This Is Why She Is Going To Stop Loving You

Pablo Heimplatz

She’s going to stop loving you. It won’t happen in a day or in a couple of weeks. It will happen slowly, as if her heart has a stopwatch attached to it. She’s going to stop loving you, and there’s nothing you can do to make her stay.

There’s nothing you can do now.

She’s going to stop loving you because of all the times she talked and you didn’t listen.

She’s going to stop loving you because of all the days she needed you and you weren’t there.

She’s going to stop loving you because whenever she calls out your name, you pretend not to hear her.

She’s going to stop loving you because a few weeks ago when she surprised you with a nice dinner, you told her you wanted takeout.

She’s going to stop loving you because when she’s stressed out about work, you never offer her a comforting hug.

She’s going to stop loving you because she doesn’t believe you when you tell her you love her now.

She’s going to stop loving you because you have become a different person. A shell of your former self. A ghost of the old you.

She’s going to stop loving you because you take out all your stress and anger and put it on her shoulders.

She’s going to stop loving you because she used to look at you and see a future, but now all she sees is her past.

She’s going to stop loving you because you stopped noticing when she couldn’t sleep at night and had to take a midnight walk to clear her head.

She’s going to stop loving you because your kisses have turned sour instead of sweet.

She’s going to stop loving you because you used to promise her forever, and now you promise her an hour of your time.

She’s going to stop loving you because she has come to the realization that you don’t love her anymore, and she deserves so much more than that.

She’s going to stop loving you because she has dignity and self love, that you clearly don’t have for yourself.

She’s going to stop loving you because you call her dreams dumb and too ‘big’.

She’s going to stop loving you because while you’re out with your friends getting drunk on a Thursday night, she’s crying herself to sleep.

She’s going to stop loving you because you never ask her how she is.

She’s going to stop loving you because even when you see her tears fall, you never ask her why.

She’s going to stop loving you because she doesn’t see the man that she used to know when she looks at you now.

She’s going to stop loving you because she deserves deeper and bigger love that you will never be able give her.

She’s going to stop loving you because you will only want her when she’s gone.

You will only love her, once she has left. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

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