Stephanie Georgopulos
Articles by
Stephanie Georgopulos
How Do You Let Someone Go Who Has Already Let You Go?
Remember the bad times and how you tricked yourself into believing they were good.
Meet Me Offline
You weren’t made for the screen you know, and neither was the broken skin where you cut yourself shaving and the almost-invisible hairs that paint the corners of your upper lip and that one crooked eyelash that bends at a 45-degree angle.
Me And My Heart Murmur
I am alive. Very, very alive. For the first time in my life.
13 Tips For Moving Out Of Your Parents’ House Directly After College
9 Things Everyone Should Know About Sex
I know 90s email chain letters and sex ed taught us otherwise, but chlamydia doesn’t always look like a molded piece of broccoli vomiting up blood clots.
16 Things You Should Stop Doing To Yourself
Come back to the future, Marty McFly.
I’m Ready To Talk About ‘The Carrie Diaries’
While the camp and cheese that was a Sex and the City (and Carrie) staple worked in the late 90s and early 2000s, it feels a little too optimistic and corny in 2013.
How Do Couples Become “Official” These Days?
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a relationship.