Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

This Is What Love Feels Like When It’s With The Right Person

When you’re finally with the right person, no battle will ever be too much. No fight will ever too hard. Because when you’re finally falling in love with the right person, you two will do whatever it takes to fall in love over and over again with one another.

I Hope You Find Someone Who Is Better At Loving You Than I Was

I hope the next person who you fall for falls back too. And I hope you catch each other like we never did. I hope you look into each other’s eyes and see magic, like we never could do. And I hope you find someone who gets you, like I never could understand.

Wait For The Guy Who Makes You Realize Why It Didn’t Work Out With Anyone Else

You’ll finally understand that everything that you went through, ultimately led you to this person. And you’ll be grateful for all of the pitfalls and losses. You’ll be grateful for all the times you felt unsure or lost. You’ll be so grateful for the times when you didn’t settle. For the times when you said no. For the times you waited.

As Much As I Want To, I Will Never Be A Casual Kind Of Girl

I tried. I really did. I tried to play it cool. I didn’t double text. I told my friends I was ‘chill’ as they rolled their eyes at me. I told myself that I was totally fine with the situation, with this ‘casual’ relationship that was going on. Truth be told, I have no idea what I was thinking.

He’s Not Busy, He Just Doesn’t Give A Damn About You

So here you are now wondering what you did. Here you are now wondering what you said that made him stop showing interest in you. Here you are now asking yourself so many questions. Here you are now crying about this guy. Here you are now crying about yet another guy.