Maya Kachroo-Levine
Articles by
Maya Kachroo-Levine
14 Things You Only Miss About College After You Graduate
Sweatpants serving as acceptable attire for any occasion. As opposed to after college, when donning sweatpants for seven days straight is about as far from acceptable as you can get. Passing stretchy jeans off at work might be the closest you can get to those glory days, but it does make you appreciate weekends that much more.
What Your Go-To Favorite Candy Says About Your Personality
Gummy Bears: You’re ridiculously fun, and people just love to have you around. You’re positive, bright, and optimistic. You’re attracted to other people with the same enthusiasm, but also spread yours, and love to share your good energy with everyone else.
24 Maya Angelou Quotes That Will Both Inspire And Comfort You
“My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.”
19 Productive Things To Remember When Things Aren’t Going Your Way
And you can’t feel selfish putting your own happiness first. Especially when there are various factors moving all around you that you can’t control, you need to remember that you can be in control of your own life, and that means putting your well-being first.
16 Important Lessons You Can Only Learn From Your First Love
How to leave. Unless you stay with your first love – which you absolutely might – you ultimately have to learn to leave. Which means you also have to learn to accept when things aren’t working.
13 Ways To Show Your Long-Distance Best Friends How Much You Care
Make Face Time dates! You have the technology to see each other’s faces in the literal palm of your hand. Use it.
Grandparents Describe What Love Means To Them (And It Will Melt Your Heart)
“When my granddaughter looks into my eyes, and asks me a question. There’s no feeling like it. She feels like I am this endless source of wisdom, which is both flattering and untrue. That is what love is for me.”
50 People Of All Ages Write & Share 4-Word Stories That Make Them Really Happy
“Sunshine at the beach.”