Sometimes You Just Have To Ignore What You Want And Go After What You Deserve

You deserve better than a person who treats you like a doormat – even if a huge parts of you loves and wants to be with that person. You deserve better than a job that doesn’t compensate you fairly – even if you enjoy and feel personally fulfilled by the work you’re doing.
Gaze Into The Deadlights Of Our First Official Look At The New Pennywise
This Girl Didn’t Like Other Women Texting ‘Her Man’, But Then She TOTALLY Got Owned
15 Reasons To Date The Girl Who Thinks Too Much

If we say something, we mean it, because we’ve had the argument with you twenty times in our head before it became a reality.
44 Hilarious E-Cards That Explain Exactly How You Feel About All Of Life’s Frustrations
8 Undeniable Feelings Every Horror Movie Fan Has Experienced At Least Once

I’m most impressed by films that can make me feel uneasy. Not necessarily scared, not necessarily upset, but just… off. What’s coming? Something must be coming.
I Hope Karma Is Not Too Hard On You

I hope karma visits you as a ghost of everyone you’ve ever hurt and everyone you didn’t confront. I hope karma doesn’t destroy all of you, I hope it destroys you piece by piece so you can feel the excruciating pain of each piece and remember who this piece belongs to.
25 Firsts You’ll Experience Once You Find Your ‘Forever Person’
The Inspirational Story Of Pokémon Go’s Creation Will Inspire You To Never Give Up On Your Dreams
There’s More To Love Than Fun

I want a love with a purpose—a love that matters, a love that means something, a love that’s moving in a direction—not just a love that’s enjoyable but temporary.
I Am So Excited For Love, But I Am In No Rush

I’ll always pull for happy couples in love, always, always, always because I don’t see any other way to live.
The Single Life Didn’t Choose Me; I Chose The Single Life

I’m not ready to get into a commitment with another person simply because of boredom or a fear of being alone or to say, “Yes, I am dating someone.”
11 Guys On Whether Or Not Long-Distance Relationships Actually Work

“The physical presence is a necessary part of a relationship. As a guy, I think I can say the majority of guys know it doesn’t work.”
Finding Your Soulmate Has Nothing To Do With Fate

People don’t like difficult. They like easy and convenient. When things get complicated those soul mates that cannot go the distance peace out.
This Is Why You Need To Leave Your Hometown

I need more for myself. I know that if I’m going to grow into the person I want to be, then I have to leave. There’s no way around it.
The ‘Selfie Generation’: Seeing Beyond The Narcissism

“There is a very thin line between self-centered and self-empowered, and our generation that is right in the middle of this technological revolution shouldn’t be so quickly dismissed as the former.”
The Truth Is, If You Asked For Me Back I Would Say ‘Yes’

I wish I could pretend it’s not true and make the choice to not even write about it. But, I need to get this off my chest. Deep down in my gut, I know for sure that if you asked for me back, I would say yes. And the sad part is that, this will never happen.