Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

In 2018, Learn How To Be Alone

Let 2018 be the year where you grow truly comfortable with yourself. Let 2018 be the year you can enter a room full of strangers and still feel whole. Let 2018 be the year where you no longer search for love, because you’ve grown to find it inside of yourself.

What Happens When The ‘Nice Guy’ Breaks Your Heart

And it’s worse because he was so nice. It’s worse because he still cared. It’s worse because he called me to break it off instead of texting me or ghosting me. It’s worse because he has a heart. It’s worse because he cried when he told me he was done.

The Type Of Love You Will Find In 2018, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Scorpio: The love of life itself. Forget relationships, you’re going to fall in love with life instead! The year of 2018 is the year you regain your confidence in yourself and with the world. You’re going to feel so happy and content, and honestly, you won’t want to be tied down. You are going to want to experience your adventures on your own.