Lauren Jarvis-Gibson
For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!
Here’s Why Career Driven Women Are Having Such A Hard Time Finding Love
You put your job over everything except your family and friends. You worked hard to get your career up and running. You worked really, really hard to get to where you are now. You aren’t going to let some man take that away from you.
This Is The Kind Of Love Strong Women Deserve To Wait For
Strong women need your support whether or not they show it. They need your listening ear, whether or not they ask for it. Strong women need to be cared for, no matter if they are sick or not. They need you. They need you to be there for them through all the good times and through all the hard times
11 Brutal Lies Your Anxiety Constantly Tells You About Yourself
Anxiety tells you that even your best friends hate you. It plagues your minds with paranoid thoughts that everyone is just pretending and they only hang out with you because they feel sorry for you.
The Painful Truth About Sabotaging My Own Love Life
I flee the moment before anything good can begin. I run the other direction when someone is interested me. I shut the door on any opportunity that I see. And I don’t know why.
The Heartbreaking Truth About Why You Can Never Be ‘Just Friends’ With Your Ex
Don’t fool your heart. Don’t give it anymore false hope or faith. It will only make the wounds grow bigger. It will only make the bruises go deeper. And it will only make the pain more powerful.
11 Reasons Why Introverts Have Such A Hard Time Finding Love
Your standards are sky high. You don’t date a lot of people, so when you do decide to date, it’s usually for a specific person. You don’t like to play the field, because you think it’s a waste of your time.
There Is More To Life Than Him
There’s more to life than just love, darling. And as long as you have yourself? You’ll have that happy ending. You’ll have that fairytale.
This Is Why Strong Women Always Fall For Horrible Men
We were taught to love hard. We were taught to feel hard and to believe in people, no matter their past mistakes. We grew up trusting and falling and loving, and we grew up to believe that love was real.
Don’t You Ever Dare Settle
When you settle for anything in your life, you might as well be dead. Because you aren’t living like you want to be here. And don’t you want to be here?
What Being A Highly Sensitive Person Is, Because It’s More Than ‘Just Overreacting’
It’s being strong enough to let your guards down when you need to. It’s being strong enough to show your every emotions when you are feeling hurt or sad, without being ashamed of it. It’s having the strength to speak your truth no matter what other people say.
This Is Why You Will Never Get Over Him, No Matter How Long It Has Been
There is nothing you can do to make it go away completely. Because when love comes your way once, it won’t completely leave the cells and bones on your body. You’ll always have a piece of that love, and you’ll always have a piece of him stenciled on your lips.
This Is The Kind Of Guy Who Deserves To Be Your ‘Forever Person’
The guy you is deserve is not glossed over and painted in gold. But my god will he shine when he is with you.
What Being An Introvert Actually Means, Because It’s More Than Just ‘Needing Alone Time’
Introverts absolutely need their ‘me’ time. Not only for the sake of themselves, but for the sake of others. If they don’t have their time to recharge they won’t have anything to contribute to their friendships and family members.
People Pleaser? 11 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re A People Pleaser
You hold onto friendships and past relationships even if they don’t fulfill you. You hold onto keeping in touch with all your exe’s and ex besties because you don’t want to disapoint them or cause them pain. In reality, you’re making yourself feel worse and are actually causing yourself more and more anguish.
You’re Not In Love With Her, You’re Only In Love With What You Had
If you were really in love with her? She’d be in your arms right now. You wouldn’t have to explain anything. You wouldn’t have to apologize or try to get her back. You wouldn’t have to have something to miss. You wouldn’t have to have someone to want.
She Gave You Everything And You Gave Her Nothing
She gave you everything. Her heart, her mind, and her body. And you? You didn’t even have the decency to give her even a tiny piece of yourself.
This Is How You Love Someone Who Constantly Overthinks
You need to be able to communicate. To not just reply with one word answers or one sentences text messages. You need to be able to always say how you feel when you feel it, instead of hiding it. Over thinkers will try to find meaning in everything that you say and do, so you might as well always tell the truth, even if it’s hard to do.
I’m A Strong Woman But Damn, You Make Me Weak
You make me want to be weak. You make me want to forget my self-worth. To throw away my ideas of what I deserve and to whole heartedly dive into your world. Your world that used to be mine too.