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Thought Catalog
When You Are The One Who Loves More
When you go out together, you can feel it. There will always be limits to how beautiful or confident you can feel while in public with them because there is…
9 Dave Matthews Band Lyrics That Are Definitely About Going Down On Women
A tour through the DMB catalogue reveals not only lines dripping in sexual innuendo, but a peculiar fascination with and celebration of cunnilingus.
25 Things I’m Afraid Of
I’m afraid of oncoming trains and that feeling right before a train approaches and the wind is blowing all around you, when you have no choice but to submit to…
You Need To Go After The Things You Want
We need to move away from this constant need of coming across as calm, cool and collected. WE WEREN’T BUILT TO BE CALM, COOL, AND COLLECTED. If we were, it…
On Zoloft, Inception Is Real
Where does my intensity go if it’s no longer there during the day?
11 Disney Channel Movies That’ll Make You Miss The Early 2000s
Before watching, lower expectations on artistic value for the most part, because these movies were made quickly and cheaply, with the intent of entertaining children.
Here’s Your Collection Of The Worst Product Reviews Of All Time
“Well, the sound quality is pretty good, but I feel weird because it feels like I am putting dicks in my ears.”
8 Ways To Say I Love You
Write her a letter in which the amount of circumnavigating and angst could rival Mr. Darcy’s.
19 Signs That You’re The “Poor Friend”
You’ll go anywhere if there’s free food or drinks being offered. Unlike your other friends, you have no standards.
6 Embarrassing Moments When You’re Single
I decided to scoot up a little closer to him, so I could casually strike up a conversation in which I help him locate the science-fiction section. However, the moment…
12 Things I’ve Learned by Avoiding Relationships
While it can occasionally suck to not have someone hanging off your arm at parties or warming your bed on chilly Sunday mornings, I have gained some valuable lessons from…
What Happens When You’re 26
Since there’s no definite benchmark to look forward to, 26 often just easily walks in one night while you’re out with friends at your usual bar, half celebrating, half just…
Black Gay Slang, Explained To Suburban White People
Phrase #9: Throwin’ shade, e.g. Girl why you throwin’ shade? Translation: Are you upset with me or something? Have I done something in particular to wrong you?
12 Great (Yet Underappreciated) TV Shows You Should Start Watching
Even adults will get sucked into Jenna’s social foibles, as Ashley Rickards does an exceptional job of making her lessons feel universal.
10 Easy Recipes For 20-Somethings Who Can’t Really Cook
Preheat oven to 400 F. (Yes, you have an oven in your apartment.)
If You’re Not Single, You Shouldn’t Act Single
Such an obvious statement shouldn’t even have to be said… Right? Wrong. Way, way wrong.
15 Things You Learn From Being A Teenage Girl
8. Not being invited to a party is the second-worst thing that can possibly happen to you, after being invited to said party out of pity or obligation.
11 Things Today’s Kids Will Have To Explain To Their Children
“Wait, does Katy Perry hate women?”
9 Ways To Make Your Life Less Boring
Speaking of relationships, you should get a boyfriend or a girlfriend, silly! What’ve you been doing all of this time being single and alone?!! Obviously your life’s boring. You have…
25 Little-Known Facts About Boy Meets World
In the last season, Cory’s name will eventually be revealed as Cornelius. Cory “jokes” that he and Topanga will be keeping the awesome name train alive if they have children.…
23 Ways To Show Someone You Love Them
15. Tell them a secret that you’ve never told anyone before and really trust that they’re going to keep it.
9 People You Become After A Breakup
Everyone has acted crazy over a boyfriend/girlfriend before. Some just get crazier than others.
13 Things People Like To Talk About When They’re Drunk
The fact that they’re not wasted. “I’m not drunk. Why? Do I seem like it? Am I being totally embarrassing? Answer me!!!!!”
24 Signs You Are Not Ready To Have Kids
Your checking account is not ready to handle buying brand-name cereal, so the idea of getting a place with a nursery and all of the things it would take to…
5 Reasons Why It Would Be Awesome To Have A Boyfriend Right Now
There’s something to be said for monogamy, for getting to know one body so well that you have it down to a science. With a single touch, you can send…
Things You Realize About Your Family When You’re In Your 20s
I love my family with all my heart. That being said, I don’t think I would ever hang out with them if we didn’t come from the same gene pool.
25 Little-Known Facts About Thanksgiving
23. Although we think about Thanksgiving being an American holiday, our Canadian neighbors to the north also celebrate it, just on the second Monday in October.
7 Dating Lessons I’m Still Working On Learning
I’m not going to lie to you: A lot of things are your fault.
If I’m A Sarcastic Jerk, It Means I Really Love You
I only call you names because I know you are in fact the opposite of these things, and therefore can withstand the absurd harshness of their use with complete indifference.
33 Ways To Be Pretentious
30. Carry a bag from a designer store as your everyday tote. I know your lunch is not from Yves Saint Laurent because those people don’t eat, so I don’t…
7 Reasons Why Twilight Is Pretty Much The Worst Thing Ever
The creepy right-wing vibes notwithstanding, the actual plot of Twilight is downright bizarre. If aliens came down to Earth and found out we were obsessed with this franchise, they’d be…
25-ish Signs That You’re Really Lazy
19. You hope that karma is a real thing because you don’t have the energy to get revenge on wrongdoers.
The Types Of People You Can’t Love
You’re getting a vision again. Darn it! You know how the kid in The Sixth Sense could see dead people? Well, you have that too, except instead of dead people,…
25 Signs You’re A Hot Mess
3. There are a number of photos of you on the Internet doing “sexy” poses in skimpy outfits that are perhaps two to three sizes too small. In the photos…
21 Things To Look For In A Best Friend
Can sit in silence with you for hours at a time without feeling any pressure to talk. Ah, what a gift!
The Most Insane Messages I’ve Ever Received On OkCupid
“I know you don’t know me but I’m kind of a big deal;)”
The Pros And Cons Of Eating McDonald’s
A decent chance that you will get scalding hot fries, the most punishingly beautiful sensation the body can experience.
16 Essential Things When You’re Becoming An Adult
Make your place of residence look like a home, not a lair. Milk crates and a tattered poster of a bikini-clad Playboy model do not a home make. Get thee…
20 Things To Do On Your Saturday Night In
Binge Youtube-ing. You know those lengthy video-browsing sessions you have when you’re supposed to be working? Well you’re not on the clock right now, watch whatever the hell you want…
45 Celebrity Hook Ups You Might Not Know Ever Happened
Ryan Gosling and Sandra Bullock: They started dating around the time of filming 2002’s Murder By Numbers. Bullock’s friend Hugh Grant often referred to Bullock’s boyfriend as “The Child,” because…
21 Things To Look For In A Boyfriend
11. He has a healthy relationship with going out, drinking, and socializing. He is neither completely dependent or absolutely uncomfortable with either of those things.
Open Relationships Aren’t For Everyone
For a few months, we made the whole thing work. We set up times to call each other, I visited her, she visited me, it was fine.
Some People Aren’t Worth Keeping Around
At some point in every toxic relationship you’ve got to ask yourself, how much is too much?
The Different Kinds Of Personalities You Can Have On Facebook
Depressed people like to be as minimalist as possible on Facebook. They post sparingly and it’s usually only #dark quotes from poems or photos of Morrissey. Their profile pictures are…
Disney Movies Vs Your Actual Life
As the only two stages of a relationship in the Disney universe are “just met thirty seconds ago” and “married in some elaborate, My Super Sweet 16-esque wedding,” you’re probably…
The Story Of Us
You said you didn’t like Woody Allen, he made Manhattan look too easy, so we saw the film with Dolly Parton instead. You thought the tree at Rockerfeller had too…
19 Bad Pieces Of Advice You’ll Get In Your 20s
“It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a job secured yet, just move to New York. You’ll find something! It’s where everything is happening — you need to be there…
25 Little-Known Facts About ‘Gilmore Girls’
However, the weirdest casting in the show’s history has to go to former porn star and John Waters alum Traci Lords, who plays the interior designer for the Dragonfly Inn…