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Thought Catalog
25 Things You Can Do If You Lose Electricity
Tell real-life scary stories, like the one time you didn’t have health insurance or the pregnancy test you took in college.
22 Things You Could Be Doing With Your Life Besides Getting Married
Starting a blog and, despite having an average daily readership of three people including your mother, maintaining and growing it with love.
15 Possible Reasons Why You’re Always Broke
Because you’re single and need to pay for a gym membership and buy the right pair of jeans that makes your ass look good so you can increase your chances…
21 Signs It’s Time To Stop Drinking For The Night
You’re smoking. You don’t ever smoke.
Just Tell Me How You Feel
Living in doubt can be addictive, it can give a sense of burning hopefulness that, as long as it is not extinguished completely, can sustain someone for years on end.
A Letter To The Person Who Led Me On
You wanted things from me and you knew how I felt about you and you used those feelings and you used me. So I want you to know how I…
Reasons Why Apple Store Employees Would Make The Best Boyfriends Ever
The moment you step foot into an Apple store, you are bombarded with a bunch nerdy dudes named like “Steve” or “Dan” dressed in blue tee shirts and beyond eager…
Things You Can Change Vs Things You Can’t
You can’t guarantee that you will always be in a certain weight range. You can’t ensure perfect skin, or find a diet and exercise regime that works without fail.
Some Advice To Men Who Are Going Bald
Words are thoughts, and thoughts shape emotions. If you tell yourself you’re a bald ugly loser with a speckled egglike head, you’ll be right. If you tell yourself you’re a…
Taylor Swift Is A Psycho
Remember when Taylor bought the house across the street from the Kennedy’s just so she could be closer to Conor? This was, like after a MONTH of dating him. She…
17 Surefire Ways To Lose Weight
Get some of Rachel Zoe’s horse tranquilizer pills that she used to feed Nicole Richie and Mischa Barton back in the day. It’s not FDA-approved but it has been approved…
18 Signs You’re Doing Better Than You Think
You make some headway on a project you’re working on but beat yourself up that you didn’t finish it or do as much as you’d have liked to. Some people…
23 Signs You’ve Got A Toxic Friend
You often find yourself saying “but we’ve known each other forever…” to justify keeping the relationship alive.
15 Signs You’re In A Dead End Relationship
You learn of monumental, noteworthy personal facts that would’ve remained secrets had you not stumbled upon them coincidentally.
I Want You Because
I want you because you and I, the thought of you and I. Those letters forming those words, those words sticking together, the jellyfish swell and shrink in my chest…
10 Game of Thrones Guys And Whether Or Not You Should Marry Them
Theon is a man who has something to prove. Everyone from his father to the hooker he secretly pretends is his girlfriend is someone he wants to put on a…
9 People You Become When You’re Drunk
This music is so good and is cutting through your heart like an infomercial knife through a series of vegetables — time to weep silently as you rock back and…
5 Things College Students Always Talk About
Undergrad is really just one big weekend stretched out over 4 to 6 years, depending on how many tests you make it to between the tequila shots.
25 Little-Known Facts About Hocus Pocus
Of all of her films, Bette Midler claims that Hocus Pocus is still her favorite.
15 Bad Things Even The Nicest People Do
Keep an extra bill that the cashier mistakenly included in their change.
How To Live Alone For The First Time
One of my favorite things to do back in the day was burn a ton of incense, blast annoying riot grrrl music and run around in an XL shirt/nightgown. I…
Horrifying Movies That Aren’t Actual Horror Movies
First of all, though the Friedmans are seemingly just a mild-mannered Long Island family, they’re actually really freaking strange (potential pedophilia aside).
9 Mind-Blowing Epiphanies That Turned My World Upside-Down
Human beings have a habit of compulsive thinking that is so pervasive that we lose sight of the fact that we are nearly always thinking.
The 5 Types Of Friends Everyone Should Have
It can actually be really nice when you’re friends with someone who is completely removed from your social circle. That means they’re unbiased and not involved in any of your…
10 Most Underrated Disney Characters
Let’s be honest, Ursula’s brief stint as a molten-hot human chick was clearly one of the high points of this movie.
32 Mistakes We’re All Going To Make
Agreeing to do a favor for someone that ends up being such an incredible hassle that you briefly consider ending the friendship just to be like, “Nope, sorry, this is…
I Will Never Stop Being In Love With The ‘Gilmore Girls’
Look, I get it. The stars of a bantery WB show made primarily by, for, and about women is not the typical object of heterosexual male desire. It’s kinda like…
23 Things No One Cares About But You
That you wore the same dress twice around the same people, and they might think you never change clothes
32 Things Bougie People Like
Milk products that come from basically anyplace but cows. That’s pretty bougie. I’m talking rice milk, soy milk, almond milk, sheep’s milk, goat’s milk. Why isn’t regular milk good enough…
5 Things You Shouldn’t Do After 10 PM, For People With Unreliable Emotions
“He HAS to know how I feel! And he has to know RIGHT NOW!”
Why You’re Single
You’re single because you’re single. It’s not because you texted too much or too little or waited 33 minutes to respond because he took 23.
Like Vs. Love
For those of us with a filter and some insecure tendencies, liking and being liked is hard labor. We carry around a lumpy sack full of giant turnoffs, like a…
Sorry People In A Relationship, Being Single Is Actually Better
I dated sporadically and unsuccessfully in college, fluctuating between a lot of tears and frustration and not being able to understand why I was so unlovable and gleefully listening to…
Sorry Single People, Being In A Relationship Is Actually Awesome
You can always live with yourself. That’s basic. That’s how you came into this world. What you can’t do is make love spring from thin air.
10 Lies People Will Tell You After A Breakup
It’s a very hard thing to hear, but someone who isn’t like you may be exactly what your recent ex needs, and they may be better than you — not…
10 Signs You’ve Actually Lost Your Mind
It’s Friday night and you’re eating tofu in the Whole Foods parking lot. Standing up. Over the hood of your car. Nothing about this feels strange or pathetic to you.
10 Reasons Why Being Famous Would Seriously Suck
Everywhere you go, you’d have to worry about getting recognized. Today it took me like an hour to get dressed and I still somehow managed to walk out the door…
Stop Catcalling Me
I suspect it’s difficult for men to imagine a world in which their bodies have long been inextricably linked to their value as an individual.
24 Reasons Why Women Are Wonderful
Women are generally smaller than men, requiring less food and smaller clothes, and therefore using up fewer of the world’s natural resources.
10 Places On The Internet You Should Never Go
Why are you going to subject yourself to scrolling through Perez Hilton while muttering about what a misogynistic pile of soggy hairballs that man is — what is that bringing…
15 Awesome Songs About Infidelity
Ladies! The boy is no one’s property. Also, you should be blaming the dude for the confusion, not each other. Wasn’t this song released in 1998, the Year of Girl…
What It’s Like Being An Introvert
As much as I love being out and wearing ridiculous things, I don’t go out of my way to approach new people or to try to make new friends, and…
Text Messages You Would Love To Receive From Your Ex
I noticed that your hair looked hot, like it took you two hours to do, and that outfit you wore made you look ten pounds skinnier. Honestly, I wasn’t sure…
Why Are You Still Texting Me?
So what is your aim? I really want to know. Is this a game to you? Is it like, “Hey, let’s see if this chick is still willing to respond…
17 Truths About Breakups
It’s OK to stay in touch with your ex’s friends, but don’t be a freaking menace about it.
GIF Guide To Ryan Gosling
In 2011, it seemed directors, studio heads and audiences finally realized what we’ve known for years: that people love Ryan Gosling.
23 Things You Should Know About Seattle
Take brunch on 15th, and after you’re sufficiently buzzed, walk to 16th, take a left, and enjoy the mansions. It’s like Kevin Mcallister land over there, so it’s just nice…
32 Things Guaranteed To Make You Feel Bad
Not getting enough exercise/fresh air during the day, as you are making steady progress on transforming into a barnacle attached somewhere between your bed and your laptop.
Waldeinsamkeit, Or: How I Fell In Love With Being Alone
Even when I was less sore than the body sleeping next to me I was always tired, more hungry, more lost, more alone; I could only ever feel the feelings…
Possible Reasons Your Text Message Has Gone Unanswered
And while we’re on the subject of manners, maybe this person — this curious creature — is spending time with someone they enjoy. Maybe they think it’s rude to pause…