45 Women Share Their Horrifying “Psycho Ex” Stories

32. He kept telling me he wanted to tie me up and all this other restraint fetish stuff.

“I dated a guy in high school, I was 15 he was 16. He kept telling me he wanted to tie me up and all this other restraint fetish stuff. I’m not into it, I had never even slept with someone at that point, so that was too much for me, even though it wasn’t abnormal in the adult world. We broke up, as kids do. This was the days of MSN instant messenger, every kid in school was on it. I had signed into MSN at his house once. The week we broke up, he got all my girlfriends’ contact information from MSN and messaged like 30 of them asking them if he could tie them up and perform sexual acts on them, some of them he even offered to pay. I was MORTIFIED. This was a small school, and people probably assumed I had done that stuff with him. Everyone was freaked out and looked at me very oddly for a bit. Years later, he got in trouble for taking it too far with a younger girl that had agreed to be tied up, and he ended up on the sex offender registry. I saw him once in a Wal-Mart and ducked around an aisle so as not to run into him. Seeing his picture pop up in the “suggested friends” thing on Facebook makes my stomach turn. I am always thankful I never agreed to play his games with him, because he was clearly looking to take away the girl’s choice, not have a mutually consensual experience.”


33. It ended with me ditching him in a restaurant and calling the police from the backroom of a neighboring Dollar General.

“After going through elaborate schemes to convince everyone that he was an ex Marine with a high paying corporate job for weeks (including commuting to the city every day for “work”) he pulled a gun on me and threatened suicide. This was after I had confronted him about his lies. On top of that he would fake PTSD episodes (from his time as a marine) punching me and threatening to kill me and then crying/ apologizing profusely saying that he was worried his PTSD would make me leave him. It ended with me ditching him in a restaurant and calling the police from the backroom of a neighboring Dollar General.

What I found out: Never in the military, did this to other girls (even getting one of them pregnant), a drifter, no job and got all of his money from scamming girls (which included 1200 from me).”
