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Thought Catalog
6 Signs You Should Move Out Of Your Town
You want to be able to look back on it fondly and visit it often, but at least at this point in your life, you don’t want it to define…
What Text Messages Really Mean
You can’t survive in the modern world without some basic texting comprehension skills. In fact, they should really start offering it as a major at some liberal arts college. At…
8 Songs That Will Get Your Butt Out Of Bed In The Morning
This song is so infectious, it melts even the coldest of hearts. (Read: Bloggers.) Are you in a fight with someone? Sit down in a room together and play this…
What Happens When You’re Really Into Someone
You’re going to feel like the air suddenly has more oxygen, I don’t know; something is going to kick your blood into coursing and you’ll feel very almost painfully awake.…
26 Fun Facts About Grad School
You have absolutely no school spirit. You’re pretty sure your school’s colors are a light color and a dark color, but you can remember which ones. You also think your…
Don’t Judge Me Because I’m Not Close With My Family
Commitment to family isn’t demonstrated by blindly opening your emotions, health, and time to individuals whose commitment to you was genetically determined. The beauty of family is when people make…
Big Differences Between TV and Real Life
For the sake of authenticity, television shows should have characters who aren’t busy spewing dialogue, utilizing their iPhones and Droids regularly.
5 Romantic Comedy Tropes That Need To Die
Similar to the Taylor Swift school of “you’re only as good as your totally awesome virginity,” there exists this theory in rom coms that women are essentially passive ducks waiting…
Thank You For Being My Best Friend
Thank you for always being closest to me even when we were in separate time zones and separate stages of life. Thank you for not letting us get split by…
What Really Happens When You Don’t Follow Your Heart
You convince yourself you’re not giving up, just putting it on hold, and that this is the mature thing to do. You are proud of yourself for being so wise,…
8 Reasons I’m Going To Flake Out On You
No one likes a flake — and no one wants to try and hang out with one, because that usually results in hanging out alone. But I’m a flake, at…
20 Signs You’re Dating The Wrong Person
They don’t respect your time. Right NOW is the opportune moment for that tedious task/remodeling project/huge argument, damn it, screw your econ exam or flight that leaves in two hours.
50 Signs You’re A Coffee Addict
You make your coffee so strong no one else will drink it and other people will actually beg you not to make coffee.
What They Don’t Tell You About Grief
They don’t tell you that one day you will break down and cry, not just cry, but really and truly red-face runny-nose sob in the middle of the Nordstrom shoe…
5 Pieces Of Dating Advice You Should Never Take
You won’t seem desperate! And even if you do, who cares? This person is obviously not the one for you if they can’t handle a punctual text. COULD YOU REALLY…
27 Things That Will Make Your Life Easier, Period
If you can’t make it to something, be honest and say why. I’d rather hear someone be honest and say “I hate that place,” or “I have no money,” than…
How To Shop At Forever 21
Pick up some items, including a few things you would never try on anywhere else. Whatever, these high-waisted zebra print pants are 16 bucks, and no one you know is…
You Should Date Someone Who Cares About You
Date someone who wants what you want, who is open to the idea of the relationship you desire with another human being. You need to be with people who are…
5 Common Misconceptions About Lesbians
There is quite possibly nothing more irritating and homicidal-feelings-inducing than being somewhere with your girlfriend and having some unimaginative weirdo ask “So who’s the guy?”
Things I Learned About Being A Canadian By Dating An American
You don’t ever ask for a channel change, or anything that requires someone to go slightly out of his or her way. You grin and complain about it under your…
10 Lies Nickelodeon Told Me
From dawn until dusk, the kids of that show just ran around what appeared to be Harlem, or one of Brooklyn’s less artisan cheese shop-filled neighborhoods, with complete impunity.
30 Other Things Every Woman Should Know By 30
The advice includes making sure you have “a black lace bra” and “an umbrella you’re not ashamed to be seen carrying.” (Because those are the items women need to lead…
Who Is Your Unicorn?
Everything about this person screams “almost” — you “almost” dated; you “almost” fell in love; you “almost” changed your life to be near them; you “almost” drifted through life without…
Top 6 Ridiculous Ways Kids Have Been Accused Of Getting High
Look, kids in the suburbs. I get it. There’s not a whole lot to do other than invent new ways to get messed up. I was a teenage “rebel” once.…
Going Commando: The Only Way To Live
I mean, I had always grown up knowing that men similar to me (such as Jay-Z) always prefer their women in “no panties and jeans, that’s so necessary,” but I…
Why It’s Important To Flirt
Think of flirting as a brain exercise. You have to work out the muscle that helps people fall in love with you! And the less serious you take it, the…
How To Be Forever Alone In 8 Easy Steps
Tumblr is the black hole of all things socialization, and there is no such thing as “recreational use.” You will be blessed with all the Dr. Who and Supernatural screenshots…
Things Straight Men Do That Confuse Gay People
Hey y’all! Hot Or Not is dead. It died. But in its place will be a new special video every week, starting with this little ditty about straight men and…
How Many People Have You Slept With?
In our culture, sex outside of a monogamous relationship is typically frowned upon. We think it’s wrong, make all kinds of assumptions about the people engaging in it and like…
What Kind Of Single Person Are You?
This person can explain electricity, the Pythagorean theorem, and why leap year exists, but the one question to which they have no answer is why they’re single. And they want…
12 Tips For Working In Retail Without Killing Everyone Around You
If you work in a store that uses a playlist of fewer than 100 songs for in-store music, you will probably show up for work one day wearing a trench…
To Become Whole, You Must First Be Broken
Two days after my mother had cradled a small piece of happiness in her hand, her body performed its most treacherous act and unraveled that knotted ball of chromosomes. Mitosis…
Being In An Open Marriage Is A Lot Like Being On Fire
It’s like if somebody were to ask, “What about the laundry? Do you do the laundry? Does he ever do the laundry? What if he does the laundry in a…
5 Truths No One Likes To Hear
While a good relationship should cause both parties to make improvements, you can’t date a fixer-upper expecting a Persian Palace at the end of it. People only change if they…
17 Types Of People There’s A Special Place In Hell For
1. People who start to say something attention-grabbing but then stop. EXAMPLE: “Oh my God! Did I tell you about what happened with Karen and I the other night?! –…
5 Reasons Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You
King David had a throng of consorts as he completed the Lord’s work, and you’re foolish if you believe Mufasa was playing the monogamous role whilst Simba was gallivanting in…
The Pros And Cons Of Living With Roommates
There is OCD-Riddled Parental Figure/Full-Time Party Pooper, who will basically spend all of his/her time telling you to turn music down, yelling at you to clean up after yourself, asking…
How To Meet The Love Of Your Life
You can meet the love of your life. You can meet them in a bookstore, in a coffee shop, at a party, at a bar, through friends of friends, on…
6 Reasons You Should Move To Austin, TX
You can strike up a conversation with essentially anyone. Accidentally making eye contact with a stranger isn’t an awful stare-down that leaves you feeling dried out and steely; they’ll probably…
5 Ways Atheism Can Be Spiritual
To know evolution is to know the story of life on earth, and to know the scientific story of life is to feel connected to the world as you never…
6 Things We Shouldn’t Spend Much Money On
Just to give you an idea how awful of an investment the lottery is, here are a few things you have better odds of than winning it: 1. Odds of dying…
The 8 Best Lines From Titanic Because I Saw It In 3D
A fun thing to do if you’re bored is include Billy Zane’s name in popular songs. “Billy Zane is in my ear and in my eyes” or “Billy Zane is…
5 Terrifying Things I Will Do If I Like You
I’m like the emotional equivalent of the homeless man leering at breasts in the corner of the bus while swigging from a bottle of whiskey. “Yeah, that’s right, I bet…
Types Of Women Men Like Better Than Me
It is an extremely ‘fun time’ to be a woman. Catalyzed by the instantaneous access to information and social support provided by the modern internet, plus the fact women’s health…
8 Things Everyone Must Know How To Do
If you can poke a pointy thing through a soft thing a few times in a row (heh), you already know how to use a needle and thread. Watch an…
The Top 20 R. Kelly Songs Ever
His eleventh studio album, Write Me Back, is due next month (and I mean that’s fantastic because this homage was happening either way; at least now it can happen under…
What Your Favorite Mad Men Character Says About You
“It’s me,” we think, “if I lived in 60’s Manhattan and had limitless access to workplace booze and bored housewife panties.” But what does your favorite character actually say about…
6 Things You Learn At 25
I’m inclined to think it’s a coincidence that in that year, everything I believed, every relationship I held dear, every truth I thought I could rest on, the very filters…
The 15 Best Teen Sex Comedies
There were no high expectations in danger of being deflated after seeing Jason Biggs put his dong in a pastry. That day, I became a realist.