20 Women Explain The One Thing Men NEED To Know To Give A Girl Great Sex (Do You Agree?)

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If you’re bad at dirty talk, there’s no shame in responding with an enthusiastic “uh-huh”.

— PegasusCoffee


Trim your damn fingernails. And file down the edge! No girl likes getting scraped up in there D:

— pandaSmore


It’s not porn. Don’t freak out if she doesn’t wail like a dying baboon the moment you even touch her. Unless she asks, don’t try to pound her into oblivion for 3 hours with a change in sex positions every 2 minutes, smack or spit on her vag, or get angry if/when she can’t orgasm.

— Kawaii_Fart_Tits


Rhythm beats speed, intensity defeats power.

— nicorivas


How about a nice kiss?

You don’t have to go stampeding towards the clitoris.

— dose_response


Do not treat her clit like a scratch and win card.

— joone_bug


If you’re a guy, prioritize foreplay. Makes her feel more comfortable and prolongs the experience

— necluse


She might have to guide you in. Sometimes for a new pilot it like you’re flying blind.

— RedEyedChile


Sometimes there’s funny noises. You don’t hear them in porn but they appear in real life.

Your first time is probably going to be quick. Don’t beat yourself up over it.

— savagepika


The average penis is 5.5 inches. You are big enough. She’s going to feel it, and it’s going to feel good.

— OneNineRed


80% of you being “the best she’s ever had” has nothing to do with penis size or technique, its all in her head and has to do with how amped she is to be having sex with you and how sexy she feels. so be sure to tell her how sexy she is, go down on her first, when you’re down there, offhandedly comment that she smells/tastes good. Make sure she knows how sexy you think she is.

— OneNineRed


When you are going down on her and during sex LISTEN TO HER. Do more of what makes her moan and makes her say shit like “Keep doing that”. When she says “Keep doing that,” keep doing EXACTLY THAT. Don’t “do it” harder or faster or anything different.

— OneNineRed


Harder doesn’t mean faster

— beautecream


Don’t try to imitate porn. That stuff is for show and uncomfortable as hell.

— preposte


If she says don’t stop then you’re doing something right. DO NOT SPEED UP OR CHANGE RHYTHM. Maintain the same speed and motion you were before

— XGingerMonsterX


A condom is much cheaper than 18 years of child support

— secret_ninja2


Express yourself, she wants you to. Guys who learn from porn tend to be really quiet and unresponsive, while expecting wails of bliss from the woman.

My gf tells me that she’s been turned off by guys in the past who would have sex and reach orgasm without making hardly any noise or saying anything. Apparently it’s creepy. Let your partner know how you feel and how much you’re enjoying this.

— EarthExile


If she is enjoying what you are doing….keep doing it. If you don’t know if she is enjoying it….ask.

Keep that in mind the rest of your life.

— timzila


There will be awkward moments, don’t overthink things, have fun, communicate. Your body was designed to do this, let nature take over.

— Stermworm


You don’t always have to fuck her hard

In fact sometimes that’s not right to do

Sometimes you got to make some love

And fuckin’ give her some smooches too

— CptNasty Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Brittany Cox

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