45 Women Share Their Horrifying “Psycho Ex” Stories

26. He got arrested for child molestation and is currently in prison until he’s 35.

“Mine stalked me at my volunteer job, tried to follow me 1000 miles away to college (didn’t get in thank god), tried to join the Air Force in hopes he would get put in the same area as my husband and I (has DV on his record—military is out of the question for him), and hacked my Facebook to unblock himself and started calling me a selfish cunt because I don’t keep in contact with acquaintances from high school.

My other psycho ex tried to follow me too. He got into the school and had a bus ticket there. 3 days before leaving he got arrested for child molestation and is currently in prison until he’s 35. No parole thank god.”


27. He locked me in his car and moved onto my lap to straddle me.

“After telling him over and over again that I just can’t see him romantically anymore, he locked me in his car and moved onto my lap to straddle me. From there, he held up both my arms with a firm grip, got super close to my face, and said with a small smile:

“You’re never going to leave me, ever.”

Got out of that one with a restraining order. His sister was also a big help.”
