The Risky Business Of Love
Top 10 Romantic Movies Currently On Netflix Instant
Here are the 10 best romantic movies — from the French gem ‘Girl on the Bridge’ to various bodice-rippers to ‘Strictly Ballroom’ — available to watch right now.
5 Reasons The First Aunt Vivian Was Better Than The Second Aunt Vivian
Long live the first Aunt Vivian!
10 Unusual Things I Didn’t Know About Steve Jobs
6. He doesn’t give any money to charity.
11 Things You Should Stop Saying To Introverts
3. You need to get out more. Extroverts think that introversion is something that can be fixed by simply throwing yourself out there, like maybe if you had three more…
50 Quotes From Breakfast At Tiffany’s, In Order Of Awesomeness
“I’m just crazy about Tiffany’s. …The quietness and the proud look of it. Nothing very bad could happen to you there.”
I Want To Take Off My Hijab
Did I do it for Allah? No.
50 Movies To Remind You Why You Love Movies
‘Manhattan’ may be just a romantic comedy. But it’s the smartest one ever made.
I Failed The Bar Exam
I am a bar exam failer. Nearly three years ago, I, like you, fruitlessly scanned the list of numbers to find that one had been omitted. Mine. 364.
40 Reasons The World Is A Wonderful Place To Live
All of the new products and ideas for getting young girls interested in the STEM fields and out of restrictive gender norms, such as Roominate.
How To Not Be A Slut
When you hear the word hissed across a bar as another girl parades by in a red dress and full confidence, it is not really this woman that the speaker…
I Lost All My Best Girlfriends In My 20s
As an adult when you are pressured to prioritize your romantic relationship over all else, it is difficult to cultivate those other super important relationships in your life.
I Want To Be A Pretty Girl
Maybe they don’t even realize it. They have grown up for so long in the cage of their beauty and have come to imagine that everyone is afforded their treatment.
20 Fantastic Alternative Explanations For Your Hickey
4. It’s not a hickey, it’s a tattoo… of a hickey.
7 Things That Happen When You Fall In Love
You essentially take a long walk off a short pier of respectful, timely communication and sequester yourself into a love-cave to grow a sex-beard à la Rip Van Winkle.
10 Reasons To Be In Love With Boston
Like many others, I spent four of my most formative and drunken years in a deeply involved love affair with Boston. In the wake of Monday’s tragedy, I’d like to…
How Dropping Out Of College Can Save Your Life
Space is recoverable. The status of a college degree, the income from a job — recoverable. Time is not. This time you have now is it. You will not get…
22 Changes You Make In Your 20s
Becoming more acutely aware of how precious all the time you have with your older family members is, and how not a single day with them is guaranteed.
The 9 Types of People You’ll Find At Every College Campus
The Hooded Sweatshirt Douchebag
17 Signs You Need To Go To Bed
10. Mild hallucinations are setting in. Did my puppy just mumble something about Cee Lo Green’s tiny hands and smile with a full set of human teeth?
The 10 Decisions That Change Your Life
There are a thousand different reasons people get (and stay) together and some of them can be the farthest thing from love. If this is your truth, change it. Go…
If You Want Extraordinary Love, You Need To Fight For It
Life is unimaginably short and passes even faster than that; there will be enough average things in your life. Don’t let love be one of them.
10 Things You Actually Learn In College
That you’re essentially paying thousands of dollars to end up with a piece of paper and maybe a job that pays off your debt. Maybe.