45 Women Share Their Horrifying “Psycho Ex” Stories

40. He begged me to meet up with him to talk and proceeded to cut himself multiple times in front of me.

“He begged me to meet up with him to talk and proceeded to cut himself multiple times in front of me. Then begged me to take him to the hospital. He ended up in a mental hospital for a while and had thought that cutting himself would guilt me into taking him back.”


41. I woke up with all 4 of my tires slashed.

“We were divorced for 6 months already when he saw on FB that I had gone on a date. I thought I had him and his whole family blocked. He called and asked to come over to talk and I said ok. He came over and bitched me out. He told me how I was a slut, a shit mom and that I’d end up single and alone. I sent him on his way and went to bed. I woke up with all 4 of my tires slashed.

He left me. He filed for divorce. He ended us. Fucking idiot.”


42. He threatened to burn down my house and kill me.

“I was 17 and working 32+ hours per week. He was 22 and didn’t have a job. Annoyed his roommates and mooched so bad that he got kicked out. Ended up sleeping in a tent in my yard till my mom made him leave.

I broke up with him. A few days later I woke up to him in my bed because he missed me and “wanted to cuddle”. I worked at burger king. He would sit in the lobby for hours, not ordering anything just watching me. My manager made him leave.

I started dating my current boyfriend of 3 years and found out I was pregnant from my ex. I planned on terminating, and he found out.

He threatened to burn down my house and kill me. He found my current bfs father’s address as well as his ex wife’s address. Threatened to kill my boyfriend’s father, ex wife, and daughter.

I called the police (I had all this in text, mind you) and they told me it was MY fault because I was in a relationship on Facebook, it was public, so what did I expect.

Abortion wasn’t necessary because the fetus didn’t survive. I had a partial molar pregnancy. Google it if you’re curious.”


About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III