45 Women Share Their Horrifying “Psycho Ex” Stories

13. He stole the remote to my family’s front gate so he had access to my house at all times.

“He stole my car keys and I believed I lost them. The first time I got back to my car from a movie with him while on a date. He had left for about 20 minutes twice during the movie. He ran off as soon as the movie was over and I got back and it was parked in a different spot, smelled like cigarettes and there were other people’s clothes in it. I was so shocked I drove home and was too scared to tell my parents because I wasn’t supposed to be at the movies. It was so unbelievable I didn’t know what to say or do.

The second time it happened, I asked him if I could park in his driveway because he lived right by my school and I had lost my parking privileges at the school and he was the only person I knew so close to campus. I got back from class and my car smelled like weed, all the gas was gone, seat was moved. I called the cops and he told them that I gave him permission. His word against mine so they dropped it. He ended up going to jail for robbing an ATM not long after.

He stole the remote to my family’s front gate so he had access to my house at all times. We had to get an expensive security panel installed after that.

Once I told him I was leaving my house to get coffee with my friend. I’d forgotten something so we drove back and I saw him walking towards my house with a duffel bag and someone I’d never seen before.

The cops told me that they were very familiar with him and that he was a sociopath. I had to change my phone number and was terrified for months that I would run into him again.

This is all the same person.”
