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Thought Catalog
29 Dates To Go On With Your Best Friend
Treat yourselves to a nice dinner out at a fancy place when one of you gets a Groupon for it. Order dishes made for two and laugh when the waiter…
10 Things Ain’t Nobody Got Time For
Do I want to be one of those people who’s an “expert” on Marcel Proust and can wax nostalgic about trudging through all 4,211 pages of his greatest series?
Things To Say Besides I Love You
If only you weren’t wearing gloves, then it would better because touching is better than most things.
I Am A Slut
I have had several sexual partners in my life, but I won’t tell you how many, because it doesn’t matter.
What Your Facebook Profile Says About You
Everyone hates you and your stupid relationship. Everyone secretly makes fun of your constant back-and-forth of “love u baby” on your respective timelines. Everyone is going to quietly rejoice when…
The Fear Of Getting Hurt Again
You are closed off. So closed off and sometimes it feels good to be the only one who can disappoint you, doesn’t it? By never relinquishing your power, you are…
10 Signs Someone Is Fake
If someone suddenly and magically disappears into thin air right when you need them most, that person is fake.
6 Social Situations That Aren’t A Big Deal, But Give Me Anxiety
The irony of the icebreaker is that I learned absolutely nothing about anyone, because I was too busy freaking the hell out.
Forgetting Your First Love
It’s important that I never forget you, although I have a feeling that it’s not entirely up to me. Time dictates what gets remembered and what gets left behind. I’m…
There’s Only So Much You Can Do For Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help
They will fight you, kicking and screaming, and still not realize they are in trouble.
22 Little-Known Facts About ‘Seinfeld’
Festivus was actually not created by George’s father, Frank Costanza. The fake holiday was created well before the series was even conceived in 1966 by an editor of Reader’s Digest…
10 Things You Should Never Say To A Woman In Her 20s
I think the idea here is that, even if you’re having sex (of which you should not be having too much, because God forbid you break your vagina and lose…
I’m On Ambien
he is a ‘long struggling poet’ with ‘extreme reverance for art’ and is thus pretty socially isolated and critical towards me in sort of obvious ways
10 Signs You Have No Life
You constantly feel pangs of envy when looking at people’s Instagrams and Twitter feeds. Is everyone in the world having more fun than you are? Answer: No, they’re just better…
Where The Characters From ‘Full House’ Would Be Today
For those of us who indulged in the show’s feel-good-moments that always culminated in a corny emotional scene, full of sappy music and valuable life lessons, we wonder.
20 Things To Let Go Of In Your 20s
The phone numbers of people you should never have the option to contact again if and when temptation strikes, social media connections with the people you feel you have to…
15 Reasons Why People Move To New York City
We’re masochists. We doll ourselves up every night for a city that’s just going to end up giving us a black eye anyway. It’s our glamorous version of a bad…
7 Signs You’re Dating A Narcissist
When you’re dating a narcissist you forever feel like you’re the one going after them. If it doesn’t work out with you, WHATEVER, because the narcissist will just easily coast…
25 Little-Known Facts About Quentin Tarantino’s Films
In Inglorious Basterds, Sherlock Holmes is referred to at least two times.
How Did Kim Kardashian Get So Popular?
She may’ve first became relevant through sex but as soon as Kim Kardashian got her foot in the door, she switched the narrative on us. All of a sudden, we…
How To Tell You’re Becoming The Lame Friend
It’s not that you’re sad. In fact, you’re happier than you’ve been in recent memory. You’re just not interested in doing things socially just for the sake of doing them.
A Summary Of ‘Downton Abbey,’ Seasons 1 and 2
As Season 3 of Downton Abbey gets underway, let’s take a look back at what happened during the first two seasons. I’m Laura Linney, and this… is a Chas Gillespie…
Why Is Dating So Freaking Hard?
Being on a first date is like holding in a giant fart for four hours, the fart being your REA L personality, your REAL desires, your vices, your flaws. The…
6 Scary Realizations You Have As You Grow Up
4. If a person you’re friends with or dating treats you bad, that’s not likely to change. Ever.
The Best 10 Movies Currently On Netflix Instant
Includes Paul Rudd in an Amnesty International t-shirt drinking OJ out of the carton while Radiohead’s “Fake Plastic Trees” plays in the background.
20 Things Single People Hate
Getting semi-threatening messages from OKCupid.
25 Little-Known Facts About ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’
She often kept out of the public eye, especially when partying, so Buffy “wouldn’t be seen with a drink in her hand.”
Why You Shouldn’t Be So Freaked Out About Your Future
Besides, the only way you can ensure having a good future is by living a good present. That’s it. That’s the secret. So start paying attention to what’s going on…
What Love Is Not
Love is bigger than you. To love someone is for their happiness to be the same as your own.
8 Reasons You Are Single
Whether you’re one of the Nice Guys who take pictures of themselves wearing a fedora and complaining about how shallow women are with no irony, or you’re a walking Taylor…
15 Things That Happen When You Go To Starbucks A Lot
3. You discover ALL of the possible spelling variations of your name – even the ones those make absolutely no sense.
What It Feels Like To Get Shot By A Gun
I was meek, desperate, gargling on my own blood.
8 Mistakes Not To Make On New Year’s Eve
Don’t stay home alone, Xanax and a full Netflix queue your only New Year’s Eve companions.
The Love You Deserve
It’s so easy to say, “You should breakup with him/her and move on.” But to follow that advice – to be emotionally invested in something and snip that cord is…
Falling In Love Is Like Reading A New Book
Others were Infinite Jest-style burdens. Heavy on your back or in your purse. Weighing you down all the time.
A Playlist For Your Bad Boyfriend
You know the person you’re with is just not good enough for you but somehow that makes you feel powerful instead of shitty.
A Christmas Gift Guide For Your Jewish Friend
Do you like Seth Rogen? You’re welcome to see The Guilt Trip with me! All hail queen Babs Streisand.
Typical Reasons For Break Ups And Their Real Meanings
I accepted as an undisputed truth that I was a person who failed at relationships. Then, someone came along who I actually wanted to make an effort toward and suddenly…
What It Feels Like To Be Cheated On
The searching is perhaps the worst part, the breathless moments before the floor falls out from underneath you.
9 Ways To Act Around Your Crush
9. However That 15-Year-Old, Masquerading As A Relationship Expert On Yahoo! Answers Advised You To Act
How Do Couples Become “Official” These Days?
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a relationship.
20 Things We Need To Stop Talking About
Taylor Swift can date everyone in Hollywood including Dame Judy Dench and I’d still find this topic boring.
8 Things That Are No Longer Cool In Your 20s
If you have ever accidentally entered a club on 18 and over night, you know what it means to feel simultaneously incredibly out-of-place and bitter at the universe for having…
23 Signs You’re A Premature Old Person
You still don’t understand how LMFAO or Skrillex qualify as music. It just sounds like dying.
25 Ways To Make Your Life Better Immediately
It’s not like you have to move in with ‘em or make friendship bracelets, just send a text or Facebook message smoothing things over.
Online Friends Vs. Real Life Friends: A Comparison
Is it possible to have friends who are purely for the Internet, and others you get to interact with out in actual society?
7 Signs You’re Growing Up Too Fast
I know people in my actual life who, at the ripe old age of 24, say to me in all seriousness that they can “no longer” fulfill their dream of…
25 Little-Known Facts About ‘Black Swan’
Giggle alert: the infamous sex scene between Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman transpires at the 69-minute mark.
32 Things College Students Like
Naked parties, naked runs, and other acts of synchronized stripping in the middle of campus. Usually occurs during finals week.