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Thought Catalog
Great Lessons From Bad People — Learning From History’s Most Hated
You need to learn how to use the bad people too — to get the light and heat without getting burned.
What 20-Something Alcoholism Is Really Like
I wish I could say that night was a turning point in my recovery, but it wasn’t.
4 Clues You Are A Woman With Asperger’s
You are out of step socially in terms of grooming or sex.
The Love You Want Isn’t Always The Love You Deserve
Realizing that you deserve more than somebody has to offer is unbelievably empowering.
This Is What Addiction Looks Like
People still have this image of addicts being complete train wrecks, whizzing through life barefoot, disheveled and insane when, in fact, it’s often the opposite. Addiction can look like anything.…
7 Things That Will Ruin Any Relationship In Your 20s
How much the two of you are respectively still going out and drinking, and how much your social life looks like it did when you were in college, are going…
5 Business Lessons I Learned From Being On MTV
When I was 19 I was cast on MTV’s ‘The Real World.’ Now I’m 28 and I’m on track to own part of thousands of companies in my lifetime.
15 Reasons Your Relationships Keep Not Working Out
You can’t profess that you’re ready to settle down at one point and then shout “YOLO!” at the next.
10 Signs You’re Not A Stoner
The days of “caring is sharing” are long gone. We’re in a recession here.
10 Do’s And Don’t’s Of Dating Multiple People
So, I’m doing this new thing where I just openly date a heap of dudes, and am going to remain ACTIVELY AND WILLFULLY SINGLE for at least a year. I’ve…
A Practical Guide For What To Do When You Run Into Your Ex
Much like earthquakes or Voldemort attacks, running into your ex happens when you’re not expecting it.
How To Help A Friend Who’s Going Crazy
I can remember a time when I was lost. I wasn’t there. I had sunk into heavy drug use as a way to cope and if I hadn’t outright insulted…
So, Your Boyfriend’s Fat. Now What?
We’ve all been there. A year into your relationship, your boyfriend has gotten oh-so-comfortable, at the expense of his figure. Frankly, I think it’s unfair.
Sadness Is Just Part Of The Story
Running from the sadness is what will exhaust you, not feeling it.
7 Stupid Things We Say To Overweight People
No overweight person in the era of Google is overweight because they are ignorant of this effective weight loss method.
9 Cliches Of A ‘Cool’ Person’s Wedding
If your invites are not letterpressed using some kind of slab serif font and custom set of iconography that tells the story of how you met than you might as…
The Double Standard: How Women Contribute To Their Own Objectification
How we wish society was isn’t necessarily how society actually is.
15 Favorite Places In The World
OK, imagine Las Vegas, except it’s on a small island in the Mediterranean. Then replace the cheesy casinos with crazy beach parties, make the clubs the best and biggest in…
7 Things You Shouldn’t Change For Anyone
We’ve all seen that couple where one partner is slowly but surely whittled out of their friend group because the other one is sporting that incredibly creepy “U Will Luv…
Today In Being A Woman: I Was Groped On My Way To Work
See something pretty, try and touch it.
6 Things People Want You To Do In Bed But Just Won’t Say So
To realize that the mind is the most important sex organ.
What Does Dog And Cat Meat Taste Like?
I’m not going to lie to you… dog can be really delicious.
The 5 Stages Of Having A Crush
You think about them all day, look at photos you’ve snapped together, stare at their Facebook constantly, and every time your phone buzzes you hope it’s a text from them.
The 5 Questions To Ask In A Relationship
2. What exactly happened in your last relationship?
How To Know If You’re “Settling”
A person with unreasonably high expectations is a person who demands to have everything they want, whereas a person who settles is compromising the things they deserve.
10 Ways You Know You Don’t Actually Love Somebody
If you have to question it that much.
10 Best Secret Spots Of San Francisco
It’s a city of secrets, and everyone who has ever lived there has their own.
3 Reasons To Write More Letters
In the movies, no one says “I texted you every day for year!” Letters live on throughout history.
25 Wise, Philosophical Quotes From Disney Movies
The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all. The Emperor of China, Mulan
The Meanest Boyfriend Ever, In The History Of The World
He waited until his girlfriend was asleep and then did this:
8 Beautiful Things About Losing Control
7. It is a mistake to think that hell is drifting and heaven is steering. We usually don’t know where we want to go anyway.
The Dating Rules
“Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at.” And we do; well, in the spirit of non-generalizing, let’s just say I do.
I Think My Boyfriend Wants To Be With A Transsexual
Some contained phrases I couldn’t quite place – T-girl? Shemale? I clicked a file, my curiosity officially piqued, and there it was.
The Best Parts About Being In A Relationship
When you’re in a relationship with someone, you’re allowed to really lean on them for emotional support. As sad as it sounds, you can only rely on your friends for…
How To Travel — Some Contrarian Advice
There is to me, a lot more to admire in someone who stayed put and challenged their perspectives and habits and lifestyle choices at home than there is to some…
21 Things That Just Aren’t Fair, So You Might As Well Get Over Them
Some people are the kind of people who stand up their dates, and sometimes you are unlucky enough to accept a night out with them. And you’ll be the one…
21 Things Apple Employees Discover On Your Devices
Taking your computer or phone to a specialist almost always leads to fun and embarrassment for everyone!
21 Places You Will Fall In Love
Reading old chats and messages and letters with people you used to love, and remembering what it is about them that was so wonderful.
7 Things Feminists Always Have To Explain To Everybody Else
3. Identifying as a feminist does not mean that you hate men.
Do Men Really Prefer Models Over The Average Girl?
Here’s the thing, most women aren’t going to be 5’9” and 125 lbs, that’s just unrealistic.
How To Handle A Scary Bug That’s Terrorizing Your Home In 7 Simple Steps
Seriously, whatever you do, DON’T LOSE SIGHT OF THE BUG.
7 Signs You Are A Critical Thinker
You’ve never said the phrase “you just set the women’s movement back 50 years.”
21 Sexy Things Hot Guys Do Accidentally
18. He will walk around in sweatpants that delicately enunciate his market value.
9 Facts Worth Knowing About Human Attraction
7. Hungry men tend to favor heavier women.
Why Women Fail To Get Asked Out On Dates
There’s a lot of confusion with learning when to hold the tongue and feeling like women’s thoughts shouldn’t be suppressed; there’s a big difference.