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Thought Catalog
10 Terrible Movies That Are Totally Awesome
Terrible movies that are totally awesome are the kind you either won’t admit to liking, or proclaim you like because you’re trying to be ironic. Terrible movies that are totally…
5 Things That Happen At A High School Party
It’s interesting to think about why we were so willing destroy our bodies at seventeen. Being a teenager was all about “Yes. Give me that! Why not? I might projectile…
Inappropriate Songs I Enjoyed as a Child
If I were a teenager or young adult back then, I would’ve been like, “Oh, TLC? Yeah, they totally invented the condom eye patch. Rad girls.” But I was a…
How To Live In Washington DC
Get accepted into a “competitive” fellowship or internship or entry level lobbying position, whatever. Think this is it: it’s only a matter of time before you are saving the world…
The 5 Types of Unanswered Ex Texts
Heightening the aforementioned emotional experiences is the ominous unanswered text message. Perhaps you’re just reaching out as a gesture of thoughtfulness, or perhaps it’s a deeper expression of longing, but…
Ten Reasons Why Being In A Relationship Sucks
Someone has power over you. They have the ability to make you sublimely happy and they can also make you feel super depressed. You lose slight control over your moods.…
6 Reasons You Should Have Sex On The First Date
I’ve thought a lot about whether or not to have sex on the first date, and a lot of people have told me that I ought to take things a…
5 Lies My Friends With Eating Disorders Have Told Me
Being either a gay man or a girl means there is a good chance you’re hungry right now. If you add “works in fashion”, you’re just straight up starving all…
7 Things You Can’t Do If You’re Depressed
On the most basic level, movies simply ask for a type of attentiveness that is hard to muster if you’re depressed. Cerebral films tend to have a lot of silences…
The Pros and Cons of Deleting Your Facebook
Facebook has no influence on the relationships that actually matter to me. It’s the people on the periphery who get to stick around past their expiration date. If I deleted…
Five Types Of Guys You Should Have Sex With
Hot people are overrated. Even they will admit it and say, “Yeah. I’m not that great but my face is awesome. Wanna look at it a little bit more?” Ugly…
10 Albums For Depressed People
Comprised mostly of minimal instrumental tracks by music ventures from The Cure to Squarepusher, the feeling of the album is that of subtle sadness, hope, and overarching, nostalgic beauty. The…
An Open Letter To Birth Control
Screw you, HBC, for making me feel that way. Screw you for making me irrational, hairless, enraged and depressed. Screw you for making me bleed like a stuck pig and…
The Different Types of Relationships There Are
Indeed, the two people in the Relationship for Show find each other almost by some self-organizing principal of reality, nature, society or culture; friends of the two are likely to…
Ten Reasons Why You Hate Your Ex
They could never love you as much as you loved them. Maybe they could for awhile but it didn’t last. You started to notice it while lying in bed together.…
Different Types of Girlfriends There Are
Indeed, events such as these are simply happenstance, and for this, the Stressed Out Girlfriend induces a sort of torture on her partner in which her partner must either become…
The Devastating Experience of Losing A Best Friend
The end of a friendship is all about you. It’s nothing but you. It’s almost like a personal attack on your character. Someone who once thought of you as a…
Different Types of Boyfriends There Are
While outward displays of masculinity, affability, confidence and power may be a regular part of the Insecure Boyfriend’s behavioral repertoire, the Insecure Boyfriend in fact has low self-confidence and extremely…
Letter To My Best Friend
I am unsure of how to begin this letter. Most of our conversations are never words, rather actions: a smile between note-taking; looking at each other over cups, your coffee…
50 Things University Taught Me: First Year
Being away from everyone you’ve gone to school with since you were 4 helps you sort out those worth coming home for and those worth forgetting. That is, if you…
5 Things Stoned People Like To Do
Fact: Your parents always call you when you’re high. They have a sixth sense for when their children are killing brain cells. Dateline instilled it in them or something.
A Guide to Writing the Most Generic OkCupid Profile Ever
My Self- Summary: I hate writing these things/I suck at describing myself/I am not at all good at this but here goes nothing… I’m an easygoing guy. I love a…
5 Activities To Do On Ambien That Don’t Involve Sleeping
Ambien is a fatass. It puts weed munchies to shame. You could have eaten a huge dinner and it still wouldn’t matter because when the Ambien hits, a ravenous hunger…
Networking: Good vs. Evil
I wasn’t born rich or powerful enough to be initiated into the world of networking from an early age, so I always misunderstood it. When I dropped out of high…
Why I Think Weed Sucks
The problem with weed is that it gets into your head and starts making you ultra self-aware to the point where your sensitivity to social cues is literally tormenting. It…
How Nice Guys Can Use The Sympathy Method to Get a Girl
The annoying things I hate about the person develop into the cute things I love about the person, and before I know it I lose all feeling of control, and…
How To Make Money In London
i tried to comfort myself with these thoughts: i won’t get hurt because it doesn’t really make sense to think that will happen. most men want to have sex with…
8 Films that Seemed Good When We Were Young and Impressionable
I happened upon Requiem for a Dream at the local video store, and I’m pretty sure I was filled with tears by the end. It was so damn sad the…
How To Be A Freshman In College
The first few weeks of school will feel like summer camp. Everyone is just so open and ready to meet their future best friends. Leave your door open and play…
What Ever Happened to the Actor Who Played Steve Urkel?
His earliest appearance on the first season of Family Matters in 1989 was supposed to be a one-time cameo, but his performance was a hit, and he became the true…
Top 5 Child Celebrities Who Later Appeared Nude
Child celebrities are notorious for disappointing us once they become adults. But the following actresses have not only remained successful (with the exception of Molly Ringwald), but have also appeared…
Why I (Now) Avoid Reading Haruki Murakami
Four years since my last Murakami book, I now see his books being read everywhere by everyone. His books have become a household item like a fork or spatula; they…
Different Types of Music to Have Sex To
Best Coast’s Crazy For You is the perfect sex record for twee couples who aren’t actually that sexual. They just like to stare in each other’s eyes and play with…
What The Characters From My So Called Life Are Doing Now
Brian Krakow. Hesitantly dated a mostly unsatisfying high school senior post-graduation and lost his virginity, but had to break up with her to pursue his rigorous and immediate program of…
Communicating in the ‘90s
But back in the day, there wasn’t any of this “answer 1,000 nitpicky questions” and “linking to real-life-stuff in my dating profile, thus opening myself up to be Google’d at…
The Different Kinds Of Hipsters There Are
The Fashion Hipster is typically not very nice and tends to have a real pack mentality. They check fashion blogs religiously, buy imported fashion magazines only and are either the…
Why Men Are Sexier In Briefs
If there’s one thing I’ve noticed about many men that I haven’t personally browbeaten into submission, it’s that they don’t seem to care that much about what they wear. And…
A Guide To Being a Total Creepster
Arrive alone at a party that you ‘just kind of heard of’ even though no attendee specifically invited you. This way, when people welcoming you make casual conversation to the…
The 10 Commandments For Friends With Benefits
Thou shalt never give thy friend with benefits the following things: a mixed CD, a toothbrush, a massage, flowers, chocolate, a trip to the cinema or opera, a flirty comment…
5 Films That Make You Feel Smart
In describing the Blow Up, you can use words like “alienation.” It is based on a short story of the same name by Julio Cortázar, an author who smart people…
The Top Five People You Should Unfriend From Facebook
In the 21st century, the popular social networking site Facebook has made a verb of the term ‘friend’, and it is now common to ‘friend’ people on Facebook/field numerous ‘friend’…
Calling Bullshit On Jenny Lewis
I think the moment you realize how awful her songwriting is is the moment you are officially no longer a teenager. Leaving the Church of Jenny Lewis is an eye-opening…
A Rhetorical Analysis of Rebecca Black's Viral Hit "Friday"
Herein begins one of the most controversial sections of the song: The rap. Featuring an African American man in his mid 30s, audiences expect this lyrical maestro to hop on…
Dear Gay Dude: Should Gay Guys Hook Up With Straight Dudes?
As if being gay wasn’t gay enough, I’ve gotten myself into quite a hole (metaphorically, not sexually, I’m a total bottom). I’ve started the complicated procedure of talking to a…
How To Have A Rational Discussion
The flowchart inside presents a pretty excellent strategy for having a reasonable, rational discussion (instead of one party ‘lecturing’ or ‘giving a sermon’ to the other).
Is Paul McCartney As Big A Tool As We Always Thought? YES.
“There are two kinds of people” arguments usually strike me as cheeky and stale. But there is one incontestable version of the formulation: there are two types of people in the world—those…
5 Awesome Things About High School
Having been out of high school for six years now, I’m able to look back at my experience with warm fuzzies and nostalgia. The self-loathing, the drama, the devastating outfit…
An Overly-Intense Track By Track Analysis Of The Second CD Of Joanna Newsom’s ‘Have One On Me’
You know when it’s not working, and it’s not because you don’t want it to work, but because it just won’t? And so you separate, you go on a ‘break’…
I Have A Few Last Words
The term “black ice” is a misnomer. Nothing about the thin layer of ice that forms on roadways when condensation from automotive exhausts freezes is black in any way. If…
Five Things Drunk People Like To Do
Alcohol can punk you like that. It will be like, “I’m going to take you on a funny crazy ride and then drop you off on the corner of Darkness…