Call For Submissions: I Cheated In A One Night Stand… And Then Found Out He Was My Boyfriend’s Coworker

Hello Thought Catalog! Have you ever cheated and regretted it all the more so because afterward you just kept on running into him — at the coffee shop, in class, at parties? Have you ever slept with someone the day before the first day of a new job, and then come into work the next day to find out that she was your manager? Have you ever… *cough*… hooked up with your girlfriend’s sister (oops!).

Over the next two weeks, we’re looking for YOUR stories of love affairs gone wrong. Situations you thought would be a one-time thing, but blew up in your face and got really complicated, really fast. We want to publish your crazy tales of love and betrayal — and of course, we’ll post anonymously. SUBMIT HERE. LET US KNOW IT’S FOR THIS CONTENT SERIES BY NAMING YOUR FILE “BETRAYAL”.

What’s in it for you? First, the attention of the huge readership the Thought Catalog platform offers its contributors. Second, your post will be featured in a custom site section designed exclusively for ABC’s new television show Betrayal, who’s sponsoring this content series.

Here’s the synopsis of the show:

Sara was falling asleep in her marriage until she meets a man who wakes her up. What she doesn’t know yet is this same man will soon become her husband’s greatest adversary in a sordid court case. Now, she can’t escape.
Betrayal premieres Sunday, September 29 at 10|9c on ABC.

So, what you got, Thought Catalog? SUBMIT. Shock us with your tales of love and betrayal that came back to haunt you, and you may just see your story up on the site. This content series starts today, and runs to the end of the month. Submissions are officially open. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Click here to submit your story anonymously.



About the author

Brandon Scott Gorrell

I am the co-publisher of Thought Catalog. Follow me on Twitter. I also use a pen name called Holden Desalles.

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