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Thought Catalog
When A Twentysomething Feels Old
You’ll feel old when you don’t care about staying in on the weekend, when you cancel on your friends and they don’t care, either. You used to need a real…
5 Things You Should Never Say To A Gay Man
You know what’s the # 1 thing closeted guys like to say after hooking up with gay dudes? “I’m straight!” That or they cry. I had one straight guy who…
What Your Favorite Disney Film Says About You
Your Disney film of choice says more than just what VHS was worn to tatters from merciless overuse when you were eight; it says which 1 hour and 30 minutes…
Why I Have No Interest In Being Your Friend
I don’t want to be friends with you because you don’t get it. I don’t know how to make you get it. If I could bottle “GETTING IT” and sell…
Things You Think About When You’re Making Out With Someone
What do I need to do tomorrow? I know I have to fill out my W9, and go fax some stuff. I should probably do some laundry too. I don’t…
Valid Reasons Why You Should Dump Your Significant Other
Dump someone if it feels like a lot of work, if it feels like you should be getting paid for babysitting whenever you’re together or if you feel like your…
5 Horror Films That Will Scare The Crap Out Of You
The last time I saw it was at a midnight showing at IFC Center. I was going on a date with someone I didn’t really know and we both decided…
Forget Reality: Let’s Fall In Love
Because our reality, right now, it’s just about falling in love. Let’s put the real stuff aside—the past, our insecurities, all the baggage we’ve imported from all our journeys—and let’s…
10 Things To Know About Taking The Bus In Los Angeles
I have lived in Los Angeles for over 12 years now, and one of the things that has made it a pleasant experience is finding ways to avoid driving, especially…
Sometimes, When It’s Raining
Sometimes, when it’s raining, I think about you. I think about you all the way over there, with all that ocean and all those years between us. I think about…
This Is Why I’m In Love With You
I’m in love with you because you’re my best friend. When people hesitate to call their partner their best friend, I’m incredulous as to why. Shouldn’t we all be falling…
10 Songs I Never Want To Hear Again
Truth be told, I kind of love Avril. She makes unabashed catchy pop and makes no bones about the fact that she’s sort of a joke. But I can’t, won’t,…
The Thing About Deleting A Facebook Friend
When Facebook first became popular it was of social protocol to immediately add someone you had just met, anyone you had met. Saw them across the room at a high…
Why Are The Kardashians So Popular?
What separates Kim Kardashian from all the other ladies who came to being known via a sex tape is that she’s managed to parlay it into a career that has…
This Is Why You’re My Best Friend
We’re best friends because I can take you anywhere and you’ll adapt. Whether it’s the chicest party or some insufferable family gathering, you’ll deal with it like a champ. I…
An Awkward Letter To My Best Friend(?)
My best friends have always changed over time. There was Madison in second grade. I helped her plaster her bedroom walls in ‘Teen Beat’ Jonathan Taylor Thomas posters. She and…
What It’s Like To Be A Pretty Girl
When you go out, you always end up getting too messed up due to a combination of accepting too many free drinks from losers and drinking by yourself in the…
20 Ways To Scare Your Crush Away
Minimize eye contact. As a general rule, the ratio of eye contact with your crush to how much you’re crushing on your crush should be inverse. If you must acknowledge…
What To Do When Your Best Friend Ditches You For Their BF/GF
Sometimes it’s okay to choose dicks before chicks. Sometimes it’s okay to go off the grid and just do the whole “I’M IN LOVE!” thing. The first few months of…
The First Time You Fart In Front Of Someone You Like
I am aware that a vast majority of people are both ashamed and embarrassed about farting, even though I’m not. I’m also aware that a vast majority of this vast…
Why It’s Okay To Date Someone You Don’t Have Strong Feelings For
I learned so much about myself from dating. I was challenged and put out of my comfort zone. I was taught how to compromise and how to deal with different…
How To Lose Your Virginity
Your first time is special. It sounds corny to say but how could it not be? SEX IS SO INSANE. The fact that we do it blows my mind on…
Why I Pretend I Don’t Like You Like That
I’m pretending that I don’t like you like that, and I bet you don’t even know. Why would you? I’ve put a lot of effort into this charade, and I’m…
Some Thoughts On The Winky Face ;-)
Maybe our generation should be called Generation :-) instead of Generation Y or whatever they’re calling us. Now, conveniently, you don’t have to put your complicated thoughts and sentiments into…
The Different Types Of Sex You Can Have
Stoned sex always begins with the best of intentions. Your senses are working overtime and everything feels so amazing but it usually devolves into a long sex nap with nachos.…
Ten Flawless Love Songs
The best love songs make it possible for you to feel like you’re in love for the duration of the song. Even if you’ve been single for some time, you…
That Look Boys Give Girls But Pretend They Don’t
That’s the point where you really know, you really, really know, that you’ll be able to tell everything you need about a man’s feelings from the way he looks at…
What Your Internet Laugh Says About You
bahahah: You’re a male programmer with a pony tail who’s generally seen as weird/ creepy/ nerdy by your IRL peers and as either a “guru” or a tyrannical dick by…
The 10 Least Sexy R&B Lyrics
R&B is such a truly wonderful genre of music. The sheer, blinding earnestness of so many people trying not only to market sex itself, but how sexy they are as…
Some Much-Needed Rules For PDA
I’m sorry, but no amount of love, no Leo and Kate or Jim and Pam or Carrie and Big love, could ever justify the unimaginable bullshit that is eating dinner…
5 Things That Smell Amazing And Will Make Lots Of People Want To Have Sex With You
I want to impart my newfound wisdom to all of the readers who want their apartment to stop smelling like One Night Stand and Regret. Listen carefully, grasshoppers.
A Letter To Your Crush
Herein lies the dilemma of having a crush. Do you actually want to act on it? Do you want to give them your phone number and resign yourself to feeling…
Reasons Why I’m Never Going To Have Sex With You
Um, you’re creepy? Um, you’re too old? Um, you’re too aggressive? Um, you smell like onions? Um, I think you have a boyfriend? Um, you just graduated high school? Um,…
You Need To Know That You Broke My Heart
It’s all a game we play. You’re not supposed to know how much power you had over me. You’re not supposed to how much I thought about you, how often…
The Real Reasons I’m Not Texting You Back Right Now
Texting me after 10 on a weeknight is a lost cause dude. I’m watching episodes of Seinfeld on my couch, in my sweatpants, eating pizza. I turned off Social Me…
5 People You Might Feel Weird Fantasizing About
Your boss could be a fat eyesore and you might still want to sleep with them sometimes. Think of Alec Baldwin in 30 Rock. Dude is seriously old and portly…
Things To Remember When You’re Single
Believe in yourself. Don’t feel like you’re not good enough to be loved. Self-pity is a good way to stay single. Self-respect is a good way to stay grounded. Remember…
I Want To Snuggle With You
Make a joke after a few moments of peace, one of those jokes that isn’t funny because of its sharp wit, but funny because it’s a comment on our current…
7 Types Of Lesbians You’ll Find In A Gay Bar
A relatively small sampling of the many different types of girls who like girls you can expect to encounter in gay bars nationwide. If you don’t come across any of…
Things To Remember When You’re In A Relationship
Remember that you’re an individual; that your personal success matters. Have something other than ‘Really awesome girlfriend! :D’ on your resume. Take pride in something.
Stuff You Say To Someone When The Conversation Runs Dry
“Do you know *insert name of possible mutual friend here*? Because they also went to Bradford High and I thought you might know them. Oh, you don’t? It’s a really…
What Life Must Be Like For A Pretty Girl
All the pretty girls went to the same sleepovers and told the same secrets and wore the same make up. They talked about the cute boys in their grade, the…
5 Legitimate Reasons To Get Drunk
Okay, I love getting drunk with someone I’m dating, especially if it’s at a house party or something. You can go and be your social drunk self, all while knowing…
4 Jobs To Take If You Hate Humanity
You learn the procedures, you become familiar with how the different coffee tastes and what it mixes well with. It’s not some magical set of spells and incantations that you…
A Checklist For The Age 19
Arrive at realizations that everyone else has already reached, crude truisms you’d idealistically dismissed or ignored. Money is power, pretty is good, sexism is the status quo. Adults don’t know…
10 Things That Happen In A Lesbian Relationship
In a relationship, it is almost guaranteed that you will get fat and happy. You will lie contentedly in her arms on your plush couch among your eclectic throw pillows…
Why Hooking Up With Girls Who Have Boyfriends Never Pays Off
“Scott,” he says. “I know Bill has been playing every single minute for us for the past year-and-a-half, since right after that fall formal, you know, when he came up…
10 Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Seriously Gay
He has feelings. When you’re upset about something, he actually has the audacity to ask if you’re okay. Between sobs, you want to tell him that it’s not his job…
Things I Feel When I Miss You: An Open Letter To My Friends
I remember when we met. We were 6 years old and climbing trees; we were 13 years old and discovering boys; we were 18 years old and starting university, we…
How To Define Your Ambiguous Relationship
Worry that your relationship lacks definition because you are vastly over-invested (you are) (this is the most clarity and insight you will have throughout this whole situation). Spend more time…