Brittany Cox
15 Post-Sex Snapchats People Took Of Their Bad Hookups That’ll Make You Laugh Your Ass Off
Do you take post-sex selfies?
28 Men Reveal The Superficial Traits They Consider Relationship Dealbreakers
“Must not watch porn and must not have patriotic tattoos.”
14 Men And Women Reveal The Downright Sexiest Thing EVER Said To Them
“You taste good this morning” as I wake up to her giving me head before work.
15 Men Reveal What Information They Really, *REALLY* Want To See On Your Dating App Profile
For the love of GOD stop putting in your profiles that you “like to go out but also like a night in.” I see it on so many fucking profiles it’s become a turn off.
14 Reasons The Girl Who Loves ‘Too Much’ Is Actually The Best One To Love
You go “all in” your relationships. You aren’t afraid to say “I love you.” You are more than willing to buy your partner nice gifts.
14 Men Reveal Their #1 Sex Tip For All Women Who Want To Be The BEST In Bed
“Guide us in. Our dicks feel sensations differently than our fingers do and we may not know we’re pushing against something that’s not an opening. We like being guided in.”
20 Women Explain The One Thing Men NEED To Know To Give A Girl Great Sex (Do You Agree?)
“80% of you being “the best she’s ever had” has nothing to do with penis size or technique, its all in her head and has to do with how amped she is to be having sex with you and how sexy she feels.”
16 People On The Biggest Mistake You Can Make When Choosing Your Forever Person
“Some people marry the “best” partner they can get — on paper, the best looking, smartest, most talented, etc — rather than the most compatible.”
This Creepy Man Just Won’t Stop Commenting On A Girl’s Facebook Posts And It Gets Kinda Weird
Have you ever had someone creep on you like this??
18 Men Talk About What It’s Like To Date A Girl Who Doesn’t Love Herself
“Just so frustrating and emotionally draining as everything you do for them gets thrown back at you.”
31 Real Guys Reveal The Excruciatingly Petty Reasons Why They’ve Ghosted A Girl
“She was gaining weight while I was losing it. I got more looks from other, more attractive women.”
22 Everyday Signs That Your ‘Forever Person’ Is A Fuckboy In Disguise
He goes “all out” on big romantic gestures, but isn’t there for the everyday things. It’s easy to get confused, because he is really good at the Valentine’s Day surprise or the birthday gift. But when you need him to go to the doctor with you, he’s a ghost.
16 People Reveal How They *Finally* Got Over The Hardest Breakup Of Their Life
Breakups can be so, so hard. Here are how 16 people got over their worst ones.
Sweet Girl, If He Even *Considers* Doing Any Of These 12 Things, Dump His Ass Immediately
Ladies: Micro-flirting is ALWAYS micro-cheating.
17 Real Guys On What They Would Like To Change About Women
“Maybe, bigger boobs or if they already have big boobs make it so their back doesn’t hurt as much.”
13 Real Men Reveal What They Think Makes Someone A Good Woman For Dating
“She’s a source of energy and strength, not something that depletes her man.”
16 Real Guys Explain Exactly Why They Consider Women To Be ‘Complicated’
“You’re complicated because you talk about your problems, avoid conflict, and refuse to have any explicit opinions, then when we suggest solutions, assertive actions, or offend your hidden opinions, you claim it’s our fault we’re not mind readers.”
19 Guys Reveal Exactly How They Feel When Their Girl Won’t Have Sex With Them
“If it becomes a pattern, I feel unwanted and insecure. It’s a really shitty feeling.”