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Thought Catalog
The Implications Of Telling Someone “If You Want To…”
These four little words, when left dangling at the end of a sentence like a cancerous limb, can result in a mental breakdown for the person on the receiving end…
Different Types Of Quiet People There Are
The funny quiet person has a really quirky, surprisingly clever sense of humor and quick wit and as such is that much more endearing. In fact the funny quiet person…
Judging Male Sexual Attractiveness Based On The Shoes They Wear
Men, the following is a guide for whether I would sleep with you, based on your shoes. Women, although I cannot presume you share my taste in men (and, apparently,…
An Open Letter To The Person Pooping Quietly In The Public Bathroom Stall Next To Me
But really, I just want to say, go for it. Poop your heart out. Poop like there’s no tomorrow. Poop like nobody’s watching. I mean that. I don’t care if…
The Immature Person's Guide To Sleep No More
Other than peeking at the website, I wanted to be completely in the dark when I got to the performance, and lo and behold, it was literally pitch black as…
Ten Reasons Why Masturbating Can Be Better Than Sex
Your hand doesn’t talk back. It doesn’t bitch and complain or ask to be on top. It doesn’t text you at three in the morning asking you to come over.…
The Joys Of Making Out
You should kiss someone if you like them. You’ll learn so much about them when you taste their spit. And it will also make you feel young again. No matter…
On Bad Boys And Nice Guys
See, I’ve got a theory, and it’s that we’re all possessed by this need to be special, to be different – to matter so much to the person we choose…
How I Feel About My Body
Not only were the external stimuli I was exposed to promoting an “ideal” body image, they were also promoting a sense that unless I fit that particular ideal, I should…
The Different Types Of Third Wheels There Are
While they have common characteristics—a lone, often single humanoid in the company of a couple (and sometimes a really super cute, tiny little puppy the couple just added to the…
The 5 Kinds Of People You Will Meet On Grindr
The Traveler just so happens to always be visiting that day and is in dire need of meeting up because he’s lonely or needs someone to show him the city,…
4 Drunk Conversations I Need To Stop Initiating
Apparently there’s this part of my brain, lodged uncomfortably somewhere between the temporal lobe and the cerebellum, that drives me against my will to start aimless conversations while drunk. No…
Huff Your Own Poop
Jenkem first came to public attention thanks to several news investigations into the living conditions of Zambian street children. They found that the children enjoyed in order from most popular…
Things I Will Do If I Have A Crush On You
If I have a crush on you, I will ignore you. This is stupid and I hate it but it’s what I do. I will look at you and be…
5 Telltale Signs That Your Relationship Sucks
So I know there’s a song called “Rollercoaster of Love” but to me, love is less of a Magic Mountain thrill ride and more of a sweet happy (and occasionally…
How To Have Great Sex (A Guide For Straight Girls)
I’m not convinced first time sex needs to be this bad for women, or bad at all for that matter. All it takes is a ‘can do’ attitude, a little…
To The One Who Broke Her Heart
Actually, forget that. Let’s not waste our time with meaningless pleasantries. Our acquaintanceship was as much out of necessity and courtesy as any could ever be. I loved her, and…
How To Tell If Somebody Loves You
Somebody loves you if they pick an eyelash off of your face or wet a napkin and apply it to your dirty skin. You didn’t ask for these things, but…
Top Five Things People Like To Write On Someone's Facebook Wall
Couples gushing about each other on their Facebook walls should be illegal. Like Time Warner Cable or Comcast needs to come to their door, find their router and smash it…
A Guide To Having A Drug Dealer?
Attempting to meet up with your drug dealer is sort of like going to the gym. You wait 45 minutes for a text and then when you get it, you…
5 Body Language Signs To Tell You He’s The One
Ladies, we all know men are hard to figure out. They are a constantly shifting puzzle, 10,000 pieces, all sky. Perpetually finding new ways to obfuscate their thoughts and subvert…
All The Times I Failed To Have A Threesome
In some ways, it’s more aggravating that I came so close to having a threesome. If it had never been a possibility, then I might never have cared. But to…
If I Were A Girl
If I were a girl I would cry a lot. I mean, I’m already emotional with a penis so I shudder to think what I would be like as a…
The Pros And Cons Of Being Introverted
Whatever the case, if you’re introverted, people just sort of grant you intelligence before you’ve hardly said a word. They’ll look you in the eye, raise an eyebrow and say…
The Secret Lives Of Girls (The Things I Do That You Don't Want To Know I Do)
I know you probably think I’m some kind of uniquely filthy, completely nasty woman, but I’m not. Just because I like picking the wax out of my ears and rolling…
5 Reasons I Hate Cell Phones (And You Should Too)
Sometimes it’s a “WhereeEeee areejeee youuyuuu?” text that I accidentally sent her because she appears as a contact right below my best friend. Other times, I hit her with a…
5 Hot Men Who Also Happen To Be Insane Murderers
I thought only ugly people were murderers. Why are all of these hot men getting into it now? It used to be that if you picked a good-looking husband, you…
A Welcome Letter To Interns
Congratulations on reaching this most exciting stage in your life! In the next several weeks/months you will be working on the most fascinating projects that we could not assign to…
Ten Reasons Why Being Gay Is Awesome
You can be close with women in an intense and amazing way. Half of the reason why women are so guarded with men is because they constantly feel like they’re…
The Fall Of The Cool Kids
Hearing snippets of anecdotes about beer-bonging jungle juice or sleeping with two girls in the same night, one unbeknown to the other, confirmed to me that the American Pie-style high…
10 Foods For Depressed People
Perhaps the seminal depression food, Letting Go and eating a Cinnabon is perhaps one of the most saturated-fat- and chemically-induced consolations you can achieve after your self-loathing has reached incalculable…
The 5 Different Types Of Pre-Meds You Will Meet
In today’s collegiate world, being “pre-med” can mean several things to the dazed and confused undergraduate. I might be 90% wrong because I like to make radical, offensive generalizations —…
Carrie Bradshaw’s Budget In Real Numbers
I did some light research to paint what I believe to be as accurate a picture as we’re going to get regarding Carrie’s unkempt, irresponsible financial situation. For accuracy’s sake,…
7 Things You Should Know About Boys
I really do love surrounding myself with boys, and I’ve always had a lot of close straight male friends. And my boys—the boys I’ve climbed trees with, played video games…
11 Things I’m Terrible At
I can hardly even go outside with a hangover anymore without feeling like if I don’t take off my clothes and get into sweats, lie down, cover myself with blankets…
Writing A “Save The Date” Email That Won’t Piss People Off
A proper save the date email should not require more than 5 seconds of the reader’s time to quickly scan, lock eyes with the date and enter it into her…
The Different Types of Drunk You Can Be
There are several gradients of drunk that are possible. Numerous individuals will enter and continue their adult lives acquainted with only one item on the following list, and will report…
A Love Letter To A Friend
I was sitting in a cafe today and was about to order a coffee, and I saw these two girls a few tables over, laughing and smiling and touching each…
5 Things People Like To Do When They’re Angry
A lot of anger is unexplainable, a lot of is irrational, and a lot of it feels just plain silly. So you cry when you have nowhere else to go…
Top 10 Bruce Willis Movie Quotes
Once I wrote this list I realized I’d missed a lot of amazing Bruce movies—Twelve Monkeys, Mercury Rising, The Jackal, Hudson Hawk, Blind Date, Striking Distance, The Whole Nine Yards—and…
A Guide to Dressing Like A (Southern) Liberal Arts Student
For men, the goal is to look like you’re a 45 year old corporate executive on the weekend. Wear collared shirts at all times, either polo or button up (sleeves…
5 Things You Can Do To Make A Quiet Person Feel Bad
By introducing a quiet person to a group as a “quiet person,” the quiet person is instantly a) categorized without having input, perhaps ruining any chance of making their own…
Notes On Living With My Ex-Boyfriend For Eight Months
This was not how it was supposed to work. I never set out to be half of that couple you hear about. The ones that because of high rents or…
The Human Papillomavirus
When I finally broke, it was very difficult to un-break. I cried a lot. I didn’t understand why this was happening to me. I’d only had a handful of sexual…
10 Books For Depressed People
And it’s not just that the characters find themselves in depressing situation after depressing situation (well, they kind of do), it’s the fact that the scope of the novel makes…
The Curious Case Of Amanda Bynes’ Twitter
If a celebrity’s Twitter is entertaining enough, it can make them relevant again. It’s possibly one of the most powerful tools in the industry today. If you’re not starring in…
That Awkward Moment When You Realize It’s Been 2 Years And You’re Still Not Completely Over Your Ex
When I got home I threw myself across my bed, pizza still in hand. I continued to cry, louder now, and reveled momentarily in my hideous self-indulgence. I fell asleep…
10 Terrible Songs That I Love
I have really good taste in book and movies, and then when it comes to music, I just sort of give up. When I start making a mix CD for…
An Open Letter To Pimples
So here I am, an almost-26-year-old-woman sitting alone in half darkness, writing this to you with Colgate Total all over my face. I’ve been Googling and self-diagnosing, and the internet…
10 Things You Should Never Do In Front Of Your Lover While Naked
There’s nothing worse than wearing pants—nudity is a wonderful thing. But you’re at your most vulnerable when you’re naked, at the mercy of emotions and the elements, which are both…