45 Women Share Their Horrifying “Psycho Ex” Stories

17. A big mixing bowl full of ice water is dumped on my head over the curtain.

“Get home from work, hop in the shower. About 5 min later I hear the door open, and a big mixing bowl full of ice water is dumped on my head over the curtain. He throws the shower curtain open, shuts off the water and begins to yell “Did I say you could shower!? You dumb slut, get out!” boots me outside in nothing but a towel, and locks the door behind me. I could hear him laughing inside. Thank God my neighbor was home (Co -worker & friend) and she let me inside her place to dry off and gave me some clothes to wear. To this day I still have no clue what his issues were, and trust me when I say there were countless other issues we had.”


18. I was isolated from my family and friends…being locked in closets and bedrooms eating off of the floor…beaten with extension cords…all kinds of crazy things.

“My ex was severely abusive… it started off very gradual and was to the point where I was isolated from my family and friends… being locked in closets and bedrooms eating off of the floor …. beaten with extension cords…all kinds of crazy things. The last straw was he had thrown me into a wall and he literally had to pull me out of the wall and was choking me out on the ground, right before I was about to pass out his friend Dave walked in and got me out of there and I never went back I am free and safe and happy now… I always say they could have made a lifetime movie about that 5 years of my life.”
